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Found 6 results

  1. Remake Heaven Hello people of ocremix, In this particular Topic I'm going to be posting music that's what this forum is all about: remake/remixes/variations from old nostalgic game music! I started some while ago and to my surprise, people enjoyed the content, so I kept doing it more regularly and now at my Youtube channel I publish a whole new remake Every Monday! This is the updated playlist Take a look and listen! If you happen to like the remake, share, like, comment or even subscribe to my channel to hear more! I'll be posting all new videos here to this topic
  2. Hello Everybody! So I finally was able to upgrade to a more decent laptop and I'm moving from garageband to Logic Pro X (choose logic because of similarities with garageband) My question here is, where to start regarding music samples and libraries??? Logic pro has some sounds that come with it, but they don't sound awesome except for the drum sets (in my opinion) I did some research on google and on the forum, and I'm overwhelmed with all the results and sounds, samples and stuff available, from free to expensive ones, I don't know what to do. Of course I'm looking for the free stuff because I don't have the money to spend and because I'm just starting to seriously try to produce my music. I would like to ask for help, if someone could point me to the best free sounds or samples available. What do YOU use? My music doesn't have a genre in specific, I have influences from classical, latin, electronic, rock, pop, and more, so I'm looking for sounds from all "popular" instruments like brass, woodwinds, strings, bass, guitars, and of course synth and electronic sounds too. If there's a thread or discussion with this information that I didn't see, please point me to it. All help is appreciated, thank you for your time and I hope to share my remixes soon. (also need to learn some equalization and masterization, so info on those topics is welcome too)
  3. Hello! I'm new to the forum, and I'm here now because I need help. Beginning June last year, I've been making music (video game remixes, but I bet you figured). I'm having a blast, and I've greatly improved since I started! But I've encountered a problem: I, for the life of me, cannot find brass sounds (in neither a symphonic or more jazz-oriented style) that sound at least okay, and do not cost money. In order to get better help, I'll explain my situation further. I'm 16 years old, and I'm in high school and college at the same time. Because of this, I don't have very much free time for music itself, let alone a job. I've gone to what I would consider great lengths to expand my collection of live instrument sounds--I've searched far and wide for soundfonts and VSTs, and I have the free Native Instruments products (I'm using FL Studio 12 in case the DAW matters). While I've managed to come across some nice strings, woodwinds, and percussion, brass (which happens to be my favorite section) has been seemingly impossible to find on a budget like mine. I've found that some of the reasons there aren't many good Brass VSTs are along the lines of the instrtuments being difficult to record in such a fashion and the nature of the sound is hard to synthsize. But there has to be something I can do. That's why I'm here: what are some of the best brass libraries that can be used for free or very close to it? Something that can hold me off until I can afford something better? Thanks for the help!
  4. I've made a series of songs here over the last month. I'm wondering if any of these songs need improvement or not. These were made for a video game in mind. Here are three main 4 main tracks Truelyeh https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/trulyeh?in=getjiggywithit-2/sets/video-game-sound-track-free Strange Encounter https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/sets/video-game-sound-track-free Title Screen https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/titel-screen?in=getjiggywithit-2/sets/video-game-sound-track-free And here are some miscellaneous songs like for events Select Game Loading https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/loading-screen?in=getjiggywithit-2/sets/video-game-sound-track-free Close to Danger https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/close-to-danger?in=getjiggywithit-2/sets/video-game-sound-track-free You Dead Sucker https://soundcloud.com/getjiggywithit-2/you-dead-sucker?in=getjiggywithit-2/sets/video-game-sound-track-free
  5. Hello errbody. I was recently made aware of some nice, free alternatives to sampled drum kits like EZDrummer, Addictive Drums, etc. http://www.powerdrumkit.com http://de-de.sennheiser.com/drummica I haven't yet tried the PowerMT kit, but I have loaded up the Sennheiser kit, and am pretty happy with it, especially for being free. It only features one kit, so there's no drum swapping, but you can swap the mics used on those drums (which is kinda neat in and of itself because it gives you an idea of the "color" of some of the different mics they offer). It is loaded via the Kontakt player, which is also free. I demo'ed it here: Hope this helps someone who doesn't currently have the cash to throw down on a drum sample library!
  6. I just want to spread the love a little bit. This project I recently finished has roots in OCR and it's time to close the loop. I first heard about this site over 10 years ago and have been following it loosely since. In the last year I completed my first "Nerdcore" instrumental album. I wrote it up on my blog if you want my thoughts in text : http://sotgdc.blogspot.com/ but if you just want to get to know me through the sounds , check out the following link : http://angrycrow.bandcamp.com/album/gametheorytothesecondpower I've also made music for an indie game in the past ( more to come ) so.. if you're looking for completely original material : https://angrycrow.bandcamp.com/album/spark-of-life-ost otherwise, come see what's new on my SoundCloud profile! https://soundcloud.com/angrycrow I know it's a lot of links. But I , like many of you, make a lot of music. Thank you for taking the time to listen! See you soon OCR!
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