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  1. https://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/ripple-field I really really want to add a trumpet section, but it always sounds awkward. Any general tips for me about anything in this piece? I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of potential. New Version:
  2. Gamer Shredding is a group made up of gamers dedicated in making covers for video games. just now we have 6 covers varied. Mega man 3, Mega man 9, Mega man x, final fantasy and more !! http://www.youtube.com/gamershredding enjoy and regards.
  3. Hey all, I've finally gotten around to getting a mix started again. I've done one WIP already and got some feedback on it from a few friends and now I'm ready to get things out there to the community and see what comes of it. Specifically, I'm really new to working with EQ. I've done some research online and read some threads about EQ over on reddit.com/r/wearethemusicmakers and I've got this track to show for it. I'm not sure how it sounds to others though. I'm working on a cheap audio interface with Skullcandy headphones and I'm not sure how the sound is being colored by those things. I'm also really unsure what to do with other effects though (reverb/compression) so, I've left those things out to not mess up what I've done so far. To my amateur ears, it sounds fantastic (especially when compared to WIP.1) but, my ears don't really know what to listen for that reverb/compression could make even better. Anyway, if you feel like you can help me out with some feedback, please do. I would be really grateful if you did Thanks for reading and listening Bramble's Chillout Room (working title)
  4. This is something I've had in my head for a while, and Just finally managed to get down. This piano mix (With Bass) is just meant to give a clear representation of the notes and arrangement, with the intention of this being a band recording (with saxophones and stuff like that). https://soundcloud.com/daniel-joseph-buck/mindscraper-piano-edit-1 The Original themes are Lunatic Princess Cosmic Mind Any input is appreciated. Specifically, I have some issues with the very last section where the two lead themes come together, but I'm taking a short break from the project while I sort out other work, so I'll take things on board and get back to it later. For final context. This is the band this is being written for. -Nearly
  5. First game arrangement/remix stuff I've done in a long time. Strings only for now. Fun stuff. https://soundcloud.com/jared-hudson/zanarkand-orchestra-wip
  6. hi, This is my remix of Space Harrier 2 which I call "Start Running". It still needs some work but I decided to put it up on youtube untill I get around to put some more work into it. Hope you like!
  7. Hi, something I worked on for a few days here. I hope to work on it further, rerecord everything, elongate it, throw in some more stuff. http://youtu.be/mOTNZQQu5mI
  8. Hi everybody! I'm working on a Jazz remix of Aqua Illusion from Gradius III. Source: http://youtu.be/M5VwW9bHBX4 Here's what i've got so far: http://tindeck.com/listen/vcgp The part towards the end is a bit empty. I think this would be a good spot for an instrumental solo, maybe guitar. Feedback Welcome.
  9. And so with my next remix I'm moving out of my comfort zone and taking a shot at putting up something that doesn't involve heavy dist guitars. I still feel really green in the techno area mainly because I don't listen much to it and thus have little experience. So any kind of comments are welcome! Remix
  10. Wrote this baby with old fruity loops over three years ago. Thinking about bringing it back and changing it up...(new drums needed, obviously). What do you guys think / suggestions? Thanks! http://soundcloud.com/brett-lewis/star-fox
  11. After a long hiatus, I decided to take another crank at one of the first arrangements I ever did, the Brinstar theme from the original Metroid. Definitely a lot more sonorous than the last time around, and I was even able to sneak in places for the trumpets to rest. Improvement! The ostinato in the tuba is going to be a pain to play, but I don't think it's going to be too rough. Anyway, this'll go in front of the group the next time we rehearse. See how it goes then. If it translates as well as I hope it does, it might even make it onto the program that we're developing as part of a kiddie show for a non-profit outreach project (school performances where we play music from video games to get kids interested in music). Fingers crossed.
  12. So I've been fiddling around with this concept for a few weeks, making slow and deliberate progress on a track that may have a spot in a DK64 OCRemix album sometime in the distant future. Nearing the end of this, I've worked a lot and for possibly too long on this one track. I feel like the only way to progress is to do what you can and move on to learn more things, so I won't be spending my life tweaking this to perfection. HERE is the current version: Sandstone Thanks in advance fellow Remixers
  13. Hello theeere. I've done some composing for a little more than a year now, and about two months ago I was asked to make the music for a 2D RPG game in progress by a guy in college having it as a side project. It's kind of old-school so I figured I'd want it to have that feel while being at least a little original, I guess. So I thought I'd show the community here what I've done so far, and I really want to make a good job with this being the first time my music will be used for something , even though I'm doing this as a volunteer. All songs are Work In Progress of course since I have quite a lot of time before it's supposed to be finished, and I might also remove songs along the way and what not. OH WELL, Feedback is very much appreciated https://soundcloud.com/mawnzwip/sets/the-wayward-crown-wip Cheers!!!! (Maybe a little overkill with the amount of text) Oh, and I'm self taught.
  14. I've still got much to learn about articulations, but bear with me! The original: My version:
  15. Heyo, So this be a mix I'm working on for Forest Interlude(betcha can't guess the game it's from) and for this mix I tried some Ambient Trance like thing that would shift into a full on party mix, the party part is still in production but the ambiance is there for review. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Mp8uMammw remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/lmvt
  16. Link to remix:Hyrulian Winds (Current version) Source: This is my remix of "Windmill Hut" aka "Song of Storms". It's my first remix so I'd be thankful for any comments/feedback.
  17. Ok, so I'm trying to get back to try some orchestral soundtrack music. My question is... is this the right direction or am I'm missing something? https://soundcloud.com/colth/strings4b https://soundcloud.com/colth/strings-test (the drums sound a little Amok, i know ^^)
  18. Moar PsyNES Here is my try for a Quick Man ReMix, its a little bit short atm, I think. I dont know how to continue it or should I just leave it like this, maybe some feedback will help me with this problem. I personally would like to make it atleast 4mins. Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/wip/PsyNES_-_Quick_Man_ReMix_v0.65.mp3
  19. Yea, Cause she doesn't do jack. Source: Remix: Still very rough, but that's the basic idea. Just about written my way to the end, so it should be done soon. Hopefully be the end of the week.
  20. Remix on SoundCloud I couldn't help taking a crack at this song after being reminded of it by killingpepsi's remix a few days ago.
  21. Some new stuff from us, kinda stuck with this one. Needing some feedback and maybe some ideas. There is no ending yet. Mp3 link here: NEWEST VERSION https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/wip/Elrinth_%26_PsyNES_-_Metal_Man_ReMix_v0.7.mp3 NEWEST VERSION https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/wip/Elrinth_%26_PsyNES_-_Metal_Man_ReMix_v0.65.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/wip/Elrinth_%26_PsyNES_-_Metal_Man_ReMix_v0.6.mp3 All kind of feedback is very welcome. Thx!
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUla17c8UDo Guess im slipping in the whole remix thing hehe, maybe I dont know yah, ehhheem, I dont know my self.
  23. My first take on a psytrance remix. The original is made by the legendary Jeroen Tel and is a kick-ass tune which definitely should have remixes here. Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/myste/oneup-psypremacy-supremacy I'm a bit concerned about the bass. In my headphones it sounds well but on my speaker system the higher and lower notes sounds bad.
  24. Listen to this song i made, its pretty good. https://soundcloud.com/flakmaster/funky-thunk The name is random.
  25. Today I created my first Video Game theme. I'm a programmer and I love VG music so I thought i'd try making music for my own game. I'd Love to get any feed back from you guys it would mean a lot. Thanks in advance
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