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Found 7 results

  1. Hello! Made this for Mega Man competition. Kinda fun and happy metal What do you think? Thanks. Source Fire man Source Cut man
  2. (if i am breaking any forum rules, remove this post please) Hello, i am new on this forum, i'm 16 years old and i am looking for someone who thinks it's funny to remix and would like to remix a little short track for me to something bigger. I don't mix and i have no idea how to. I have been scavenging for a forum with a "remix request" section, i don't exactly expect anyone to do this for me (you won't get a reward), but it's worth a shot to ask: 2 years ago, i had this app to my ipad called autorap, in my school, i ran up with a mic and the ipad to a friend and asked to just rap the shit out of this goddamn beat, he owned it (considering he improvised), we were all hyped. So bla bla bla we all moved on with our lifes started on some new schools bla bla bla. Now, a few people from my old school are considering to arrange a reunion party, which is epic of course. The first thing one of them asked was "Yo lets hear F2's (his "callsign") rap all night long then and just party to it", so i replied "yo ill make a remix of it so we can actually party to it, its a bit short for partying and its not really the kind of song to party to". Of course i was just joking around, but then i thought "hmm, maybe there is people out there on the internet who just enjoys remixing random stuff". So, that lead me here, on this forum. ANYWAYS enough about my life story. I am requesting someone, to make a 2-4 minute remix of this little track: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6tpwaoc2k2zcs8/Autorap track.wav?dl=0. As you can hear, the mic is bad, the recording is bad, there is some weird "click" sounds in the background and all that. All i am asking, is for someone to make a decent remix, it does not have to sound really good, just something with bass and a proper beat. I wouldn't be publishing this anywhere (no lawsuits for copyright issues and so on..), so, it would be totally fine if you mixed it with other party songs (whatever suits you guys best). This is probably a silly request, i don't expect anything, but as i said, it's worth a shot right? Best regards; Tor Jakobsen
  3. Who is going to MAGLabs next month? http://magfest.org/maglabs It is the newly-named MAGFest Classic at the old location! Besides the elevators, the hotel was super sweet, and the smaller crowd it holds is a lot better for general chilling. Nothing can take the place of the legit main MAGFest, but the theme this year is sort of like Portal, and features a lot of experimentation. OverClocked ReMix is going to be there as well, experimenting with some new and cool panel ideas. Also, OverClocked community people performing there: DJ FLEXSTYLE OVERCLOCKED UNIVERSITY STARGATE Confirmed OverClocked community attendees: Arrow Bahamut DarkeSword Detective Tuesday djpretzel DragonAvenger Flexstyle Geoffrey Taucer Level 99 Neblix OA theshaggyfreak Tom the Drummer If you are coming to but aren't on the list, let me know so I can add you!
  4. After I got second place in that RPG project, I did some thinking. Why can't I host a remix contest? The idea is that each member chooses a video game piece they like and create a RPG field/town theme out of it. It can be anything from an RPG boss theme like "One Winged Angel" to "Gourmet Race" (Kirby)". However it can't already be a town or field theme. Round one will be a remix of the chosen theme and Round 2 will mix that theme with an original composition/beat I will provide. Message me if you want to participate. I'm sure this will be a lot of fun. The summery will provide most of the rules but if anyone would help me with them, it'd be appreciated. I'll judge the field themes myself but would prefer a second judge. Have a good day.
  5. I play guitar in this band and we just put out our first collection of music! Five pretty good tracks from games you may or may not have heard of! Bosconian, Ace Attorney, Shovel Knight, Wolfchild, and Gimmick! https://steelsamurai.bandcamp.com/album/criminal-justice-system
  6. I made this for "Porto Graphics Game Jam" , a really nice game jam in my country, for our game "Phase Fight". Made in only a day, I spent the remaing hours working on sound FX. Kinda proud of the final result, production and writing wise! What do you guys think? I feel like doing some more of these.
  7. First off, I apologize if this is in the wrong section, but it seemed the most appropriate place. That out of the way... -------------------------------------------------------- Fun little idea I had: Anytime, while browsing OCR, I've noticed that (at least, while I'm on) the mascots never (or very, very, very rarely) show for a remix from their respective games. So, I thought we could make a fun little game out of it! Essentially, any time you DO get a match, take a screenshot and post it below!
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