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  1. Outrun 'Passing Breeze (Lounge Suite)' This ReMix is great. It's so relaxing. If you've never been into jazzy genres, this will pull you in It's beautifully put together, and just overall really well done. I can't think of anything else to say I just really like this entire mix. Thumbs up to Remorse giving us our (Believe or not) 4th OutRun ReMix. There was another one back when djp was accepting Impulse Tracker (.IT) files, but that's beside the point. Download this mix now
  2. Chrono Cross 'Just Chill' This, to me, is musical excellence. The Pancake Chef has everything so well balanced in this piece it’s like a taste of perfection. Having the drums panned to the left, and the bass balancing to the right creates a very interesting environment for this mix. Excellent work Mr. Pancake Chef.
  3. Wild Arms 'Adlehyde Castle Flow' Smooth and blissful. A nice mix. A great game. Very enjoyable.
  4. Chrono Trigger 'Ruined World (Eternal Derelict)' This is, in my opinion. one of CotMM's best tracks. Definitely sounds like it's from the soundtrack of a CT movie. Sets up some GREAT ambiance, then builds a slow-moving (in a good way) melody on top of it. Then just as it starts to get boring, CotMM changes it up, first shifting out the melody and adding in some de-tuned bells, then bringing in a new melody (this one from The Day the World Revived). I would LOVE to know what CotMM had in mind with this, as it sounds like there was definitely a concept behind it that goes beyond the music. Highly recommended.
  5. Super Mario Bros. 2 'The DarK Underground' This really ain't my cup of tea. The background chord is really annoying, and it takes far too long to develop (almost three minutes!) And I'm sorry, you can't make a repetitive theme stretch 6 minutes just by adding and subtracting elements! So unfortunately, this mix really doesn't do it for me, and I can't recommend it.
  6. Command & Conquer 'On the Prowl Redux' YES! I love Command & Conquer (the Red Alert series may have been better, but still) and I love Scott Peeples. Why don’t we mash the two together and see what happens. Massive action flick style cool song madness! My only suggestion would be to give this one a tad more power, because it sounds a tad soft for Command & Conquer. Besides that, I can only say that this is one that you shouldn't miss. Peeples always sets us up with awesome tunes, never fails.
  7. EarthBound 'Sound Stone (C Major)' Spekkosaurus with a piano exclusive rendition of EarthBound. Quite realistic sounding, but the bad thing about this is the nasty high-end crackle which appears after the choir sound enters. It sort of ruins it in some way. Still, I really like the effort and bravery that went into this, but it's just a little long and some parts didn't keep my interest for long enough (especially when the bass plays on it's own).
  8. Paperboy 'Peaperboayh' Ah, Paperboy. I liked this game for about 20 minutes. This is a cool mix, but of course I don't recognize it from the game. Sounds kind of "house" at times, if that is a legitimate description. Not a whole lot of variety here, but worth a download if you like "Beastie Boys" style percussion.
  9. Golden Axe 'Death Adder Trance' djp treats Golden Axe's first stage with his trademark sound. Kind of sounds like those things where you pull the slider in and out and it changes pitch as the air volume increases/decreases. djp loves that kind of sound, and he applies it to most of the instruments in this mix. Not quite as energetic as I would have liked to have heard, but it gets the job done.
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