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Found 11 results

  1. Did a track a ways back for a Newgrounds competition and thought I'd post it here to see if anyone has feedback or opinions about it. Enjoy! c: Soundcloud!
  2. my second remix from the SS2 OST and the fastest track I've done so far, enjoy!
  3. Henlo. Here's a new track I've been working on: It's from my next EP, Prometheus, coming next year.
  4. What's up everybody. It's been a while. I've never done a drum and bass style before and thought this would be a dope way to start learning it. I remade the ending credits theme from the original Marvel vs Capcom. Not a remix but not a cover either so I called it reborn. I'm also not submitting this here. Let me know any opinions, critiques, etc. Peace Original My version
  5. Hello again! After over a half year I've managed to release another Deus Ex remix (a franchise that's quite popular on this platform judging by the amount of mixes I had the occasion to listen to, the "Only In Novels" cover is my favorite so far), I hope it will be on par with the previous works, enjoy!
  6. What's up guys, I'm here again to post my latest rework (this time without making 1000 edits to the OP) It's a track from the Unreal Tournament 99 soundtrack, reworked in a freeform/drum&Bass/IDM style and sped up a bit (155 BPM instead of the original 116) So long story short, here's my remix, hope you'll enjoy it! (and here's the original for comparison)
  7. Just Tried my Hand at my first drum and bass song. I think It came out pretty good and I hope you guys dig it. Peace
  8. Hello everyone. It's been a really long time since I posted a remix here but I'm really into this project at the moment and would love some feedback, It's a remix of this track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMPYCfZgkcA My main concerns are that the arrangement is too crowded and parts don't vary enough (eg the drum and the bass stay fairly static). I've yet to really polish the mix but I think there's some writing issues to be addressed before I do. People often tell me my structures are too repetitive, and while I think there's some leeway to be made for a dance song I'm quite conscious of that issue here. Here it is: Thanks for taking the time listen, any feedback is appreciated. Tom
  9. Ever write a bunch of music for a project, to basically be told "yeah... it's good... but it's too dark and heavy"...? Well, I have. That's what happened with this collection I put together here a while ago (it occurred that I put it on Bandcamp but don't think I ever shared it here). The project director asked me to then write some music that wouldn't "scare the children," hence the title, heh. https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/please-dont-scare-the-children It's original, but it definitely has a video gamey quality to a whole lot of it, so, enjoy.
  10. https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/dk64-crystal-caves-liquid-dnb-track-wip-1 Original: This is a little chunk of a Chill liquid DnB remix of Crystal Caves from the game I can't believe still hasn't had a remix on OCR since I started visiting 10 years ago. I posted this to Soundcloud a little over a month ago now, and I've actually added about another minute of content to it since. But, I wanted to get this here now before I keep forgetting and I'll wait to update until the track is pretty much finished.
  11. Hey everyone. I recently finished my remix of the casino music from one of the Skullgirls maps. I'd submit it officially but often times I'm told I don't vary my second drops enough for the site, and this time I really struggled with that since the original itself loops round and I was struggling to fit something else in. I looked at chords a bit but it just didn't feel right. Anyways I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think. Thanks, Tom
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