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Merry meet!

It's been a while for me. Monobrow has made me realized how much I missed posting remixes here... and receiving all sorts of generous/shitty (and sometimes helpful) responses.

I don't have a proper environment/equipment right now to do any music or recordings. So I overcame a lot of annoying scenarios to remix this track.

(I might of rushed a little to finish this track)


Mainly seeking for arrangement ideas.

Blessed be!


Okay... So, I'm liking this. It's got a nice hard rock feel to it in the first segment.

Once the main theme begins at 00:41, the arpeggio-like portion is a little drowned out by the guitar, and the choral samples could use a little length. They sound just a little short.

At 1:15, it sounds great, and I have very few complaints there. Oddly, the choral clips at 1:45-ish don't need any additional length.

Those are the only problems that I'm seeing. Very nice industrial/rock sound to it, and here's hoping this one makes the cut.


wow, you're really onto something here :D, I like this. It's energetic, grungy, synthy and sexy. Can't go wrong with that. I don't really know production techniques well so I can't help you there. Composition wise, I think this is a great start. Great cut off FX, swoosh sounds and stuff btw :)


Man, 0:41 and forth in double-speed drums would be awesome. Now, it's powerful but choppy and ultimately, not as energetic as it could be. The club section that follows isn't bad, but it feels like it's not much of a re-arrangement, just melody + drum, + bg guitar, could use something more original.

Tom fill is awful. All the drums feel a bit poorly processed, dunno what exactly their problem is. Plate or room reverb might help, but like I said, I don't know what the problem is, they just sound poor. Except the kick and snare, or whatever's bring the punch to the 0:41 area.

Transition to club section is a little choppy, but it works. I'd like to see a return to the hard rock stuff towards the end, like a half-minute grande finale. 2:58 does lend itself to a bigger, grander finale (with double-speed drums?). Especially since you just end the music, let it die, and play with a kick 'til the rest is dead.

I'm not sure, but it might need more bass, low bass. High mids and low highs might need a few dB's boost in the master EQ.

Overall, this is impressive, but it's not OCR-quality yet.



Great minds think alike? :) Yours and Ty's rock interpretations come eerily close. I'm almost sure the judges will mention it.

Luckily the clubbish section at 1:15 takes it in a bit of a different direction. If you took out the base thump in the first part, I think this section could be great, because as is, it sounds really corny. Also, when you filter cut everything at 2:03, the melody needs to be louder to justify it. Otherwise, the impression is, "Oh, there it is, the obligatory dance mix cut."

Also, I like both sections, but the transition doesn't particularly work for me. Again, I think it's that base thump that rubs me the wrong way.

And I guess I'll mention it: are we supposed to ignore the beats at 2:48 onward?

Overall, great stuff. I'd say a definite yes if you can iron out some details and make it a bit more your own.


I've updated the track.

Thanks for the advice. I considered it all. I stereo-ized the toms more and pretty much did more mastering-compression on the whole track.

There should be a very noticeable difference.


Also, I have no intention in submitting this to OCR.


I really like what I hear, but have no idea what to suggest for arrangement. It sounds fine to me so far, but i don't know if it'll be enough for submission. IDK, but I really like it.


Urgh, that intro is very plodding.

This gets very crowded about 1/5 in. The drums are massively overpowering even the loud rhythm guitars. What this mix really needs is emphasis. What line do you want to be most prominent? More than half of the time I'm not sure on what to focus.

Drums: Not my cup of tea, probably tone down the velocities/volume

Rhythm guitar: once again, a little loud

Synth: No real criticisms here.

I'd probably either reimagine the intro or add something more to what you already have, but it seems to be working for other people. Probably just a personal preference.

Urgh, that intro is very plodding.

This gets very crowded about 1/5 in. The drums are massively overpowering even the loud rhythm guitars. What this mix really needs is emphasis.

Yeah I have trouble with not making my music plod and in ensuring which parts I emphasize more. So I don't blame you if you're struggling >_<. I really hope this song get's finished and posted though, so good luck eh :)

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