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  1. Hey, so I finished this the yesterday. Just a piano cover for the special stage music from Sonic the Hedgehog. It's really a cool track, and I thought I'd record my own interpretation, and share it. Source Tune:
  2. LINK (updated) Phonetic Hero came up to Indy from Kansas for the weekend, and we remixed some LTTP. Herein, one may find such fine sources as the ocarina/bird flute theme (cannot find link, but surely you know it; it kicks off the remix), , , and the ubiquitous . The work was pretty evenly split, and I think our styles meshed together quite well to produce a nice cohesive remix.wat u think? edit: Added more beef to the low and low-mid end. Added some percussion. Added some filtering automation to the repetitive arpeggio. Added a choir in the latter part of the track. Adjusted drum EQ and balancing. Added in some quirky chippy tom part.
  3. Edit: Okay, changing this to Mod Review. I think I've got the timing right, right? Just want to hear some feedback, even though Dj Mokram already said my piece is a little too conservative for OC (which might be true). What I really want to know is if I'm on the right track here. I'm pretty satisfied by the result, but I really want to get some professional opinions. That's it. Thank you very much! "Hello there, guys! I'm new around here and was wondering if I could get some comments on an orchestration I made with some Metal Gear tunes! I used mostly orchestral sample libraries within kontakt on Cubase. It's a medley tying up together 'Operation N313', 'Theme of Tara' and 'Red Alert' from Metal Gear on MSX2. Always wanted to hear those chiptunes orchestrated, so I did it myself Almost a month work, so I would appreciate some serious thoughts by Metal Gear fans like me or anyone who can contribute with a nice critique. So here's the link: I want to submit this piece to OC, you think it would be accepted? Or do I need to change anything?"
  4. UPDATE 2/1/12: New version! Quad tracked rhythm guitars and a bunch of minor changes. Marked for mod review. 1/18/12: Version 4 Exciting news: ALL electric guitar and sax parts are now live recordings! That's courtesy of Aster and Xenon Odyssey, respectively. This song's come a long way from when it was just MIDI. Other changes: -lots of level adjustments (mostly to mix the guitar/sax recordings) -put a high-pass filter on a bunch of instruments to get rid of unnecessary lows -toned down the lows on the kick in the first half -added a lo-fi/distortion effect to the strings transition -added some movement to the choir in the 2nd half of the rock section -now using EZ Drummer for cymbals and hi-hat; minor drum part changes -now using T-Racks limiter & soft clipper on master track to increase volume (not using Mastering preset like last time) Potential areas for improvement: -Sax needs to blended into the mix. I've messed around with adding reverb but haven't been able to get it to sit naturally with everything else. Could use tips on how to do this. -Spanish-sounding guitar in beginning should be replaced with real guitar. -More movement, particularly in first half, per Monobrow's suggestion. -Overall sound could be better. Still doesn't sound great compared to other songs. Don't know why. :-/ 12/9/11: Version 3 9/7/11: Version 2 Original post 8/4/10: I know, I know, yet another Gerudo WIP (3 on the first page right now)... what can I say, just funny timing. This is my 2nd remix attempt (the 1st being a WIP Hebereke piano mix). It's still very much a work in progress (as you'll no doubt be able to tell), but I'd like some feedback. Whether comments on the arrangement in general, production suggestions (I'm a total newb in that department), telling me how much it sucks, etc. Notes! -I purposely avoided listening to the other Gerudo mixes on the site (was kind of bummed to see there are already 9). Hopefully this isn't similar to any of them. -Everything is fake. I'm hoping to have my brother record the rhythm guitar part. Ideally I'd find someone to record the lead guitar parts, as they obviously don't sound too great right now. They're probably also too loud/messy. -Could probably use more variety in the drum track. Sax could sound better (?). Could just start the song with the normal-sounding guitar/harp-ish instrument rather than messing with the sound in the beginning like I did. -I can't pan at all on my computer right now 'cause my speakers don't fully work with the Audiophile 2496 sound card I just got (I think I need multiple cable adapters), so there will definitely be panning improvements to be made. Enough talk, here's the song: Original version
  5. Don't know how many of you are familiar with this game and ost, but I find it amazing, so I decided to remix it. I almost finished the 1st half of the song, planning to make this around 3 minutes long so I need to arrange the other half and record some more guitar parts. I'll also redo the drum sequencing as I'm not quite happy with the current one. If you wanna check the source, it's here: Feedback is welcome!
  6. All right. I decided to post another remix. This time I spent hours leveling, EQ'ing, managing effects, etc., trying to make the mix sound cleaner and better. I'm not sure if I did a good job, but I'm quite pleased with how the mix sounds right now. In any case, I have the project with all the original audio files, so I can re-tweak it anytime. There was virtually no mastering after the mixing process, since I don't have any knowledge on how to use a multiband compressor or any other plugin related to mastering. All I did after the mixdown, was to use a Stereo Expander, a Loudness Maximizer and a Limiter. I'd like to receive feedback and if there's any correction to be made, please let me know. NOTE: I don't like how the song sounds on SoundCloud (don't know why), so I added a link to download the original file. Original song: Remix: http://soundcloud.com/diego-vizia/the-tiger-n-the-swing Downloadable File: https://rapidshare.com/files/211034120/The_Tiger_n__the_Swing.mp3
  7. I planned this as a contest entry for DoD last month, since the theme was "Jingle Month", but I got caught up with other stuff and didn't manage to finish it on time. The source is right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4a6DU8tTqs I'll try to break down source usage if for some reason you don't hear it 0:00 Original intro 0:18 Clean guitar solo plays the source (with minor variations) 0:36 Original stuff 0:54 Lead guitar plays the source (again, with minor variations) 1:11 During the electric guitar solo, clean guitar plays the source in the background 1:29 Lead guitar plays the source again 1:48 4 bars of the source interchange two times with 4 original bars 2:05 Rhythm guitar and piano play figures based on the source Feedback is appreciated, especially concerning production since this is one of my rare rock remixes. I plan to re-record the guitars so sorry for sloppy playing xD
  8. I'm polishing up one of my Wily Remix Compo entries and I figured I'd make a thread for it here. It's a vocal remix of Megaman 7's Wily Stage 4, with some Pirate Man mixed in too. EDIT: Just did a ton of updates- new harmonies, better drums, new vocal track. Check it out! EDIT: Switched to Mod Review. CURRENT (4-23-12): OLD (Compo Entry): http://tindeck.com/listen/wcvw Here are the lyrics: I plan on re-recording most of the vocals to get a cleaner take. Thoughts?
  9. I don't really think this is a "remix" exactly, but more just an orchestral version of the tune (sorta the same with my version of Aquatic Ambience on my youtube channel). However, I'd still like to share it to see what people think. Source tune: My arrangement:
  10. Good evening. I am new in this forum, as thus also I am new in the composition and remezcla (remixing) of music. I am learning piano and I have descended a software to arrange music with a controller MIDI that I bought me. This it is a remix of a great mentions of the MegaMan 2 of the Family. It is the song of the forest, of Wood Man, or as we would say in Mexico, "El Hombre de Madera". He has not turned out well, but is the best than I have been able to do with my little knowledge of Cubase. I expect in a nearby future to be able to produce better things. I would like to receive opinions on behalf of people qualified, that is why I will put him in Mod Review. Many thanks friends since already. Greetings and hugs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link: http://soundcloud.com/josecito-guadalajara/madera Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1nhkCByv-E
  11. This is a remix I made some months ago of the 1st level music from the Arcade game Captain Silver, by Data East. The game is rather obscure, so you probably don't know the original track. I couldn't find it anywhere, so I decided to include it in the beginning of the video. Here's the link --> Hope you like it!
  12. Updated 24.02.2012: EDIT - Source tunes: Voyage: Home World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZuBYlCV2j0 Le Tresor Interdit:
  13. Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rh4iOJ6Kzs (the version from DKCR has a melody that's not in the original) Remix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37768120/aquatic%20ambiance.mp3 So yeah, this isn't exactly the most original source tune to remix, but hopefully my version is unusual enough to be interesting. Feel free to heap criticism on me! Updates (newest to oldest) -minor update. see if you can spot the difference! -more drum variance, softer hi-hats, minor changes -redid drums, are they better yet? -varied up drum loops, transitioned some things better
  14. Any input would be nice. This is not Mastered, nor mixed well. Just having fun with some ideas and I'd like to make this something really cool. So please leave some ideas. [= This is a mere 1 hour of work. Thanks, -JT Soundcloud Preview http://soundcloud.com/user4393066/lost-woods-wip-test
  15. LAST EDIT(3/19/2012) CLICK HERE FOR LAST WIP edit: Old as hell wip Remember this awesome remix by Rayza? Well that was once part of a project I was trying to build up with a few other remixers. Sadly that never come to fruition because of several reasons I already forgot about, but some awesome WIPs were made, and well, I was working on my own mix as well. Also I was very glad that Rayza's mix got on the site as well, because it's really great. Anyhoo, This is a psytrance take on the Ayers Rock theme from Top Gear 2. For those unfamiliar with the genre, you might find this song a little "out there". I recommend you to go grab some early Infected Mushrooms songs and you'll know where I'm getting at with this. Here's the link to my remix About the song, I might extend it some, or maybe not. I do need to fix some stuff, and also change the voice sample effect that I accidentally made it sound almost exactly as it is on Rayza's mix (which is funny because he gave me the original .wav sample). Here's a link to the original OST: http://snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php?profile=set&selected=3062 Enjoy, comments are welcome. (new version cooming soonish)
  16. JourneyJay Presents: "Super Zelda Kong 8" ----WORK IN PROGRESS---- Comprising Portions of: 1. Final Fantasy 8- "The Man With The Machine Gun" 2. Super Mario Brothers(Bros.)- "Overworld" 3. Donkey Kong Country- "Theme" 4. The Legend of Zelda: "Song of Storms" http://tindeck.com/listen/bhqo Critical Judgment Requested...I'm in the learning process. NEW VERSION: http://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/super-zelda-kong-8 (March 21st, 2012) FINAL: http://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/super-zelda-kong-8-special (3/27/2012)
  17. here's my cover newest version ... : http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/foregone-destruction-facing-1 original : what u think? all suggestions for making this track better are welcomed, be it nega- or positive feedback, thanks in advance
  18. RESUBMIT RENAME ** Unagi's Underwater Cave ** http://soundcloud.com/chiwalker-1/uuc-iteration-3-27 O boy. I wanted to do a hard trance - ish remix of this song. Please let me know if you think there is a good balance of original:remix and levels in the mix etc. As it says, this is a WIP and I would love any suggestions and am happy to share the .flp file with someone if I think they could help. Thanks, Luke
  19. Well, yes that's true, but somehow this mix had a mind of its own. Why? Because I didn't intend to do a remix of this piece, at least not this way, it was planned to be a dubstep experiment. When I listened to A.COE's 'Quicksander', my brain had this line of thought: Sonic -> Genesis -> PSG \ PSG Wobble Bass Dubstep -> Wobble / Even if I don't really like dubstep that much, I wanted to try it out. But this didn't work as planned, I can't seem to get a nice irregular wobble. Anyways, I changed the octaves and some other things of one ProtoPSG preset and suddenly I had a wonderful pad sound, and suddenly I had a trance mix on my hands... Personally I like this one best of everything I have done until now. tl;dr Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU92aql5mD8 My (finished) try: http://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/my-hometown-on-algol-ii-v9 Feedback always appreciated
  20. Hello everyone, this is my first remix! I've composed a bunch of songs with FL Studio some time ago, but now I decided to give it a try remixing one of my favorites songs ever, the damn fine Streets Of Rage Intro Theme by master Yuzo Koshiro. What I've done here is kinda a double version of the SoRI and SoRII Intros, with some little additions, and of course with 100% new instruments. Anyways.. overall I tried not to change the structure of the original tracks that much, but still I think this remix has its own flavour. I worked a lot on the drums, snares, drumrolls, hats and everything related to percussion, beath and rhythm, which I think are the most notable aspects of the original songs (even though they are pretty simple 16-bits drumbeats) You can hear the final version of the remix here: - Sources: SoR I Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hikFCwduCIQ SoR II Intro: Old demo I made some months ago: Thanks in advance, any type of comment will be incredibly helpful!
  21. Hello, I'm working on a Aeris theme remix. You can listen to it following this link : EDIT : this is the last version : http://soundcloud.com/pablocoma/the-rocking-cetra EDIT : this is the older file : The original source : The arrangement is nearly finalized as it is, but I need more realistic sounds on electric guitars, and probably on other instruments as well (piano, oboe). Is this the good place to ask for instrumentist's help? (sorry, I'm new) Of course, any feedback will be greatly appreciated ! Thanks !
  22. http://soundcloud.com/synthony/pokmon-of-men-and-monsters I sent this in to the judges a while back and it was rejected on the grounds of poor mixing quality, drum sample selection, etc. though they encouraged me to resubmit, as it's a well-arranged medley ^^; So here it is, with better drums, bass, and mastering. I'd like to get some feedback before I resubmit, however, both from Pokémon music fans and dubstep enthusiasts. Source tracks are: Pokémon R/G/B/Y/FR/LG -- Team Rocket's hidout; Pokémon G/S/C/HG/SS -- Team Rocket's hideout; Unown radio interference Pokémon R/S/E --
  23. ENJOY THE REMIX (updated 2/16/12) elec man source (I've been told this source is a bit hard to identify -- IT ISN'T! 1:50-3:00 is overt albeit slow Elec Man, as is the piano outro; there are elements of Elec Man in the solo near the end as well) mega man 5, wily stage 1 source YO. This was my entry for the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet last week. I've had a few issues with it, namely that the final couple versions of the project file mysteriously vanished into the 12th dimension, so I just now attempted to recreate what was lost in terms of production value. I think it's about back to where it was. Let me know if the highs seem a little too bright to you. NEWAYZ, this mix is supposed to convey an electric sleep, hence the name -- synthy dreams and mystical soundscapes and all that. I would like to make this my first sub if and only if you think this would be passed. I'm kinda on a mission to have my first sub be unanimously YES'd. I want to feel like I've earned it. Also, does anyone know of any good, timestamped audio hosts besides soundcloud? I miss Fireslash's wip host :[
  24. Mod Review Version : http://www.darangen.com/music/39%20ReFinding%20Who%20We%20Are.mp3 ---------------------------------------------- Killer Instinct - Finding Who We Are Killer Instinct - Finding Who We Are (Instrumental)(since I know some people aren't going to want vocals) Original Source: Recently submitted this to OCR, but it was declined by the judges. Judges Decision I'm currently working on a few other things, but plan on tweaking a few things for resubmission in the near future.
  25. This is mostly complete. I'm quite happy with everything so far and all that's really left (I think) is adding a few layers of sound here and there, but I'd like some feedback. first posted version, for comparison: tindeck http://tindeck.com/listen/nupc direct link http://sci.bronyradio.com/stuff/home%20board%20remix%20v4.wav.mp3 about the song / what I was trying to do: I've been inspired by Boards of Canada as of recent. for this remix, I wanted to invoke a familiar feeling within anyone who listened. My plan to get this feeling was to sample various old cartoons/shows/movies. Hopefully they don't stick out when you listen. (if you can think of a few lines about family/home from some show/movie that would work better for the ending, that'd be cool too) ---- songs used: Coffee Break 0:26 to 1:16 coffee melody Ness's House divided into three sections: 0:00 to 0:11 main reason I remixed this song 0:11 to 0:43 pollyana cover 0:43 to 0:58 close chords breakdown of my own song: 0:00 to 0:48 main 0:48 to 1:36 coffee melody 1:36 to 1:47 ... 1:47 to 2:10 close chords 2:10 to 2:37 main 2:37 to 3:00 pollyana cover
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