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  1. A sort of electronic/rock song I've just been screwing around with. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/some-kind-of-electronic-thing As always, don't expect any amazing production. EDIT: Well, I removed it from soundcloud. I've finally figured out why my guitar tracks with FL Studio always seem slightly out of time. I guess my computer just can't handle monitoring what I play in real time as I record, but if I shut that off, it works just fine. ....Hey, I'm still a noob with all this recording stuff.
  2. I'm new to making music with a DAW, so I thought I'd post a song and get your opinions on it. http://soundcloud.com/britblevs/cool-vibes Help me out, guys, I want to start improving.
  3. Here is a remix I am doing of the Crash Man theme from MegaMan. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. It is still in it's early stages, but this is my first video game remix, and I really don't know what to do Thanks! https://www.box.com/s/1068c46d0e165a49895b
  4. Here's a remix I'm working on of the Requiem for a Dream song. Any feedback you have would be great. https://www.box.com/s/9bbb204667cf5d509f21
  5. Well I havnt messed with either flamenco guitar or game music in a while, so I thought I'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Enjoy! http://tindeck.com/listen/afen EDIT: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GocUWSjt050 Also, any Spanish speakers out there want to confirm the title for me? I'm half convinced "Robotnico" sounds more Italian than Spanish...
  6. Hey Overclocked remix forum! This is my first attempt to a video game remix. Any advice and tips will be great and thank you in advance. The Original track: http://youtu.be/vQPiTAc7_AI My remix: http://youtu.be/zQrRBs0d9PE Enjoy! Soft-RounD
  7. let me know what you think. im pretty inexperienced and have a lot to learn, and realize it, so let me know what is wrong with it. thank you! http://soundcloud.com/k-dubs-1/the-boomerang-mega-man-x-1
  8. NEW UPDATED VERSION HERE: https://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/the-goddess-gets-groovy-v-4 Hey guys. Did this remix and wanted to know if you guys thought it was any good. I want to submit it to the site and hope it gets evaluated, but I want to see what you guys think about it before trying to submit it. It is sort of influenced by "Chamber of the Goddess" remix by Disasterpiece, found in the 25YearLegend ocremix Legend of Zelda album, though I gave it a harder and more funky feel to it, and less acid jazz. I guess to put it simple, it's a lot harder, especially on the drums. Although it is inspired by that remix, I believe personally that it is heavily different. So yeah, what do you guys think? Link to remix: http://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/goddesses-and-fairies-remix
  9. Basically, me just screwing around. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/castlevania-prologue
  10. Hello all. I've posted a WIP here before and got a lot of useful feedback, so once again I'm looking for some constructive criticism, harsh or not, on my latest remix. It's a mashup of the SR388 theme of Metroid II (GB) with Bowser's Road from Super Mario 64 (N64). You can hear a wee bit of Metroid Prime in there, too. Please let me know what you think. http://tindeck.com/listen/fduo Sources:
  11. Greetings all! Below is a link to my newest project. Any constructive criticism is appreciated. http://soundcloud.com/someguymusic/new-beginnings-3-1 <-----this link is dead. Cheers.
  12. I made some minor mistakes, but at least it is an idea for an arrangement. Any input on playing and/or piano tone much appreciated. http://soundcloud.com/farmintheback/the-moon-theme-piano-cover The Cuervo Gold The fine Colombian Make tonight a wonderful thing!
  13. The original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQZPkM4NSgc My desecration of it. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tekken-3-gon-theme
  14. Source: The Sword of Doubt Most Recent (v2): Gears of Alexandria Earlier Versions: Version 1 This is the result of me messing around a few years ago; I picked it up today and tinkered with it, and fleshed it out some more. I'm aware it's currently very rough around the edges. As always, it'll need a lot of balancing and mixing work. And I'm still stuck compositionally on where to go from here... anyway, I'd mostly like to know if this even sounds promising, because I can't quite tell if I want to keep working on it at this point or not. Cheers!
  15. http://www.box.com/s/e588fad7761d1934ce2f I've been asked to make a Generations-sounding version of "Aquarium Park" From Sonic Colours. (Something more so along the lines of a Modern Remix) I could really use some help on this one, as well as some good old fashioned critique. That piano is played so amazingly, it's hard to do it justice. I am really loving the vibe I'm giving it though. Comments and Crit are always welcome!
  16. Hello, New mix of 600AD. I'm not sure what genre really - probably dubstep, even though I am way past being down with the kids enough to make that sort of music. Enjoy (it's not mastered yet) http://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/600adubstep-1
  17. Hey, I decided to give this classic tune a go... yes, a little cliche', I know... I'm pretty "green around the gills", so any critiques/suggestions are welcome... Source: Remix_WIP_1: http://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/final-fantasy-vi-battle-theme Remix_WIP_2: http://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/final-fantasy-vi-battle
  18. This remix is for the "Flate Notes" - Paper Mario 64 Remix Project... sorry guys, but at the request of the director of the album I can no longer update my WIP thereads for the reason that the songs of the album should be secret to the public before the release of the album (of course) will have to wait for the end of the prijeto . sorry all. Sources: Toy Box: Train theme: General Guy March: Keeping Pace: I will not update this. ( >_<)
  19. So this is the prelude for a Nightwing track so far. The idea is to give Super Heroes their own themes, since the movies and shows have been lacking melody lately. I'm shooting to do sort of progressive elctro-orchestral, and I'm pumped to get some more work done on it. I'd love to hear what you guys think! pH EDIT: And just so everyone knows, I'm planning a much bigger drop after the "I quit." S'gonna be ausome
  20. So I seem to be one of the few people here who make Jade Cocoon remixes but I thought someone else knows and likes the game. http://tindeck.com/listen/lwds
  21. I'm working on a remix/recomposition of the requiem of spirit warp song from Ocarina of Time. This is my third warp song remix and this time I'm going in a little bit different direction.It's still a work in progress and so far there's no ending. I'm open to any comments/suggestions. I'm using cakewalk 6 with synths. If you want to hear my previous remixes, you can find them on YouTube by searching "The Toader." My song is on sound cloud at http://soundcloud.com/thetoader/thats-the-sprit-demo-zelda Thanks, The Toader
  22. It is a WIP track i am working on. First song. What do ya think? https://www.dropbox.com/s/4caake2nlzm3rfw/GERP.mp3
  23. So I have been fiddling round with this for a while now. Got a bit of writers block so I decided to post it and get some feedback from you guys The track is Route One for the 2nd gen Pokemon games. ORIGINAL REMIX Mk. I Mk. II Mk. III Mk. IV Thank you for reading and do feel free to comment,
  24. Sources (Both sources are only about 3 seconds long, so won't take long to get the gist of the arrangement): - "Title Screen" - "Floating Tile World"Remix: https://www.box.com/s/a9023c8637e3d2f72fea Hardcore inspiration on this one, but of course as with most pieces I get super inspired on, I've run into a brickwall. Not sure what it is, but I'm really trying hard to bring this arrangement to full circle. I feel like another minute or minute and a half would be just fine for this kind of thing.. just gotta figure out what that minute and a half is going to be. I'd hate to put an incomplete song out there again, but usually when I do with something like this, it becomes easier to complete the song with getting proper feedback, 'cause you guys are pretty smart . And also like hell I know how to compose a proper solo piano piece. The piano is EQ'd the crap out of by the way, I've pumped up the lows and highs a lot. Any EQ'ing tips on this piece would be helpful (if necessary). The feeling for the piano I'm going for is dark and eery. Dreadful in a sense, but not scary or anything like that.
  25. https://www.box.com/s/a76231fe0d652b84a7a0 Started working on this one last night. I'm not aiming for this to be anything extravagant, just a kick-ass 80's Club mix with a modern edge. My beats and Matt Bellamy's vocals will be driving this one. Haven't worked on a lot of instrumentation yet - just working on the arrangement around the vocals for now. I'm going for a real Grum kinda sound with this one - his take on EVERYTHING is always 80's, and always, always awesome A bit basic so far, but it's turned out really well so far! Lemme know what you think, and thanks for stopping by!
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