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  1. Hey guys, I've decided to upload my best non-chip tracks composed roughly between 2011-2014 into one neat and tidy album. Some tracks on my Soundcloud page Back To The 90's https://soundcloud.com/groovemaster303/back-to-the-90s House Of Sorrow: https://soundcloud.com/groovemaster303/house-of-sorrow Step To The Funk: https://soundcloud.com/groovemaster303/step-to-the-funk-korg-gadget Portable Musician Album: https://groovemaster303.bandcamp.com/album/portable-musician
  2. My job class is Thief This is a revised track from the OHC.
  3. It's been YEARS since I've made a remix. It was hard finding the drive to finish this, but my day dreaming of a possible Advance Wars game for the 3DS gave that needed passion. This is a remix of my favorite characters theme. As for the arrangement and most of the track, I think it's pretty final. I'm open to collabs to add to this or your critique. Hopefully enough of you has played the early Advance Wars game long enough to recognize the theme. https://soundcloud.com/majeles/unearthly-invasion
  4. Hello everyone. I spent my entire day yesterday making this medley. It features the songs Wood Man's Theme, Dr. Wily's Castle Theme and Mega Man 2's Intro/Title Theme. I honestly don't know how I did all this in a day but it was pretty brutal haha. As for putting keyboard into my music, this is honestly my second time doing that. I'm not very experienced in it so if anyone has any advice on how to with metal music, I would seriously appreciate it. Anyways check it out, thanks for the listen! https://soundcloud.com/profound-obscurity/mega-man-2-metal-medley
  5. Since it was a while ago I posted anything I thought it would be time now since I have just upgraded both software and hardware. More will come up on my tube channel but in the time you can check out my cover of Blast Hornet from MMX3 I hope you like it =)
  6. I already composed a song called The Reaper of Notes with orchestration, and just finished this version with synths and electronica drums. Hope you guys like it!
  7. Worked a good while on this song. It's 8 minutes long, but its a medley of the "For The Commanders" map theme, and the boss themes for both Zephiel and Idoun. It's really something I take to heart, since I love FE games. I wanna submit it, so I really need feedback. Hope yall enjoy! Here is just the mp3, but the video shows what is going on during that point in the song, so I suggest you stay with the video! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/565980?updated=1
  8. so, a little over a year ago, i submitted a FFVII remix to this site and it was unanimously rejected, mainly due to generally poor mixing and production values. i've been working a bit on these skills, and i've got a few recent compositions i'd like to hear your opinions on. https://soundcloud.com/kevvviiinnn/lies https://soundcloud.com/kevvviiinnn/truth https://soundcloud.com/kevvviiinnn/polka what could i do to make the production quality fall more in line with OCR's standards? mixing/mastering is probably one of my weakest areas as a musician, so any and all advice is greatly appreciated. if you have any comments about the composition of these songs, feel free to share them as well. : )
  9. Well This is a touched up version of what I submitted back aways. Was asked to resub, the drums needed some work, so added some variation to the drums. Fiddled with some stutter effects. It's jerky, it's a little out of tune, garbled, a little too loud, little to soft, thin where it should be fat and fat where it should be thin. Not much else to say. I can't really figure this one out....I guess if I had to venture a guess, Ill know what I was trying to accomplish if 1/2 of responses love it and the other 1/2 hate it, (if that makes any sense at all) I had been listening to a lot of Devo and was inspired by their take on Satisfaction and loved how they imparted a feeling of "we know how it "should" sound, but we're gonna do it our way" but nuff talk have at you! https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lesuer/its-a-series-of-tubes-rewired
  10. Town Theme of Final Fantasy I Cover Song. Remixed by Me. I Play GBA Version, cause it's more Color than NES Version, but NES Version is Good too i wish this song will brought you back at the time (child memories, maybe...?) Town Theme Copyright & Original by Nobuo Uematsu and Square Enix here the song : Check this out! Soundcloud need a comment thanks
  11. Er, happy early St. Patty's Day! Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/fathers-blessing
  12. Hey guys, here is my snes metal medley. I hope you'll like it
  13. Hello there guys, it's me Badliz! Long time no see and I'm here with a new piece. This is my third attempt of a remix(there are two in my Youtube channel) of this awesome song. It is not yet mastered. https://soundcloud.com/badliz/nes-batman-stage-4 What do you think? Enjoy, Badliz
  14. A remix I did with Chernabogue for this Dwelling of Duels thing. This version on soundcloud is the arrangement without my pitiful attempt at playing keyboards (I'll put a link to that, subbed version) and instead just features my pitiful guitar playing. We placed 15th, though. So I have not entirely shamed Chernabogue's name. Soundcloud Version DoD version can be found in the .rar here If you heard it, liked it and/or maybe even voted for it - Merci, Danke, Toda, Gracias, Multumesc and whatever of other form of "Thank you" we can throw at you!
  15. Hey, MikeViper here. I just finished a composition called "Dancing and Skating". It's similar to something you might hear in Jet Set Radio Future. You can listen to it here:
  16. I know the name is weird, but I promise there's a point to it. The long made short is Prologue accidentally got smashed together with the theme from Lava Reef Zone, and while I was painstakingly disassembling the smash-up, some of the parts gelled, mixed in some of my own thoughts and voila! Im not sure what remains of Lava Reef so it's best i just give credit(TBH i think it's just one pad track, not much, but still....) still it's 70% prologue 25% Me 5% MIA (Presumed Sonic) I hope no one accuses me of blaspheming an immaculate Video Game Score, so if I have, I did it in the name of interpretation. The twitchyness of the some of the spots gave me a feeling of unsettaling electric-ness. The drums are ghost like wandering to and fro, not much else to say. ( Oh God I spelled Prologue wrong in the url....) Reason 7 is my DAW if that helps, so any help is greatly appreciated. https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lesuer/prolouge-to-a-burning-reef
  17. https://soundcloud.com/haircutofficial/journey A new electro song I produced. I'm pretty new at it but I really think this song has potential and I would like some feedback. Thanks!
  18. Hi there. Recently, I posted a WIP I was working on and now I can say it's finished, it has a proper intro and ending and, if I change something, it'll be some variation to make it less "loopy"... not planning on doing many changes though. Here's the original: And here's my remake: https://app.box.com/s/sw8dpuhhhavv9fyz7bvn I was going for an 80's electronic feel, just as the game "suggested" me to, so I tried using mainly synths, and after listening to it too many times for my own good, I think I like it hahaha. Hope you retrogamers and nostalgic people enjoy ... I'm starting to feel old when too many people don't know what Gradius or Salamander is :S Gotta love good old Konami. Cheers!
  19. https://soundcloud.com/neblixmusic/juggernaut-test-01 Hey guys! Testing out ISW Juggernaut. Strings are EWQLSO, the choir is some soundfonts.
  20. Hey all, Please check out my new theme for the new upcoming game called "Deity Quest". It's got some funky rhythms going on. Hope you like it, enjoy and as always thanks for listening! "The Eccentric Ruses of Boudri" https://soundcloud.com/chase-bethea-1/the-eccentric-ruses-of-boudri
  21. Resolution Vox (Soundcloud) Just sharing with the group : ) Hope it's enjoyable.
  22. Just me having a little laugh in Ableton Live. Let me know what you guys think so far. I may not finish it as this song has probably been remixed to death at this point but hey at least this one is unique. https://soundcloud.com/dichter/mecha-sephiroth-those-chosen Regards, antiPLUR
  23. Sup? A while back I decided to cover the Sand Ocean theme from F Zero GX. It's only the best racing game ever made. Here's my version https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/f-zero-gx-sand-ocean Here's the source tune - I'm aware that this isn't top notch stuff, but I'm open to any criticisms you have.
  24. Quick copypasta from the vid desc: This track's essentially a two-parter with a story. The heroes of Tyria are at the doorstep of her [scarlet's] final stronghold. Little of her resources remain. She spends what little time left pacing, thinking, planning. She's cornered; how is she supposed to stand against the might of Tyria's best warriors? In one final desperate move, she emerges, bringing the combined might of her remaining alliance for one final battle.
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