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So to this day I've constantly wondered WHY there is only ONE pw remix on this site...this game has like the catchiest damn music EVER!

well, I've decided to take a crack at the objection music (and investigation: cornered, but that's not close to being WIP ready)

This is a slow, downtempo electro song (think driving music) complete with 80s slap bass amongst other things - my main question for you all is whether you like it with vocals or without vocals. (bear in mind, this is a quick, QUICK, take on vocals - I can do better (hopefully)

Anyway, let me know what you think! (the vocal version has less volume for some reason; I'm working on a fix)

withoutvocals: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/vdks/objection-2

withvocals: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/evpl/objection-2mastered (UPDATED!)


Might want to cut back on the drums during the first bass solo. They totally overpower the melodic material.

I think you use the original too much in succession. You have plenty of arrangement ideas, you just need to place them a little differently so we don't get so much 'original groove' verbatim. I'm having a bit of trouble describing this :(.

It's a pretty good start though. No major gripes here.


I like that you're remixing this under-represented game, that so much deserves it. Awesome.

However, I have one single complaint. Too. Long. I thought it was very, veeeery long. Don't know if other people might share the opinion with me, but I felt that it was pretty long and it didn't have any other changes of pace, apart from the bass. Maybe I'd like better the vocals version. I'll be around to hear both the vocals one and the investigation - cornered. Don't fail us Phoenix Wright fans.


Thanks for your comments; I am aware that it is very lonngggg, but it is supposed to be a vocal arrangement.

Speaking of which, I've reuped the good version, complete with cheesy vocoded lyrics and more bass.

I can always redo the vocals, just let me know if that's a YAY or a NAY (or if i should just give up and kill my untrained vocal self)

Um, that's about it then; comments please!

vocal: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/oqwe/objectionvocals



Yup, I like the vocal's version more. It makes the repetition less noticeable, and it makes the first bass section a lot more strong and noticeable. I liked that.

I loved the lyrics, especially the ones after the first bass section. The I didn't like the other ones as much, but they are still good. The voice wasn't too much of my liking. I would prefer a deeper voice.

Don't listen too much to my opinions, however. That's how I would like the song to be, but don't forget this is your song.


Alright, I really like this remix so far. The vocals are really interesting, though they sound a little too airy, like not full enough. It gets better later in the song though, and it sounds good overall. Also, during the flute solo, bring the flute more to the front. It took me a second to realize that the flute was having a solo, and that might just be my headphones, but I still think you should look into it.

I might also sugest you make the ending fadeout a little longer. It just feels too sudden to me.

Overall, though, I think this is a great mix!


Alright, update here.

I appreciate all your comments and have tried to change this version to better reflect them... :)

-the flute solo is louder

-the drums have been changed more (probably still not enough, but I still want them to groove, ya know?

-voice has been tweeked for more low range

-there's a longer fade out

So that's about it for this update. Let me know what you think! (Submission ready?)

link: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/evpl/objection-2mastered


Nice! Well, not really nice, I don't know if it is nice or not, but I liked it more. The ending is better now that the fadeout has been extended.

I wouldn't really know if it's submission ready, but I'll tell you no remix is ever submission ready :l Good luck anyways!


I really like the mix right now, and it's definitely improving.

The vocals sound really nice as is, and I think the drums are very nicely done.

Maybe it's just be, but I'd still like the flute to some to the front a little more. See what you can do with that. It's almost there, but it still sounds to me like some kind of background instrument. Play with pan and volume or maybe EQ on that one. Just be careful not ot overdo it, because it's close, but just not quite there for me.

It seems really very close to submission ready if you ask me, though. I think it's a great mix overall.


I like this. The delivery of "running" at 0:30 is kinda weird...also, the phrase "and so do people" stands out because it's the only one that doesn't rhyme (that I noticed). But other than that, a surprisingly well-executed mix.

It's pretty hard to hear the "Objection" in the vocal version though...as far as I can tell it's just a single guitar line that's barely audible most of the time. I'd bring it out more to make the connection more obvious.


This is sounding sweet dude, the only suggestions i can place is in the drums, there pretty liniar all the way through the song... maybe after the flute solo when the organ solo comes in u could try some ride cymbol? might sound nice, might suck. a few tom fills wouldnt go amiss either.

I also personally dont like the intrument between the flute and the organ playing the main sorta tune (sounds like an acoustic guitar or somthing) i know its what the instument in the actual song is but i would try outta randomness a saxophone :P if not there then somewhere cause i think it would sit well in there maybe...

Either way the song is pretty damn nice as it is, works very well. Everything ive said is just supose to be constructive critisism and ofc not dissing in anyway so dont take anything ive said the wrong way if my thoughts come out wrongly. :P

good luck :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I think this is a sweet, original mix from a cool track.

My only suggestion is that I would use a different instrument for the primary theme. The high-pitched electric piano thing is a little irritating. I think you could get away with the repetition using a different instrument.

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