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  1. until
    Are the drum parts in your arrangements "too static," "on autopilot," or "super basic?" The Sages are here to fill in the gaps! Join @paradiddlesjosh for a live workshop on drum part writing - what it entails AND how to program! This 3-4 hour event will consist of a primer on notation (sheet music and piano roll via the General MIDI map) balancing repetition with variety (through dynamics, articulation, and the application of patterns and fills) a discussion of "feel" and the creation of "grooves" a practical demonstration of the terminology in action, writing new drum parts for a well-known VGM track Everything will be demonstrated with free tools (where possible) and some of the more prominent tools in the community. VST instruments, MIDI files, and links to further learning will be made available to EVERYONE at the end of the webinar; please see the VOD description for links!
  2. Rolling Thunder 'El Salsa' I could never get into the music of Rolling Thunder. I tried, but it was never my groove. I heard the themes quite a bit, but they never stuck in my head. But djp has taken this and given it a Latin-esque sound, which comes off pretty well I think. Could use some reverb since it does sound kind of dry, but other than that it's not too shabby. Do keep in mind that this is an early djp effort, as a few instruments do sound a bit thin.
  3. Ecco the Dolphin 'Dorsal Dub' This is a ReMix from the CARTRIDGE version of Ecco the Dolphin, which, in my opinion, did not have memorable music. It was very scratchy and almost irritating. The Sega CD version was fantastic, though. I am not too familiar with the "dub" genre (I think it means to copy something and lose quality in the process). djp captures the annoyance of the Genesis version's music here, only it doesn't sound scratchy. Not much of a melody, but if you listen close you CAN find one!
  4. Streets of Rage 'Wah-Wah' This is kind of weird. djp has added a fake guitar to the opening theme from Streets of Rage! Kind of hard to describe, you just have to hear it. I wouldn't classify this as one of djp's greatests, but there's not really too much I can bitch about. Except that I wish he'd do this tune again with his current sound setup, and make it techno... something requires to be turned up to 11.
  5. Bonk's Adventure 'Prehistoric Xmas' This is the second piece of music I heard here at OC. This was created back in the old days of DJ Pretzel and Fresh Greens. Yes, djp used to be schizo and thought he was two different people, until he killed the Fresh Greens guy. Boy has djp come a long way since this. I don't quite get the "X-Mas" connection, but virtually every instrument warps and distorts as it plays. You can hear some potential here. I really like the second half of the song.
  6. Shinobi 'Shin Shuriken Jam' This has got to be my favorite of djp's early efforts. I like what he has done here. This is based off of the first stage music in the Sega Master System version of the game. Something to keep in mind is that EVERY SINGLE STAGE in the game had this exact same music, so djp could have easily called it "Shinobi - Last Stage" and it still would have worked (the arcade and PC Engine versions featured about 4 different themes, the arcade had completely different 1st stage music, which Rayza has arranged). This tune is featured in level 1-2 in the arcade... that's the stage with the pictures of Marilyn Monroe hanging on the brick wall. djp takes the theme and makes it jam. It doesn't follow the tune note for note, as he takes the time to make sure he adds just enough funk between the familiar notes. If you have played the game then you need to download this tune. And since you are reading this then you must have at least a moderate interest. Start downloading if you haven't already!
  7. OutRun 'Passing Breeze ('97 BIT Offcut Mix)' Passing Breeze has probably always been my favorite Out Run music selection. It's also the favorite of Hiro, who composed the music for Out Run. Chris Abbott has taken that theme and made all the instruments sound really nice and smooth. Not a short song by any stretch, but that's a good thing since it is a good mix of a good song. It seems a bit more calm than the original version due to a slightly slower tempo, but not too much slower to be significant. Chris hasn't changed anything at all melody-wise, save for the cool ending, so if you've played Out Run before then you pretty much know you're getting a nicer sounding version of that.
  8. Super Mario Bros. 'Frivolous Funk' It's always cool to hear live versions of game music! This is pretty funky, except it lacks a good bass instrument. It's there but it really doesn't stand out much. Other than that it is a great listen! The Mario theme is probably more recognizable than our national anthem!
  9. Jurassic Park 'Raptor Waltz' There are parts of this song that make me wonder if Trace got a hold of a time machine to grab some Dinosaur sound samples. Get ready for your own personal ride through the jungles of Jurassic Park when you listen to this one. I only have one complaint with this one. There is a lead instrument that starts about 1:25 that I think we could have really done with out. The rest of the song makes me not want to close my eyes in fear of what I might dream up. I liked this one much more then the 3rd Jurassic Park movie. I think we could have lived without that as well.
  10. Bubble Bobble 'This Is Not a True Ending (Asphyxiation)' Personally, I think this mix is great especially that part that starts at about 0:54. Throughout the rest of the mix, the distortion makes it sound like really heavy guitars or something. And the best part about this mix is that if you don’t like this one, there is even another version with the same title without the Asphyxiation. Awesome work, Children of the Monkey Machine, keep it up.
  11. Command & Conquer 'On the Prowl Redux' YES! I love Command & Conquer (the Red Alert series may have been better, but still) and I love Scott Peeples. Why don’t we mash the two together and see what happens. Massive action flick style cool song madness! My only suggestion would be to give this one a tad more power, because it sounds a tad soft for Command & Conquer. Besides that, I can only say that this is one that you shouldn't miss. Peeples always sets us up with awesome tunes, never fails.
  12. So, I recently lost my entire sample library, after a hard drive crash - remember to back up your computers people. I've decided to rebuild the whole thing from scratch, and then share it with other composers as I go... I would give it away free but, you know, I need the money :/ So yeah, that's pretty much it. No sales pitch, just seeing if people are interested. 100 snare samples for £1, it literally works out at a penny a sample, so if anyone wants to build up their percussion library, this is a pretty cost efficient way of doing it. Also, feel free to let me know what you think of my work https://philipaldous.bandcamp.com/album/100-snare-samples-for-1
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