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  1. It seems there's another game that we don't have any remixes for here. Age of Mythology! I remember playing this game years ago, and it as well as its soundtrack still hold up pretty well to this day. I don't know if anyone here has noticed, but I don't always post new version after critiques. I probably should more than I do, but I appreciate all of the reviews I get, and even when I don't apply the advice to the track its for, I use it to get better at composing. Thanks to everyone here! Original: ReMix: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/club-mythology-slaysenflite Version 2: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/club-mythology-slaysenflite-v2 Version 3: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/fine-layers-of-slaysenflite-3
  2. hi guys just finished remix Nights into dreams Glowing wings.I try to my best to kept the theme of the game bright dreamy tune hope you guys like it:)!! Youtube> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDYJq_W8XIk Source>
  3. Long time listener and just recently starting recording my own stuff so here is my first jab at posting anything on here. Here are the links to my Breath of Fire 3 - Cedar Woods Cover: Tindeck Link Sound Cloud Link There are a few more I'll eventually post on here but didn't want to spam the board or anything. Thanks for taking the time to listen and all feed back is much appreciated!
  4. hello, i'm a new poster but a longtime fan of ocremix.org - i've been making music for some time (not that long though!), and while right now i don't have the software or hardware to make anything more sophisticated, i've been making chiptunes for a few years now. i recently completed a rearrangement//loosely-termed 'remix' of some of the melodies termed as being the themes of stages "1, 2, 3, and 3" of Cheetahmen II, if Youtube is to be believed. Either way, I've been really fond of this theme for a long time, and making a bit of a reimagining of it was a lot of fun. >>> here it is! <<< right now, the program i use to make my chiptunes is the ultrasimplistic freeware tracker FamiTracker. my process as of right now is that I do a raw bounce of all the tracks together as a .wav, and then i put it through audacity to look thru the waveforms and remove any clicks or pops at the end, which for some reason FT is wont to do at the end of songs. what i'm looking for most in terms of feedback is mostly what peoples' mixing/polishing techniques are when it comes to dealing with chiptune, and if there's anything I could be doing better; any problems you notice from the get-go listening to this thing. While it would be cool, with this song/method of music making in particular it isn't my intent to get this or any other vg themes i do featured as an OC ReMix-- i know just by looking at the submission guidelines that they don't look too kindly on raw chiptunes. Later on, I'd like to incorporate elements of chiptune in my songs along with more detailed instruments, and not rely on it exclusively as a platform for my compositions-- while i love 8 bit, i wouldn't build the entire sound im aiming for in the future around it. For the time being, I'd like to build my strength in terms of mixing/technical fixes when it comes to what i make until i can get a better computer and afford a solid DAW or two. So what do you guys think so far?
  5. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/conflict-of-interest
  6. Just me having a little laugh in Ableton Live. Let me know what you guys think so far. I may not finish it as this song has probably been remixed to death at this point but hey at least this one is unique. https://soundcloud.com/dichter/mecha-sephiroth-those-chosen Regards, antiPLUR
  7. https://soundcloud.com/josh-wright-57/through-to-flash I didn't think this track was good enough to submit for judging because I'm an beginner still. But I really need a good place to recive feedback on my track. So what better place than OC remix workshop. Please let me know what you think! Original:
  8. Hey Guys, I love Making Music, so here a New Rocking Song: Click the Image to hear the Song!
  9. Source: Mix: http://picosong.com/eRAY/ - (version 1, see below link.) Drums need some (a lot of) work, but that's why it is a work in progress! I've always liked this source, and I tried to turn it into a dance track but to be honest I think I missed the genre mark a bit. I'm not really sure what it is. All criticism welcome, and appreciated. Thanks in advance! EDIT: Improved mixing so it isn't so difficult to listen to..: http://picosong.com/eyut/
  10. Hi, I made a field music who(i think)can fit with nature. I'm open for advices. https://soundcloud.com/xouman/the-forgotten-paths Thanks !
  11. Hi everyone. Well this is my rock version of The Moon theme from Ducktales. I hope you like it. I haven't think of a name yet. https://soundcloud.com/the-game-civilization/ducktales-the-moon-rock
  12. Here is our arrangement of the Level 1 theme from Double Dragon \m/
  13. Here is our arrangement of the Mystic Cave Zone theme from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 \m/
  14. Here is our arrangement of "Still Alive" from Portal 1 \m/
  15. Made something nubish a while back ago i hope you guys somewhat like what i've done. https://soundcloud.com/andark3/mega-spongeman-endless-version
  16. A man loses his pastoral life and is swept up in war. Now he has the chance to return home, but does he want to? https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/the-life-he-gave Feedback welcome!
  17. So I'm stoked for the new Batman game and that Scarecrow is coming back. So I made my own theme for what a battle against him could sound like. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/the-scarecrow
  18. Hi there, it’s Koreema. One of my mate is an experimental composer, feel free to leave her some feedbacks http://youtu.be/wzuJ2i0vtow https://soundcloud.com/posersucks cheers!
  19. Here is a cover of the Sonic the Hedgehog staff credits I wrote the piano part for, with a great violinist, Steven Au, on the melody. Pretty straightforward cover.
  20. Here is a song from well over a year ago I did with a live vocalist. The song was created for a story I am writing about the last human on earth. Enjoy.
  21. One of my favorite pokemon songs, Canalave City remixed. Kind of Orchestra/Instrumental stylish ~ Hope you guys like it, Tips and critique are always welcome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSZxesBKXgY
  22. A more laid-back and simplistic piece this time. I'm really trying to work on this whole orchestral thing.
  23. Hello to all the ocremix community, My name is CArlo Francesco Lopez and i wanna share with you my lastest recording. Its a Medley of Battletoads & Double Dragon (Snes). Hope you like it!! Cheers!!
  24. SOURCE: I just finished this. I would like some critical thoughts. As always, it's free. Anybody think it'll make the cut? -----JourneyJay's Spyro The Dragon: Menu Screen----- https://soundcloud.com/journeyjay/journeyjays-spyro-the-dragon From the title: "Spyro the Dragon" 1998
  25. Here is our rendition of the Dr. Mario "Chill Theme" for NES. Hope you enjoy! \m/
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