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  1. Well here's my attempt at remixing Sonic 2's Chemical Zone, I normally post a link to the source, but I doubt there's many people here that don't know it. As this is just the first version it's still rough around the edges (ignore the blip right at the very start), but i'm pretty happy with the arrangement and the general sound of it so far. So as always any feedback, what you like/don't like about it, what you would change, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. OK I know rhythm guitars have something wrong, I'll fix it. My question is about rest of the track (bass, drums..). And as you can hear I have big problem in solo. I can try again, but if someone can play solo..) I will be honored) Anyway theres link http://fairtilizer.com/track/123807 If someone interest.. Tell me) Thanks! Sorry for Of topic!!!!
  3. yes ice cap and panic puppet ''NOT TWINKLE PARK''. no............not another icecap ... a progressive / deep house arrangement and by my self and Jabond on guitar track. http://soundcloud.com/aires/iced-puppet-mastered-album-ver Feed back would be lovely Please use headphones (moniters are cool too ) 2/25 Edit might as well mod review it .
  4. This is a remix of a particularly dark tune from HL2 that I always really liked. The original is done in an industrial/techno style and I wanted to keep that vibe while still incorporating my heavy metal style guitar playing into the mix. I am having trouble really finishing this track. I think the arrangement is pretty good, but I'm having some trouble with mixing certain parts of the song. Of particular note are a few parts where I am having trouble getting the drums to cut through the mix. I'm looking forward to hearing what any of you all think of this. here is the mix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/brxd The file name on the mix is a little messed up. I totally misremembered song's title when i saved it and i thought i would leave it for now just for laughs. Here is the source:
  5. Hello!! Happy New Year and Marry Xmass!! This mix has lots of issues but arrangement is ready I think.. In first view too much reverb and may be compression. Then some bass guitar play issues. And at last I forgot to make fade-out effects in some places and of course mastering problems. I'm drunk.. This is my excuse:mrgreen: Here is the mix: And the source: Happy New Year and Xmas!! Again! And THANK YOU!! AWESOME holidays to You guys!!
  6. the remix. This song is as old as dirt. I created it with FL maybe five years ago and posted it on VGMix during one of its many incarnations. Since then my computer has been formatted a couple of times, and the loop has been lost, leaving only the mp3 behind. I stumbled across it recently and thought it might have deserved better than the fate it received. I never submitted it to OCR because I'm fairly sure it's not technically strong enough; I figured it needed some "background noise" to reinforce the empty-club atmosphere, but that sort of thing is far beyond my capabilities. Ironically, adding a layer is the only thing that can be done with it now, but I wonder if it's worth the effort. I've been away from the community for years, so it's probably passed me by. But if anyone has some thoughts over whether this is salvageable, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  7. I saw this request and I remembered that I had an idea about an orchestral take about Ridley's battle theme from Metroid. I'm planing to make something with strong orchestra and a drum track to "boost" the arrangement (since we can find some drum kits in orchestras) The medley will contain : - (Metroid)- Lower Norfair/Magmoor Caverns (Super Metroid/Metroid Prime) - (Super Metroid and the whole series)DECEMBER 31st VERSION! DECEMBER 21st VERSION DECEMBER 8th VERSION
  8. It's done... It's all done... Time to see what you all think. Also, stop silently downloading without commenting so I can know whether to submit this to the judges or not. A 2 month wait needs a build up of confidence, before I invest the time... Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TJMNxWGd-Q Source:
  9. Hey guys, I've scraped this together over a time period of about three to four weeks. It's of this theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrvgAcxG4nI I felt this song desperately needed some better instruments and a bit of additional touch. So here is my remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/kekn Hope you guys enjoy, and please be as harsh as possible. Thanks, TGH
  10. Hi, Just completed my first full-fledged VG remix so I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on it before I submit it for review. I think it could probably use a little more polish and since I've listened to it a hundred or so times, it would be great for a fresh set of ears to take a listen and give feedback. I'm sure the source material should be pretty familiar to all. It's done in the David Grisman style of bluegrass/jazz fusion, so it's probably a lot different than anything else on here...not sure if that's good or not ! Hope you like! Thanks so much! http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=9881504 EDIT: Since I'm in mod review status, I'll go ahead and post the source material below just in case they want a quick A/B comparison.
  11. --=[ Done by request of Artwaste ]=-- (So even if this goes nowhere I can still send you the MP3 if you like it Art). Request Thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30438 ReMixer: DJ H3L10S, DarkSim Real Name: David Brown, DarkSim E-Mail: dbrown1986@hotmail.com, biocolor09@hotmail.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/biocolor09 UserID #: 30784 Game(s) Arranged: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Song(s) Arranged: Southern Face Shrine Composers: Kazumi Totaka, Minako Hamano & Kozue Ishikawa OST Link: http://www.zeldauniverse.net/download.php?type=soundtracks&sector=linksawakeningost&file=56%20-%20Southern%20Shrine UPDATED Overview: Rev. 1: Starting point, nice; but needs more. Rev. 2: Livened up the drums with some Equalization. Also added in a soft choir element; that sounds nice, but I'm not quite sure if it adds a good element to the arrangement overall. Rev. 3: Changed the style of the final synth, although I'm not sure it sits well with the rest of the arrangement. Rev. 4: Added bass harmonics and adjusted drums (per NE's suggestion). Rev. 5: Drums came in over the top on last revision, made volume and leveling adjustments. Rev. 6: More drum adjustments. Rev. 7: Converted Drum Samples to Addictive Drums; added portomento (1/32) to the bass melody & mastered all patterns/steps. Rev. 8: Gave the drums more OOMPH in this revision, definitely the ONE. Rev. 9: EXCELLENT rendition by DarkSim. Rev. 10: DarkSim adjusted some of his work. Rev. 11: DarkSim is on vacation. Made some adjustments to his additions, downscaled the bass, uplifted the snare. Rev. 12: Snare lead-in came in to heavy, made adjustments. (OLD) OCR Revision #8: http://soundcloud.com/dbrown1986/loz-links-awakening-shrine-of-destiny-ocr-canidate-revision-8 (Drum dB adjustment) (OLD) OCR Revision #9: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/idte (Bass and additional synth added by DarkSim) (OLD) OCR Revision #10: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ihzh (Darksim made some adjustments to his bass and leads.) (OLD)OCR Revision #11: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/dqrf (Adjustments to DarkSims bass and snare) (NEW) OCR Revision #12: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/uedo (Snare adjustments)
  12. im not fixing it cause its in fl studio(makes editing complicated unlike ableton imo) and i have not interface and i dont want to keep rendering Wavs files to continue but heres the link http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-crater-v4-oc source is obvious, so i'll let you guies guess
  13. Made a new thread so I could add the prefix thing. I followed the critiques from the last one and can't really think of anything to improve on but there are probably still some issues that i cant personally spot. Sources in order: ReMix: https://sites.google.com/site/vspaine/wips/PWmedley.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1
  14. EDIT: See my top post on page 2 for a major update! I need someone who can play acoustic guitar to replace the Wild Arms lead. [(Not) Final WIP] - See top of page 3 for most recent! [Listen Here (V3)] [Listen Here (V2)] This is a WIP that's been 'in progress' for a looong time, and I finally just sat down and cranked the second half out. There are some known quality issues, which is why it likely won't make it on OCR, since I'm using a tracker with medium-quality samples and poor effects plugins. But I'd at least like some feedback on arrangement and direction. Any thoughts?
  15. Hey all, I've cooked up a little remix that I believe fans of Earthbound and fans of music will like. The source track is "Lost Underworld" from the aforementioned Earthbound (as known in America) or Mother 2 (as known in Japan). The game itself was essential for me this was one of my favorite tracks. Perhaps hard-core's will find this to be an odd choice considering the amount of great material from Earthbound, but somehow this one just worked out well with my style. The source is based on organic instrumentation and arrangement, while the remix coats everything in a thick layer of acid (the illegal to distribute and ingest kind). Anyways, just have a listen, and please give me your feedback. This version is about 99% complete, but if somebody has something to add that I feel is worth addressing, I will consider that. Thanks all! The Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vb385OSemY The Source:
  16. hy everybody, i´m new here at oc and a big fan of the music artists here on oc! great work so, i´m a music artist too (i hope so) ... and I would like to get feedback from you. I do not make a clear music still, sometimes it´s chill and ...sometimes hardcore. With this profil rpgfantasymusic i make the final fantasy/rpg´s music remix. i have one more channle ...but it´s not really a music direction for this site ...it´s more j-core. here my fav one that i made: New Aeris completely rewritten, a remix from the aeris theme. trying something completely different, here the (but i work with sheets)ps. sorry for the bad english, i came from germany
  17. EDIT: Thanks gintokipianist for playing this! Comments please? Source: And a little bit of the SNES version Here's a solo piano remix of Jungle Jitters from the GBA version of DKC3. I've honestly no idea what genre it should fall under -- I'd like to think it's somewhere between jazz and baroque [EDIT: okay it's definitely not baroque haha] (which is a pretty wide range actually), except that I've hardly listened or written either jazz or baroque, so I'm hardly a very good judge. Comments on the arrangement so far please Like whether it seems too far from the source, or if it just sounds plain bad or schizophrenic at parts? Sound is just fed through the Tascam CV piano, although it's hardly continuous velocity because they're all set to 100, so I know it sounds mechanical because well, it is. [EDIT: Well since it's played live now, the sound should be pretty much better haha] Yeap thanks
  18. <--- Remix! Also --> If you for some reason want youtube's stellar sound Source --> This remix is entitled Shadow Puppetry for the Blind, which was ripped off from an old short story I wrote involving light, darkness, a magical grand piano, and as many biblical allusions that Google could find me. Nevertheless, I insist this remix is like shadow puppetry for the blind, because (1) it sorely lacks any sense of direction and clarity, and (2) it's utterly pointless. The source should be pretty clear throughout, it starts with a slightly mutated version if the bassline, moves into a slightly more mutated version of the source, and finally into a disfigured, degenerate and defenestrated hack of an excuse for the source. Oh and Those Who Fight is thrown in somewhere because it fit the rhythm almost perfectly, and saved me the trouble of thinking of my own buildup. Oh and I feel pleased to no end with myself for sneaking in a quote from a chinese orchestral piece (飞天, translated as Flying Asparas, and if you read that as asparagus you're not alone, and if you have no idea what an asparas is, you're not alone either). Which is pretty much the only part of the remix which made me feel clever. But that doesn't really matter very much, as does anything else I've said. Assuming anyone's even bothered to read past the words 'crunchy potato feather' up there. You scrolled up didn't you But yeah, ramble's done, comments please!
  19. I finally decided to give a really old remix another try. I think this was my second of third mix I ever made. Back when I was still learning how to work with FL Studio, I actually thought my mix was good enough to make it past the judges. Boy, was I wrong... This is a remix of "Alone a.k.a. Bio Lab" theme from the SaGa Frontier soundtrack. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG6kqnDRWTc Old Mix (wma format): http://www.mediafire.com/?rnmgmg3jczz New Mix WIP:http://www.mediafire.com/?2627my7s2sde94f Please let me know what you think of the new mix. (And don't laugh too hard at the old one)
  20. Remix Pretty much done, just posting it here for some final feedback. Edit: Update with live saxophone. Edit2: Final Version(possibly?) Edit3: Submitted
  21. Hey all, My first true Dubstep track here. I love the music from Zelda 2 and I think I've got something worth listening to here. Feedback appreciated! I should say that I ventured off the Dubstep track for parts of this song, so I'm not interested in any genre nerds telling me this isn't true dubstep... Links: Youtubez - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy993QELIVw Download - http://www.donimusic.com/soundfiles/The-Adventure-of-Link_-_Battle-Theme_-_Doni-Dubstep-Remix.mp3 Source -
  22. Hello everyone My name is Josh, and I work in I.T. In my spare time I enjoy learning about music production, and spend most of it jamming on drums, working on electro house, or remixing my favourite video game themes. I have been meaning to check out OCRemix for some time now (a few people on my youtube channel have suggested I come visit). I've decided to take the plunge and submit a song for critique! This is a re-arrangement of one of my favourite boss themes of all time, 'Bad Boss Boogie' from Donkey Kong Land on the Gameboy. It starts in a very melodic and relaxed manner and rocks out hard and fast at the end. I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if you have any questions, and please provide feedback (I am VERY new to this!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv09uU4bdMg Edit: Here is the original: Cheers Josh
  23. Hi, I actually had sent this simple acoustic ReMix to OCR submissions back on September 7. Given the long queue in the inbox, I thought I would start up a thread here for some feedback. If there's anything to be fixed, I could probably fix it before it's even downloaded for review. Didn't really work on practicing this song too long, maybe a week. This recording came out pretty nice on the first attempt, so I added some reverb and did some minor EQ and gate adjustments. Sadly, the pickup in my acoustic is busted right now, so I wound up just recording one mic'ed up track. My original intention was to record two tracks to make the sound a little more full. I was happy with how it turned out, anyway, so I figured I would just submit it. Mirror 1: https://docs.google.com/a/lagged.ca/uc?id=0B-Lfu5N2tmL4M2JjNzA2YjctMjVlZC00ZDM4LWI4NzUtZmUyYjQ4YWViNDc1&export=download&hl=en Mirror 2: http://lagged.ca/Red_Light.mp3 Source: Thanks for listening!
  24. This is Electronic-Rock remix on Mercury stage from Doom Troopers (megadrive) I like this thing, but something unfinished in it and maybe something is wrong. Tell me what do you think. Any critic or something.. Thanks! http://fairtilizer.com/track/122017
  25. Hello OCR. This is my first time doing a serious remix of a track, and it's been a long time coming--I've wanted to do a mix for ages. Well, I've worked on it quite a while before getting the login details for this old account of mine worked out, so, right now, it's basically "finished" though I am open to other ideas for improving the thing. I've remixed the normal tune for "Palmtree Panic," the first level from Sonic the Hedgehog CD. (Some of the alternate mixes were an influence on the mix, too) Oh, and this is the JP/EU soundtrack, not the American one. Without further adieu: http://soundcloud.com/jonodude/dont-panic Source tune(s), on the following page, for those who want it: http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_CD_OST_(Japan_%26_PAL_regions) Basically what I think I've got going on here is a sort of retro-sounding, fun dance tune, while being sort of spacey sounding. I used the piano progression present in the source(s), which I love, as my foundation and built from there. Overall, I'm rather pleased, but I'm looking for further suggestions, or just confirmation on the quality (good or bad). If you decide to listen, thanks for taking the time!
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