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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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TF2 needs ctf_facingworlds! :D

I cannot agree enough. Facing Worlds is one of Unreal Tournament's greatest contributions to society.

As such, it gets ported to virtually every first person shooter with a CTF mode.

Here's one example of a TF2 adaptation: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/46477

========== Edit ==========

I'd like to donate for a reserved spot, but following the instructions in the first post, my developer console won't open. Bound the key but it doesn't do anything, in or out of game.

Don't worry about it Drack - I can find it easily on the HLStatsX page.

Alright, donation sent. Great server you guys have running ^_^


Here here. You guys have a great server, and I'm happy to help keep it going. Though I apologize for not reading the first post closely enough to follow basic instructions (the product of a short attention span). I should probably also apologize for sucking horribly as a Spy.

I should probably also apologize for sucking horribly as a Spy.

As a person who sucks at most of the classes, you're forgiven. Incidentally, Spies are harder to play now that there's a greater number of Pyros running around.

- I watched this video again just this morning... it has some good tips for playing a Spy.

Incidently, to Bahamut: If there are more donators, do you plan on increasing the number of player slots?


So, today was the first time I've gotten to play since the Pyro pack came out.

Now that more than half the players I see are Pyros, I'm actually starting to dislike the game. Hopefully the next few packs will restore that balance that made me like the game.

Here here. You guys have a great server, and I'm happy to help keep it going. Though I apologize for not reading the first post closely enough to follow basic instructions (the product of a short attention span). I should probably also apologize for sucking horribly as a Spy.

Welcome to the forums!

Don't worry about sucking - as long as you're learning while sucking, it's all good.

Also Drack, did you enable the developer console?

Btw Powerlord, I noticed on your thread for tf2 on VGMusic, there is a startup command line you can use to choose what map the server starts on, I think it's +map mapname, so like for 2fort, you would put +map ctf_2fort

Btw Powerlord, I noticed on your thread for tf2 on VGMusic, there is a startup command line you can use to choose what map the server starts on, I think it's +map mapname, so like for 2fort, you would put +map ctf_2fort

Yeah. Before I took it down, I would start the server using this command:

./srcds_run -console -game tf +maxplayers 32 +map cp_dustbowl


-console is there because I was running it via the screen program, which lets me reconnect the console at a later time to send messages without logging in to the game. The actual full command I was running was

screen -dmS tf2server ./srcds_run -console -game tf +maxplayers 32 +map cp_dustbowl

This is why routers with QoS = win.

My router has QoS, it just didn't seem to work right the last time I enabled it... it slowed everything down, including the ports I set to high priority.


I love playing mindless Pyro and just rushing everybody with the backburner. The funny thing is, it usually ends up working most of the time.


Played warpath on TheVille X (they've got it 24/7), and it's pretty fun. I think TheVille II used to have beta versions of pl_dustbowl. Latest version I got outta there was beta 3. Dunno if a finished version ever came out... but it's almost as if dustbowl was originally designed for pl type gameplay. Note that the layout on the pl version of dustbowl is a little different from the original, but it's mainly better accessability to areas. Personally, I like pl_dustbowl better... probably because I don't play it as often.

So I'm also voting warpath and pl_dustbowl. Can't guarantee I'll be on, but if I am, I look forward to killing you all soon.


The only problem with warpath is the instant respawn. Warpath matches usually end up in stalemates, or very close to it, with each round lasting well over half an hour. Four-hour matches on warpath aren't unheard of.

The only problem with warpath is the instant respawn. Warpath matches usually end up in stalemates, or very close to it, with each round lasting well over half an hour. Four-hour matches on warpath aren't unheard of.

That's part of it's allure: Warpath is epic. It takes commitment and great team strategy to overcome the stalemate. You really need everyone to be doing their jobs to win.

Or the other team needs to suck. That helps too.

The instant respawn is a little rough, but 20 seconds can cause other problems. 10 seconds is pretty good for that map.

The other problem is that it does need a long time to feel like you played a full round. 50 minutes might be too short. 90 to start with perhaps?


Here is tonight's map rotation (and maybe tomorrow night's as well):










So get to downloading snowpath to the maps folder for tonight! Snowpath = Warpath with a snow theme btw.

Edit: Here's a spy video that posi linked to in #ocrtf2:

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