Sinewav Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 I'm really wanting to do the 21c Hotel thing. That place looks awesome. One problem... I just had surgery, and my sinuses are all clogged and apparently making me snore very loudly. Supposedly, I should be better buy the time of the meetup, but no promises. just to be cautious, is there anyone who isn't going to sleep much, or sleeps really hard, who would like to share a room? Transportation: Yes. Batman: Hell, Yes. Helping out Mr. Tallarico: Sure. What kind of stuff would we be helping Tommy with? I'm more than willing to lend a helping hand, even if it's just carrying equipment. Just curious. Quote
ifirit Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Alright, since I've not received a notice or payment from darkman40522, I've gone ahead and purchased the tickets for the concert. Our seats are in the Orchestra Section (AA - S): Row H, Seats 12 -20. That's one of the rows in the middle of this section (but closer to the stage) with seats just left of center stage. I'll be receiving the tickets by mail in 2-3 days. Again, I'll be holding on to these tickets until the day of the meet-up. However, if you would like me to send you your ticket(s), please let me know via PM. I've updated our list of attendees and travel information here: Attendees: || Transportation: || Hotel: ____ || Hotel Choice: || BGC ______ || Yes ___________ || Yes _______ || No Preference || tweek _____|| Yes ___________ || Yes _______ || No Preference || Audix +1 _ || Yes ___________ || Yes _______ || No Preference || Nekofrog +1|| Yes (Pending) _ || Yes _______ || (2) 21c Museum Hotel || Sinewav __ || Yes ___________ || Yes _______ || (2) 21c Museum Hotel || dPaladin _ || Yes ___________ || No (Pending)|| N/A || ifirit ___ || Yes ___________ || Yes _______ || (2) 21c Museum Hotel || It looks like there will be a total of 8 people who are looking to share a hotel room. Four of us prefer the 21c Museum Hotel, with four having no preference other than staying at the same hotel. I suggest that we get 2 double bed rooms (four people per room). I'll plan to have BGC, tweek, Audix and his friend stay in one room, since they've requested this arrangement, and Sinewav, Nekofrog, his girlfriend and myself in the other. If this arrangement is too much of a problem, would it okay with everyone to allow us to switch people? Since I've already stated that I'll leave the deadline to decide on the hotel for next Monday, I won't make any plans right now. We still have time to sort things out. Let me know if there's anything else that I'll need to consider. Quote
big giant circles Posted June 18, 2008 Author Posted June 18, 2008 Since everyone is leaning toward the museum hotel, I think we should just go ahead and call that *the one*. I'm also fine switching up people if the need arises, but I doubt the need would/should arise. Also, being married, I should warn that I might involuntarily spoon whoever I'm next to... Quote
big giant circles Posted June 18, 2008 Author Posted June 18, 2008 Yes. Everyone who has an OCR shirt, wear it. Black is typically the most popular color, but if you have white, that's cool too. Or, if you're really REALLY awesome and have one of the oldschool jerseys, you can earn mad cool points by sporting that bad boy. I'm trying to work things out with DJP, we're kicking around the idea of him sending me a bunch of shirts for us to potentially sell as merchandise at the show like we did at the DC show. So while you guys are welcome to go ahead and buy one right now, if you wait a week or so, I should be able to tell you if I'll be bringing a bunch, and then you can just buy one directly (and save a bit on shipping). Also, I think I can probably speak for everyone and say that if you end up in need of it, I don't think anyone would mind letting you crash in their room if you get stuck for the night. Quote
ifirit Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 I'll make reservations for 2 Double Bed rooms at the 21c Museum Hotel online on Monday. Paypal page will also be set up at that time. And I have no problem with letting dPaladin crash on the floor. I'll bring my sleeping bag, just in case. But, if you'll be leaving the next day with the rest of us (and since you live in the Louisville area anyway), I see no reason why we couldn't give you a ride. There's no need for you to walk eight miles home, even after taking a bus ride part of the way there. As far as helping out Tommy Talarico with VGL, I'm in. I'll be getting there early to make sure everything at the hotel is taken care of, anyway. I'm also still up for going to see Batman: The Dark Knight. And so far, there haven't been any naysayers. Also, I'm going to be really REALLY awesome and wear my oldschool jersey with the purple sleeves. But, since I haven't purchased the new (and sleeker) black Tee yet, I'm willing to purchase one at the concert. Attendees: || OCR T-Shirt (Wearing): || OCR T-Shirt (Purchase): || Dark Knight: || Helping Mr. Talarico: || BGC ______ || Yes (Black?)__________ || No (Selling)___________ || Yes_________ || Yes _________________ || tweek ____ || ? ____________________ || ? _____________________ || ? __________ || ? ___________________ || Audix +1 _ || No ___________________ || Yes ___________________ || Yes ________ || Yes _________________ || Nekofrog +1|| ? ____________________ || ? _____________________ || Yes ________ || ? ___________________ || Sinewav __ || Yes (Black) __________ || Pending _______________ || Hell, Yes __ || Yes _________________ || dPaladin _ || ? ____________________ || Yes ___________________ || ? __________ || Yes _________________ || ifirit ___ || Yes (Jersey) _________ || Yes ___________________ || Yes ________ || Yes _________________ || Quote
Sole Signal Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 You sir, are organized. Here's my plan so you can fill out the checksheet. Buddy and I are going to be driving down early, probably getting there around 4 or so, then either hanging out at the hotel and meeting OCR folk or helping out at VGLive. We'll both be buying black OCR t-shirts, and going to see Dark Knight. Quote
Sinewav Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 I'll wear my OCR shirt (black). When did they make these jerseys? I've been lurking here since 2002 and I don't really remember them at all. And I'll consider purchasing an OCR shirt, since my current one is starting to get worn out. Quote
big giant circles Posted June 19, 2008 Author Posted June 19, 2008 I'm trying to work things out with DJP, we're kicking around the idea of him sending me a bunch of shirts for us to potentially sell as merchandise at the show like we did at the DC show. So while you guys are welcome to go ahead and buy one right now, if you wait a week or so, I should be able to tell you if I'll be bringing a bunch, and then you can just buy one directly (and save a bit on shipping). give me a couple more days and i'll have an update for those of you considering buying shirts before hand. Quote
ifirit Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 I've made reservations for two 2-Double Bed rooms at the 21c Museum Hotel. I haven't received the room locations yet, but our current room assignments are: Room 1 - (big giant circles, tweek, Audix +1), Room 2: (Sinewav, Nekofrog +1, ifirit). The cost per room is $159.00 as originally stated, meaning that the cost per person is $39.75. Again, the pay-by date for the hotel room is Wednesday, July 16, 2008. I've set up a PayPal page as well, which is listed below. PayPal Page for Hotel Rooms at 21c Museum Hotel Currently, our information is as follows: Attendees|Transportation|Hotel: ____||OCR T-Shirt (Wearing)|OCR T-Shirt (Purchase)|Dark Knight|Helping Mr. Tallarico| BGC ______||Yes ___________||Yes _______||Yes (Black?)__________||No (Selling)___________||Yes_________||Yes _________________|| tweek ____||Yes ___________||Yes _______||? ____________________||? _____________________||? __________||? ___________________|| Audix +1 _||Yes ___________||Yes _______||No ___________________||Yes ___________________||Yes ________||Yes _________________|| Nekofrog+1||Yes (Pending) _||Yes _______||? ____________________||? _____________________||Yes ________||? ___________________|| Sinewav __||Yes ___________||Yes _______||Yes (Black) __________||Pending _______________||Hell, Yes __||Yes _________________|| dPaladin _||Yes ___________||No (Pending)|No ___________________||Yes ___________________||Yes ________||Yes _________________|| ifirit ___||Yes ___________||Yes _______||Yes (Jersey) _________||Yes ___________________||Yes ________||Yes _________________|| I'm still missing a couple of pieces of information, but all I need for the moment is information regarding T-shirt purchases and providing help for Tommy Tallarico at VGL for BGC's benefit. Let me know if there's anything else I'm missing or feel I should provide. I'll post information about in-town travel later. Quote
Nekofrog Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 Update: We've got the parts for the car, only now a new issue has come up. It won't start up to get it to the place to get repaired, which means there's another new issue. Luckily our coming paychecks (31st) will be very sizable, so we can likely take care of whatever it is. The problem is just finding out WHAT it is. I really hope we get this ironed out before the meetup, 'cause we've already paid for the tickets. Quote
big giant circles Posted June 24, 2008 Author Posted June 24, 2008 remember, i'm working out the details to see if we can sell them there. in which case you guys will have first dibs. neko, you might consider subscribing to AAA. they'll tow your car in case of stuff like that. Quote
Nekofrog Posted June 29, 2008 Posted June 29, 2008 Update: Just magically came into $10,000. Will definitely be there Quote
big giant circles Posted June 29, 2008 Author Posted June 29, 2008 Update:Just magically came into $10,000. Will definitely be there nice. magically, eh? /me pictures a particular scene from "Jumper". also, I think it might be wiser to perhaps go see Batman TDK as a matinee on Saturday. Friday night, I dunno. I wouldn't be surprised if all shows were either sold out, or else so jam packed that there'd be no way a group larger than 2-3 could find seating together. thoughts? Quote
Nekofrog Posted June 30, 2008 Posted June 30, 2008 That sounds good to me. If no one is up for streetwalking after the show on Friday, we can just spend the night in playing games/rocking out some VG music. I might bring my guitar for that Quote
Zero Rei Maru Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Ugh you fuckers. You're having a meetup when you knew I wouldn't be in Louisville. Hate you all. Quote
big giant circles Posted July 6, 2008 Author Posted July 6, 2008 bump. I'll have an update on shirts and stuff in a couple days. Ifirit, I would think that weekend there shouldn't be any problems with hotel availability--is it any more expensive if we just pay that night? Quote
Sinewav Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Games and music sounds like a good way to spend the evening, though I would think we would need to be somewhat quiet after dark at the hotel. Does anyone here play any instruments? I'm pretty okay on guitar and keys and I certainly wouldn't mind a jam session with some other game music enthusiast. Any particular games anyone is wanting to play? Quote
Sole Signal Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Games, cards, and music sounds like a cool way to chill afterwards and visit with you all. I think my buddy is bringing his guitar, and I may bring my laptop + keyboard, we'll see. Any of you guys play the card game euchre? Quote
big giant circles Posted July 7, 2008 Author Posted July 7, 2008 Cards, music, and all things geeky are cool with me. I don't know any recent card games that don't involve clubs, hearts, diamonds, and spades though. Ifirit, where you iz? Quote
ifirit Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 bump. I'll have an update on shirts and stuff in a couple days. Ifirit, I would think that weekend there shouldn't be any problems with hotel availability--is it any more expensive if we just pay that night? Do you mean getting an extra room? Because that depends on their availability, which they don't seem to lack at the moment. Or do you mean just paying for the rooms that I've already reserved? No, there's no charge to pay that night, since the rooms are reserved under my credit card. I end up paying for them anyway at the price I was quoted. I am flexible enough to let you guys pay me that night, but everyone will have to pay me personally, i.e. cash. I had set the date for the Wednesday before, in case we had any drop-outs and needed to cancel the room or make any changes before then, so that I wouldn't be charged for it. But, if there are changes made that Thursday or Friday, I will owe the balance on the rooms regardless. However, if anyone has money problems right now, I'm flexible enough to let you pay then. also, I think it might be wiser to perhaps go see Batman TDK as a matinee on Saturday. Friday night, I dunno. I wouldn't be surprised if all shows were either sold out, or else so jam packed that there'd be no way a group larger than 2-3 could find seating together. thoughts? There appear to only be three theaters in a 15-mile radius of where we're staying in Louisville that are showing The Dark Knight. The closest of these is the Cinema de Lux 20: Stonybrook, which is also showing the IMAX version of the film. According to their website, tickets are still available for the Saturday showtimes, though seating is limited. Tickets for the IMAX version cost $9.75, tickets for the regular version cost $6.50. Cards, music, and all things geeky are cool with me. I don't know any recent card games that don't involve clubs, hearts, diamonds, and spades though. Well, if people are bringing their instruments with them and you guys feel like streetwalking, I say we do street performances after the concert. Guitar, saxophone, some keys, some vocals, and a little percussion sounds like a really fun street jam session. Quote
Nekofrog Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 I've never been to an IMAX theater before. I think we should snag tickets in advance for this on a Saturday showing. Whether or not you guys go is up to you, I just know my girl and I -will- be seeing Batman on Saturday somewhere in Louisville. She's been waiting for this moving since Begins came out, and wants to see it hell or high water. Also, I probably will wind up not bringing my guitar due to the fact that I'd have to bring an amp as well, and the only one I have suitable for that is a small practice amp that sounds like utter shit. Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Yeah, gas in the Louisville area is like $3.65 per gallon right now. And if any of you want to stick around and do something else afterward (VGL lets out fairly late iirc), I'd be up for that. You lucky dogs, it's average $3.95 here in Lexington! Quote
FS Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 $3.65 would be REALLY nice about now. Last time I checked, lowest price in Louisville is $4.08. Quote
big giant circles Posted July 8, 2008 Author Posted July 8, 2008 thanks for more details, ifirit. I'm all for an IMAX Batman. also, I'm good cashwise to pay for hotel expenses night of. That's my personal preference, if it's cool with you. But I want you to be totally cool with it. I want no risk of anyone feeling like they're going to get shafted if they have to front money for people that can't reimburse properly. Quote
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