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Hi everyone, its been a good few months since Ive attempted anything (School is not fun), so I figured it was time I work on somethin again. I started this about 2 weeks ago, and have been workin on and off. Due to the 16 seconds of repetitive source, its more liberal in some places than others, but the source is there. I may work on this more, especially as far as making it more fluid....I guess thats what feedback is for : )

Heres the Source: http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/TheEvilKingKoopa.mp3

Heres the ReMix ( 2/18 ): http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/0.1TheEvilKingKoopa-ReMix.mp3

First Version ( ~1/25 ): http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/TheEvilKingKoopa-ReMix.mp3


The piano feels rushed at time. Use a finer note grid and vary velocities, that should humanize the piano enough. I mean, the melody, the backing piano works as it is, and after a minute or so, there's enough other things going on keeping the rhythm fluid, so you should only fix velocities there.

2:09, don't repeat the low range piano, do something else for variation.

You should make the 2:47 section much softer. Maybe put a really heavy cutoff filter on the bass drum, definitely drop the piano velocities a lot. Then crescendo into 3:14. That'd be cooler.

3:14 and forwards is essentially the climax and ending, and it does feel much like an ending. Make the crescendo the climax but making it bigger, if you know what I mean with that.

I feel you can raise the bass volume a bit. EQ it to have more bass too. Don't overdo it, tho.

This is a pretty cool piece, but it needs to be more elaborate. See where you can make the piano programming more human. Emphasize some notes, dampen others. Great job, cool source, and keep at it!


Thanks, I havent had much time to work on this (again due to school), but I'll be able to really do stuff with it this coming weekend. I'll mainly focus on humanizing the piano (as all of you have pointed out) and workin more with the percussion, which in retrospect i feel like I've neglected. And, per Rozo's suggestions, I'll be making things more elaborate as well (more so through instrument refinement and supporting sounds) Hopefully I can put out an update in a few days, Im definitely gonna keep at this one though : )


I really like the beginning. I think you might blast the reverb more on the piano. I think that would really give the piano a lot more.... just... more of it :-) The percussion is okay but really light, you might want to emphasize that a little more, along with the bass. Overall, it's a pretty solid mix and definitely a great reworking of the material. You did a fantastic job. Congrats!



What game is the original from? I've heard it in Super Mario RPG, but your original recording sounds different.

I agree with everybody else about the piano, it could be a little more realistic. The piano also sounds really dry to me. I'd play around with the reverb and decay to give it a more rich, full sound. The way you have the piano right now sounds good durring the intro and some of the other "empty" parts like 1:40, but it just doesnt blend in with accompanying instruments durring the bulk of the song.

Other than that it's pretty good. Arrangement is good. Percussion and backing instruments could use some beefing up.

Good remix so far. I look forward to hearing what you are able to do with it.


The original's from Super Mario Bros. 3, the Bowser Battle. The SMRPG version has a transitional section the original doesn't have.

Thanks for your feedback everyone....Ive brought out the bass more and played with the EQ and panning effects on the synths. It doesnt sound as hollow as before, and Ive done more to vary up the percussion about halfway through the song, just to spice things up. Also I've "thickened" the pre-ending section. I still need to work more with the piano though; it sounds a bit fuller, but not exactly how I want quite yet. I'll be mainly working with the piano (which has proved more elaborate than I initially thought) and balancing now, unless some other issues appear.

Heres a fresh link (also in the first post): http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/0.1TheEvilKingKoopa-ReMix.mp3


lol @ gimgak's sig + Dr.Rod. Gimgak, are you trying to get of DOCTOR Rod by reviewing his WiP?

Repetition, medley-itic instant transitions... First minute and a half seems like you're trying to find what you want to do with the track. Then again, you've got a nice stereo soundscape, good source, nice samples, cool backing melodies entering towards the middle of the track.

From 1:40 and on, I like it. There's still repetition, and the strings need work, so does the overall panning, it feels like everything's a tad to the right, except the strings that sound more out of place when not conforming to this.

So, more variation, blend sections together better, and see if you can cut out some length from the first minute and a half. The whole track is 4 minutes, and the repetition is gonna make if feel dull to listen to. Also, I'd add _some_ high EQ to the piano, or drop the lower range a bit. The piano bass seems to overpower the higher notes at times.

This is a quite promising WiP, but it's not submittable yet.


This is my first post in the WiP forums :D

I really love the original of this piece. Your remix sounds extremely promising... However, it just feels extremely empty, as well. As has been said, the drum work is a little too quiet for my tastes. You might want to add a bit more complexity to the drum work as well.

I really like what you've done... It just sounds... repetitive and empty at this point. Make the dramatic moments of the piece really grab the listener, and vary the repetitive parts so that they don't sound so repetitive.

Maybe this is a better way of saying things: the remix doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. I've been listening to it this whole time on repeat, and I... well, instead of listening to a whole piece on repeat, I feel like I'm listening to the same minute and a half of the same thing over and over, and then it comes to a stop, and then repeats.

Nice work, so far :)

EDIT: Also, I swear the strings come in a shade late at 145... Every time I listen to it, it catches me off-guard, but when I repeat the same five seconds over and over, it doesn't sound as bad as I initially thought... Maybe I'm too sensitive??? I don't know...

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