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I'd rather SEGA spend more time making the game and gameplay fun than having you suddenly stop in a middle of a Sonic speed run and go "Oooooh look how realistic the stage looks!"
Yeah, that's actually more necessary. I haven't played StH on 360, but the fanvids looked disappointing; odd controls. Sonic Riders was wack, Heroes was wack, DX was cheap (cool, but no big difference), I never played Shadow's game, nor the Sonic Battle/Racer/whatever game... SA2B was their last agreeable game (which I, personally, thought was badass). After that... no... just no.
At the rate they continue, they should just stick to making Sonic cgi movies, since the games get worse but the cutscenes look beautiful.

I was saying this just the other day to a friend, but Sega would probably mess it up somehow if they had to make a whole movie. I'm kind of sad having watched one of the Japanese Sonic Unleashed cutscenes, the visuals are wow, but Eggman doesn't have the awesome laugh anymore. /pout

I really liked Sonic riders, even if the learning curve was higher than usual for racing games, although I haven't gotten a chance to try out Zero Gravity yet, I really want to. Be happy you didn't play Shadows Game, I got it just out of curiosity for the story, and I can say, horrible horrible game, interesting idea (although in the wrong direction I think), abyssal execution. If they could make any of their games into a movie, Shadows Game shoulda been one rather than a game.

"Now, if the whole game had those kind of graphics..." I've been thinking that same thought since Sonic Adventure.

Uh, in Sonic Adventure all the cutscenes were rendered in-engine, so the whole game did have those kind of graphics....


BUT, I can't judge Unleashed just yet...gonna go home and watch my bro play it on the Wii (he's 12 and he beat Secret Rings; I'm still trying to figure that one out).

Remember when you were young and your parents rented you a shitty Genesis game, and you played the shit out of it cause you couldn't go out and buy a new game? Same thing.

Remember when you were young and your parents rented you a shitty Genesis game, and you played the shit out of it cause you couldn't go out and buy a new game? Same thing.

Well for one, my household was Nintendo and we didn't rent games...BUT I see your point :P

The thing is I tried playing Secret Rings, and I played like the third level for an hour, to die the same way everytime. I dunno...he's already beat Unleashed, maybe I's losing my touch. I'ma find out later.

Well for one, my household was Nintendo and we didn't rent games...BUT I see your point :P

The thing is I tried playing Secret Rings, and I played like the third level for an hour, to die the same way everytime. I dunno...he's already beat Unleashed, maybe I's losing my touch. I'ma find out later.

Well that and Sega isn't making Sonic games for you anymore. They're appealing to the kiddies now. The night time stages? They consider that to be the main draw to the game. We're not profitable anymore. Sega's a business after all. You'd think that a speedy hedgehog with an attitude would be just fine for kids riddled with ADD.

Well that and Sega isn't making Sonic games for you anymore. They're appealing to the kiddies now. The night time stages? They consider that to be the main draw to the game. We're not profitable anymore. Sega's a business after all. You'd think that a speedy hedgehog with an attitude would be just fine for kids riddled with ADD.

Yeah, you're quite right with all of this. Since they've established Sonic as a mascot and all that, it really doesn't matter how terrible the games can be, since they will still sell to the kiddies.

Yeah, you're quite right with all of this. Since they've established Sonic as a mascot and all that, it really doesn't matter how terrible the games can be, since they will still sell to the kiddies.

When the kids becomes preteens and play the Sonic games before 2001, they're going to be like "OMG they jilted us!!!"

Well that and Sega isn't making Sonic games for you anymore. They're appealing to the kiddies now.

Not sure if I understand this comment. Hasn't Sonic and similar games like Mario/Crash Bandicoot/etc ALWAYS been marketed to young children?

When the kids becomes preteens and play the Sonic games before 2001, they're going to be like "OMG they jilted us!!!"

At the moment. The kiddies today that play backdated Sonic games go: "OMG sucky graphix..." and move on.

It's all about the graphix people! Yeah....

At the moment. The kiddies today that play backdated Sonic games go: "OMG sucky graphix..." and move on.

It's all about the graphix people! Yeah....

Graphics and lame stories, mostly, since all of the effort is thrown into the graphics. What's worse is when the game play itself is bad. This isn't true about all modern games, just a lot of the platform/adventure ones. I've been getting more into fighters sicne a lot of adventure games lack depth.


I'll probably go with the PS3 version once it's out. I recently learned that the next-gen versions are bigger than the Wii/PS2 ones...2 more levels, I believe. Speaking of next-gen, are there any framerate problems with the 360 version? If so, then I assume that it's going to be the same if not worse with the PS3 one.

I'm not really sure what to think of the feedback so far. The Werehog gameplay has been bashed to bits by everyone, yet the 2D gameplay seems to hold up well and borrow elements from the DS's Rush series. The Sonic fan in me is telling me to go for this game despite the flawed Werehog stuff. After all, I LOVED the Rush games.


SwordBreaker, have you ever been disappointed with a main Sonic title? I know that the spin-offs don't always hold up well, but have you ever not liked a regular Sonic game?

I know I always do. Sonic '06 came the closest to proving me wrong, but that's another story.

At the moment. The kiddies today that play backdated Sonic games go: "OMG sucky graphix..." and move on.

It's all about the graphix people! Yeah....

Pretty much. I'm an only child, but the moment I showed Feliks's kid brother Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) after he played and loved Sonic Adventure 2, that was the first thing almost verbatim from his mouth. I facepalmed. I paused the game and facepalmed. Then I told him to get out.

...I don't like kids, can you guess? XD

SwordBreaker, have you ever been disappointed with a main Sonic title? I know that the spin-offs don't always hold up well, but have you ever not liked a regular Sonic game?

I know I always do. Sonic '06 came the closest to proving me wrong, but that's another story.

Well...yeah, I couldn't get into Sonic Heroes for some reason. Wasn't that interesting. The first Sonic Adventure was pretty disappointing for me as well...but that's because I played it late (the GameCube port).

Didn't play Sonic 2006 or Shadow the Hedgehog. Reviews scared me off.

.but that's because I played it late (the GameCube port).

Be HAPPY you played the gamecube port, they really cleaned up the controls compared to the dreamcast version. I remember when I played the DC version the camera was like a wild animal, and the controls were pretty loose.

Although oldschool 3d sonic is pretty awesome...

Pretty much. I'm an only child, but the moment I showed Feliks's kid brother Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) after he played and loved Sonic Adventure 2, that was the first thing almost verbatim from his mouth. I facepalmed. I paused the game and facepalmed. Then I told him to get out.

...I don't like kids, can you guess? XD

Oh, c'mon, Orion, SA2(B) was the truth. It was everything from exciting to emotional; a living experience.


Hey, personally, I don't have too much against SA2 itself. It set a lot of bad precedents that would haunt the series to come, but taken solely as an individual game it wasn't terrible. And I admit, when I first picked it up, I loved it. It just took time for the flaws to appear to me.

See, what I was more annoyed about was that my friend's kid brother immediately wrote off the classics because of its looks rather than actually trying the game.


See, what I was more annoyed about was that my friend's kid brother immediately wrote off the classics because of its looks rather than actually trying the game.

Lousy kids with their 3 Dimensional graphics and their rock music...

Hey, personally, I don't have too much against SA2 itself. It set a lot of bad precedents that would haunt the series to come, but taken solely as an individual game it wasn't terrible. And I admit, when I first picked it up, I loved it. It just took time for the flaws to appear to me.

See, what I was more annoyed about was that my friend's kid brother immediately wrote off the classics because of its looks rather than actually trying the game.

It's no different than older gamers writing newer games off because the controls are too "complicated", really. Sometimes you just can't get past someone's biases or self-imposed ignorance, no matter how much you try to. Don't give yourself an aneurysm over it ;-)

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