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Found 5 results

  1. Hey guys! First time posting here. Just thought I'd share a remix of some Star Fox music, particularly from the first level, "Corneria". Hope you guys enjoy it, and was hoping to get some feedback! Thanks. ❤️ /michael
  2. 2018 UPDATE: It is still in Musescore 2, but I'm taking a decisive turn towards an orchestral version instead of EDM. I hope to be able to finish it one of these days because this is taking me forever. Most of the mix is done. I'm stuck at the end due to a thing with the soundfont, and I was hoping to do a new section in between somewhere. https://soundcloud.com/user-227517766/folly-fire-2018-orchestral-update-wip I'm unsure about the transitions. At first they didn't sound right, but after a while I got used to it and I started to think its okay. I could use someone's fresh perspective on it. Previous UPDATE: FL Studio Version Hello, I'm a new user here and I would like to share a remix that I am working on with you guys and ask some basic feedback about the project in its current stage of development. Before jumping in, please consider the follow comments, to get an idea of where I am coming from and what I'm trying to accomplish. I am looking for feedback on some specific points. Tracks Used So I tried to combine a number of BGM's from the classic Gameboy game 'Volley Fire'. During development I noticed some easy to make connections with snippets from Starfox's Corneria theme, so I put those in as well. That gets us the following list: Stage Select (VF) Stage A (VF) Stage B (VF) Corneria (SF) I wanted to at least give the old source tunes a sound update and create a progressively expanding scene, adding more instruments, driven by a nice beat. I initially started playing around on the piano, going on my memory of the original tracks, but soon found out my memory was slightly off. But this created some nice variation that makes it a more true remix. What I'd Like Feedback On You should know that I have only started making music since november 2014. I have made a number of private compositions since, and this would be my second "completed" video game remix. I do not have professional music making software, but rather am using MuseScore2, which is a notation program. For that reason, I am not looking for feedback on the quality of sounds and instrument samples. I know these are lacking. Mastering is not too much of a concern at this point either, because the program isn't made to do that. Until I can invest in something like Fruity Loops, I want to limit the scope to other areas: Does the overall composition work? Do you think the transitions between sections are alright, or are they too sudden or weird? What would be a good way to transition them nicely so that it feels like a whole? Is the total length alright? Does the track have enough variety, keeping it interesting enough to listen to from beginning to end? What do you think of my use of the source material? Is it 'remixy' enough? I realize that sound quality and mastering might effect how you answers some of these questions, but hopefully this will be useful enough anyway. Thanks for taking the time to listen and respond! Looking forward to learning from you guys and becoming a better musician in the process. Remix Link Find the track on SoundCloud here: https://soundcloud.com/user-227517766/folly-fire-volley-fired-feedback-ready I'm naming it either "Folly Fire" or "Volley Fire'd", probably preferring the first. Source Tunes Link Volley Fire: (video description has timestamps to the relevant sections) Starfox Corneria: https://youtu.be/eclAC0JQJYk --RM
  3. Hello gang, my first post! Long time lurker (10+ years), and i've always loved listening to the remixes on the site. Thanks to all the creative geniuses who lurk here I've been trying to figure out a few tracks on this video for a while now, however recently i was able to ID two of them (one was from starfox and the other one was from ninja gaiden; should note both remixes came from here :D). see below for reference, the track i'm trying to ID starts at 2:50. If anyone could help ID that track it'd be greatly appreciated TIA!
  4. The show about a... ah forget it. I realized that there's no thread about this show on ocremix, and it's a crime for me to not serve as a living advertisement and babble about this to every potential StarFox fan I meet. Look at how expressive their faces are! To quote avclub.com, A Fox in Space is "an irreverent Star Fox animated series with ’70s style." Basically the sort of thing I always wished Nintendo would do with this franchise - actually build a story around it's characters that doesn't end in a reboot. Even better - a serious space drama juxtaposed against animal characters, which is the impression I got playing the original game. (And would prefer over the Saturday morning cartoon camp of later games.) Anyways, it was the personal project of Matthew Gafford, (Fredryk Phox - anyone remember him?) for several years, getting a name change along the way due to a Nintendo DMCA. Episode 2 is in the works, with more animators to help this time.
  5. Hi. I tried this little mix from Starfox Snes. Corneria (first mission) Original
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