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Found 9 results

  1. Sources Remixed: Phendrana Drifts + Edge (Both areas)
  2. Updated!! Remix Sources: Went for a slightly campy two-source meddley of these themes. Hope you guys dig it!
  3. Source: Gonna take a stab at this one for Review. I'm more open to altering the actual structure if it's necessary. That includes instrumentation, effects and length if need be. I'm motivated to get this one posted!! Please help! :3
  4. A remix of Laughter. Enhanced the synthwave vibe and I used AlterEgo for an early breakdown, just because.
  5. Hello! I'm a long time fan but I finally got the gumption to join the forums and submit something haha. I mostly dabble in more orchestral kind of music but I wanted to try something different with more hybrid sounds. I guess to me this track is mostly done but I feel like it is missing something or maybe isn't liberal or daring enough to really submit. Any feedback that you can provide would be great! Current Edit: Finally have reached a point of completion in which I feel ready for a review. Thank you so much everyone for your support as I've gone step by step through the uhh..process haha. Any help you or the mods can provide or just feedback would be so appreciated. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hZgXfRJiPTE2IllhEbNEOTqGkYNHIr5h/view?usp=sharing
  6. Sorry for posting two tracks at once. I was hoping to get feedback on something I feel is more akin to the type of music I like to write as well. Still, I think for OC Remix this isn't liberal enough, but I think when I was looking at doing this, I didn't want to stray too far from the original, but add to it. Still, maybe there is something worth exploring that I haven't opened my mind to. With that being said, I think I'm ready for some honest feedback instead of being stuck in my head lol. Thank you for your time and I appreciate any help. As a side note, I'm also somewhat of a newbie when it comes to mixing as well so if there is something that is offensive sounding, by all means feel free to critique! Source music My arrangement https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sE7p7KYl-NlTCV-86fmJBs3PJiATI7H/view?usp=sharing
  7. Got a better setup so decided to make use of finally having a decent amount of RAM. Supposed to be a opening/title theme, would like feedback on the orchestration and mixing
  8. I made this as an opening theme song for a cartoon that doesn't exist, though I'd like to animate the title sequence someday when I've got the time. I wanted it to have that "anime adventures in a highly advanced, ancient, mythical civilization" feel, similar to Grandia or Made in Abyss. I'd like to get some feedback on the general sound and production quality, and also any other tips or recommendations people might have. https://youtu.be/s3Xdnfk69jE
  9. I released my latest classical piece. This song accompanies a story that I created titled Remorse Nothing More. It is a full orchestration created in FL Studio. Please let me know what you think.
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