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  1. Hey everyone, new to the board. Obvious as that was due to post count. Anyways, I am looking for feedback and such on this track I was working on. It is Sabrewulf's theme from Killer Instinct 2/Gold. The guitar was put on last night, but the rest was done a few days ago, or over the span of a few days rather. Be harsh if you can, because I want to learn more about what I can do to improve the sound of my music because it all seems low. Here it is: http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/2/5/735980/Sabrewulf%202.mp3 Edit, and new take on the guitar and drums: http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/2/5/735980/Sabrewulf%203.mp3
  2. First Megaman track of any sort i've attemped. I'm going for a relaxed lo-fi style with some subtle glitching. Looking for any feedback, even if you don't know the source, i'd be interested to see what people think of it so far. Here's the source: Here's some sauce:
  3. This is my first remix I'd have to say is decent (so please bear with me.) I thought I would make a remix of this song, because it was a great shareware game, and that Stephen Baxter, who created the game might as well get some praise after his first release in the early 90's. As far as I know, his only email address he gave to donate money to his game is some college e-mail that doesn't work any more. So, I thought this would be good enough to give back to him and the world. Original Game: http://thals1992.web.officelive.com/WINROIDS.zip Remix (WMA - I will convert this into an MP3 in the near future): http://thals1992.web.officelive.com/Where%20am%20I.wma (Please wait wait a couple hours to let the song upload.) I havn't worked on this for a while, I made this when Record (Record + Reason 4.0.1) was in closed beta stages. Any and all comments are appreciated. Sincerely, Trevor Halsey
  4. I chose this track because I find it seldom remixed, and also wanted to keep the sense of danger you usually don't get from underwater level music. What style it is, well it's kind of cross-genre. This mix contains elements of drum & bass, dubstep, and a bit of hip hop. The breakdown from 0:44 to 1:03 is pretty bare, that needs the most work for now. I plan to add additional effects or ambiance to fill it out. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/cc-ricers/lockjaws-saga-wip Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdUNrVzT97s
  5. Hello all, I am trying my hand at composing an OST. The soundtrack is for a fake horror/suspense film. It's still far from being done, but I do have the first track almost done (I think). Would greatly appreciate it if y'all took a listen and told me what you think. Click here to download josiah_golliwog_theme_[WIP].mp3 Also, if you're interested, my music site is http://captainstupidity.com/. I haven't finished the site yet, but it's getting there Thanks in advance for any comments!
  6. Hey all, another noob here (actually an old-timer but I haven't been around lately). Thought I'd share a little mix I've been working on lately. Basically, a dance/techno mash-up of various themes from Zelda MM and OoT. I won't get into too much detail because it's still very much a WIP, but some general feedback and criticism would be very helpful. Thanks! Click here to listen to majora_3.mp3
  7. http://tindeck.com/listen/ncrc Going for a chariots of fire type remix. Source:
  8. Hi, today i begining a new remix.It's not finished but i want get the mix better and better for propose the track to Oc Remix. = ) There missing some solo improvisation, some string synth and drums. And i didn't made the construction yet. Well I expect you will enjoy the track anyway. http://www31.zippyshare.com/v/25228335/file.html
  9. Hey guys, just looking for some opinions on this remix that I put together for the Forest Temple theme. Melodically, I'm pretty happy with the contributions and variations I added. In terms of mastering, I'm thinking of bring up the levels of the flute a bit, I feel it's getting a bit drowned out. I'm feeling the bass doesn't have a whole lot of punch to it, might think about bringing that up a bit as well. Here's the link: edit: removed the 1st 2 links and added a new, more refined version for your listening pleasure. Thanks for any criticisms and feedback. edit: and the source for anybody who hasn't heard it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KUXX9T8Cm4
  10. http://tindeck.com/listen/vwmj
  11. Hey guys, I have been a massive fan of OCR and the music that has come out of it, I thought it was only fair I start contributing. I starting working on this during exam time (Procrastination ftw), and also as a way of venting my anger at relationship issues I was having. Its still a WIP because I'm not sure what else I can do to it. I want to make the sound clearer and more piano like (I use a Casio CTK-900) and I dont know the best way of capturing the sound. I also feel like its missing something. Feel free to go bezerk and destroy it to pieces or give advice and such Cheers, BlitzChris LINK HERE -> http://www.tindeck.com/listen/huxb
  12. http://soundcloud.com/daedalus-project/daedalus-project-space-time-continuum-original-mix Feedback is welcome. Enjoy listening. A progressive/electro-house track I made a few days ago, inspired by "Schala's Theme". Maybe it needs to be extended to be tagged as "Original Mix", but I like it up to now and received pretty good feedback too. ^^ EDIT: Thanks for your feedback, decided to mark this as WIP.. Need to extend the arrangement a bit as mentioned, and fix the dynamics.. As for failing to recognize the source track, just think of the original and speed it up to 128 Beats per minute and with a few variations/differences for originality.. Plus I chose to make a progressive/electro kind of track, so I had to keep that 'mood'. It's supposed to be somewhat repetitive, it's house music after all ;D Still, thanks for your good words folks. This gives me reason and will to further work on it. ^__^ Cheers, Daedalus Project
  13. More fooling around with house and techno blends today. Familiarizing myself with FL loops and patterns so I've got a repetitive remix here of the "You're fired" theme from SimCity. MP3 Source Welcoming any critique.
  14. Hey guys. I've been working on this track for a few days, and have everything recorded except vocals. It's still a rough mix and I don't have it where I want it yet and need suggestions on where I can improve in the mixing process. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y6KO10KW Let me know what you think.
  15. Honestly, I don't know what else to do with this other than add an intro and (possibly) think about lyrics. Suggestions are very very welcome. Download Link Here
  16. Still needs a lot of cleaning up done on it, but the general idea is down. I've not got too much experience in remixing using the original vocal track so i'd like some opinions on what you think of it and how it can be improved, so any feedback would be very much appreciated! thanks
  17. My latest remix, up for review by anyone. please tell me what you think. youtube link: (will probably put in a share site soon)
  18. http://soundcloud.com/blooandwhite/spin-frequency some WIP i started a long time ago and havent gotten back to, just a mix of some drum and bassy/swordfighting/groovomatic/yasunori flying sounds. i may polish it up sometime down the line, repetitive drums and the same buildup sound every time, but maybe someone will like :smile:
  19. I was up late a few nights ago and this idea popped in my head. I'd like to take it somewhere but right now I'm not sure where I'd like it to go. The main conflict right now is whether or not to keep it acoustic based or to transition it to the distorted sound. Anyway, if you have anything you'd like to suggest or comment on, feel free to. Mana
  20. Just so you know, I have to use TuxGuitar to get anything done. I just wanted to make something that I liked, but this seems to have lost life when I converted it from a .mid to .mp3. Source:
  21. Here's an arrangement of the ' ' from Rockman & Forte (also known as Megaman & Bass).It's an orchestral piece with some electronica elements, meant to be an overture, a prelude to a new journey. Latest update: New Beginning New Path v9 Suggestions and constructive criticism are most welcome. -------------------------------- Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and showed support so far. I've come a long way and learned a lot in the process. There's still work to be done before I can sub this arrangement, but I just wanted to say: you guys rock!
  22. It's the fridge ride from Mother 3, I'm not sure where to go with it now so any critique would be vastly appreciated.
  23. Heres a song I've been working on a little bit, have a few more tweaks to do but its pretty much finished, Would like to hear some opinions on it http://tindeck.com/listen/xkzc
  24. UPDATED! I started working on this arrangement of the 'Terra's Theme' from Final Fantasy VI maybe a week ago, and it has eventually turned into what it is now. It's name is 'Wandering on the Moon' for now because of the pads and synths that I used. Please give me any kind of criticism you can. Thanks:)
  25. Dear OCRemix, Yesterday, I was looking for some nice oldschool OST's. I came across the soundtrack from the first Age of Empires, and the expansion titled Rise of Rome. Awesome stuff. So I checked if there were some nice Remixes on Youtube and elsewhere. But unfortunately, I couldn't find many good ones. That's why I started working on my own Remix today. As source, I took 'Song 6' (if anyone knows the actual name, please tell me): My Remix will not meet OCR's standards, but still I hope people will enjoy it anyway. The genre is kinda some sort of light Club/Disco/Dance, and it's quite happy too. Critics are very welcome, but please do understand I'm not aiming for it to be submitted to OCR. If this thread reminds people of the great OST AoE had, I'm already more than satisfied! Oh, and here's the Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/lpyt Enjoy!
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