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  1. Hi! I'm a new face around here, although I've been a fan for ages. Anyway, I've been dabbling in video game remixes for a while now, and I figured it was time to take them more seriously and try to improve the quality of my work. So first thing I want to do is fix up my favorite work so that it may be submitted. Some of you may have heard this when I first submitted it to Youtube two years ago. I like to think my skill has grown considerably since then, so feel free to tell me what adjustments you think I should make to make this song of OCRemix caliber. The remix (as originally posted on youtube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-RIkfPqry0 Among other things, I'd like to re-record some of the vocals and extend the song to include another verse. Maybe change the beat up, too. What do you guys think?
  2. So heres a remix i made of the ending theme from Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Its one of my first actually decent remixes. I would still like to improve it though. Made in FL Studio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltAfpmxVLvc
  3. This is "cave of mystery", just a little tune I recorded with live guitar/drums/piano/violins also some bowed cymbal/bowed glockenspiel. The guitar is a little out of time, but it's not finished. A jingle with mostly live instruments. Short jingle that sounds like an sort of ending in a sonic game or something. All midi, using cubase. I'd love any feedback on any aspect of these!
  4. very old post close thread plz
  5. New WIP. I am not going to say anything else. this is for the Donkey Kong Country 3 track "chase". That's all I'm going to say, I'm strapped for time.
  6. EDIT: "Take 2" aka OCR says, "Nice Try, but No." Okay, so, here I am again, with the same source music, but different remix. I've been working on my remixing abilities since my last WIP, and I think I've improved, at least slightly, since then. I decided to go for more of an orchestral type of remix rather than... er, well, whatever the heck my last one was. Piano/Orchestral? I don't know. Anyway, the idea for this actually came to me while I was listening to Richard Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries." I pondered, "Wagner meets Legend of Zelda?" for a bit and then started on this... I am no Wagner. But it got me started on remixing again when I had not done so in a while, so... Anyway, constructive criticism and suggestions are appreciated. Take 2: Version 2.1 Updates ---------------------------- - Attempt to fix unwanted dissonace - Brief (and I stress brief) Sun Song cameo - Attempt to add more dynamics to mix by + adding some legato strings + minor variations in tempo Version 1.4 Updates ---------------------------- - Fixed unwanted dissonance - Added concert drum backing during latter half of song - Tweaked ending harmony with flute Version 1.3 Updates ---------------------------- - Doubled up on some of the instruments - Changed up the timpani a bit so it is not so repetative - Slight EQ changes to the harp. Hopefully it sounds better - The very last go through of the outro melody... well, you'll see. If it sucks just let me know and I'll discard it. It was kinda just a test... - And finally, added what I think is a suitable ending to this mix Version 1.2 Updates ---------------------------- - Took jabond's double-cymbal suggestion - Tweeked the EQ in a number of areas - Changed the violins during main melody - Fixed (I hope) the issue with 1:45-2:00ish - Slight alteration to the end
  7. Ok, here's the link to the song. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=953132&songID=9478350 Go ahead. Critique your hearts out. I've already been informed of humanizing issues. So other than that what do the whole lot of you think could use some improvements?
  8. I am working on a resubmission of a recently rejected klezmer rearrangement of Kirby Super Star's Gourmet Race. As part of an attempt on my part to avoid repetition, I will be adding other Kirby songs to this arrangement. My current goals are avoiding repetition and improving the actual quality of the genre conversion. Current progress here http://www.mediafire.com/?0elxiap60ezq405 Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. The program used was Guitar Pro 5, since I find it to be easy-to-use yet capable of many neat little tricks.
  9. Vangelis-y.mp3 Not sure what to make of this. Can't seem to come up with a fitting lead for it.
  10. First the rap beats: http://soundcloud.com/fli/a-lot-of-people & http://soundcloud.com/fli/laura Both of which require some form of a sub in order to hear the bass And dubstep preview: http://soundcloud.com/fli/wiggles-preview
  11. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/363103 Time spent: 4 hours Rate, comment :3
  12. Right now, this is basically a cover of 'Sacred Moon' from Kingdom Hearts II with a tiny bit of 'Destati' thrown in and a slight original bit. (It's very rough because it's my first attempt at remixing anything and I have no idea what I'm doing, haha.) Anyway. I want to learn as much as I can, so - any constructive comments at all on this would be greatly appreciated! And here's the source for those not familiar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrZnHTtEQsE Thank you! ^-^
  13. Alright, third attempt at Remixing. I've only gone about a minute into this song (the last thirty seconds is unfinished), but I want to see what people think before I put my heart and soul into it. The source (already awesome): The mix: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/work-in-progress-corona-jumper-remix Are my samples OK at least? I finally went out and actually bought some (affordable) samples. Thanks for any feedback. EDIT: One thing I already changed was the lead synth's volume. It seemed too loud to me.
  14. Hi all, I've been working on this mix for a while and thought it was about time to get some feedback. It's an electronic dance remix of the Venus Lighthouse theme from Golden Sun. I didn't use every part of the source but I think it still might be too sourcey. I'd like to hear your opinions on that, and also any technical/stylistic feedback. Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1kc5vmzoaj7x9tr/VenusLighthouse_02.mp3 And the source: Thanks much! -DJV
  15. http://www.sendspace.com/file/qjvxz2 While waiting for funding for my industrial metal album, I've decided to go forward with my other album idea: Basic thrash/classic metal stuff (Metallica crossed with Judas Priest basically) with an entirely non-serious tone. This song's about The Shredder, and the lyrics reflect this attitude towards seriousness. (One of the lines is "Tonight I dine on Turtle Soup; put you where you belong.") It's a rough demo mix obviously but give it a listen and throw me some feedback.
  16. NOTICE: due to my doctor putting me on a 2-week parole for tendinitis observations I will probably not get to complete this remix for a long while... but all advice and critiques are welcomed since I'll have plenty of time to take note of them while my hand is healing. Anyways, even if you're not a KH fan/slave I think "Simple and Clean/Hikari" is a very beautiful song. Here it is (for reference to see if I strayed too far or stayed too close) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyEZHfCDzqM&feature=related and then here's my WIP so far. Click here to listen to Simple and Clean prototype.mp3 basically, if you've ever heard of the duo "Ratatat" then you should be able to tell what I'm trying to emulate... but it's pretty early in the morning so I couldn't record the whaling alien guitar parts and wake up my neighbors:sleepdepriv:. next time. peace
  17. Another one remix by me on Alien 3. Some feedback will be great! Thank you for your time!
  18. This is a house piece I've been working on the past couple of days. It's still nowhere near done, but I'd like some critique on both if the composition is sound and on production. Thanks. http://djgram.bandcamp.com/track/open-house-v-1 And I know the intro's long; it goes to about 1:20 before the bass comes in. I'm probably going to keep that in, though. My idea would be to compose something that would see some club play (hence the lengthy drum intro), and while this probably won't, I'd like to start aiming towards that now.
  19. Hey guys, I've always loved all of the work done on OCReMix. I just recently started messing around with FL Studio, and I've decided (being the nerd that I am) mess around with video game tracks. I have no previous experience whatsoever, but I'm looking for any criticism I can get. This remix is from the original Legend of Zelda, the Dungeon Theme. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/josh Thanks for your feedback
  20. I know there's tons of Gerudo Valley mixes appearing left and right on the forums. I just came up with an idea and need people's opinion about whether to move forward with it or not. This is very very short and just a sample of what I wanted to do. I'm going to mix Chillout and Cajun style together with a little taste of middle-east. Acoustic guitar work is rough and not final at all. Not many bg elements are present at the moment. @Hewhoisiam: Just like last time, I think I need your expert and motivating comments once again. Feel free to crush this one if you don't like it WIP Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/WIP/OoT%20-%20Gerudo%20Valley.mp3 so is it worth finishing?
  21. This is a Link To The Past orchestral "journey" I threw together. This has the Dark World Overworld theme, the Death Mountain theme, the Ganon theme, and the Boss Defeat-Crystal Get theme. My 2nd attempt at remixing... What do you think? Too abrupt, too long, too... what? Link is in my sig.
  22. OK, so here is another remix that I might revive and work on. This is more or less just the intro, but trust me, there is a pretty kick ass arp that will be incorporated in there once I decide to finish it. I think I actually wrote the arp first. Anyhow, share your thoughts! EDIT: Now v2:
  23. An original composition. Not sure what to call it, so I called it Nostalgia, as the tune is sort of both happy and sad. I tried to do it very 80's. I was thinking vocals would be nice for this, but I don't know of any vocalists and I don't even have lyrics. Nostalgia wip.mp3
  24. This is my version of the legendary theme. It's slightly chippy/chill-out. This is a very early WIP, I haven't fully mixed much at all and the arrangement isn't finished. Just want to get opinions on the piece at the early stages.
  25. Hello everyone. I've written a theme for Ken that I was hoping to get some feedback on "NightLife ( ) It's pretty much a rough demo written on Sibelius 6 so I was hoping for critique mostly on the composition of the piece. Any thoughts?
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