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Hey TV's Noah here from CSWradio. Me and my co host Will do a weekly nerd radio show and every week we do a theme. This Friday we want the theme to be OverClocked Remix. If you allow us we will play your remixes over the air ways and streaming all over the internet. Now for us to do this I want to clear it with the people who made the songs so we are only going to play people who reply the this thread so please post. Also this is a real radio show and thus we must play by FCC rules, so the remix must be clean. We prefer stuff with lyrics, but it doesn't have to be.

So post any questions here, I'll be checking back more then likely hourly because I'm a nerd and will answer any questions.

We are CSWradio from 91.7 WLFR Pomona NJ. You can listen at http://www.stockton.edu/~wlfr/


I've got one OC ReMix. With my vocals. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01694/ Be sure to play it to support another radio show veteran and pro wrestling fan.

If you need someone to call into the show this Friday to discuss what OC ReMix is about, let me know.

And remember to credit the artists, track titles and ocremix.org per our Content Policy: Terms of Use, to give credit where credit it due.


Few things. One, if a track is submitted with more then one remixer, then both must give the okay before I can play it on the air.

2nd Liontamer I'd love to have you on the show, but sadly we can't do on air calls for some reason. If you want to write something up that would be great.

Also we plan to give full credit to the artist and ocremix.org and plug anything else you guys want, so if you want us to talk about the big FF7 thing you guys did, let us know. I tried to look at the terms of use, but it won't load for some reason. Damn computer.

Basically we saw you guys at Otacon, and we are big fans so we thought we would give you some free plugs, and hopefully gain some fans ourselves. So please tune in this Friday, and if there is anything else you want us to do let us know.


I must say that Black Wing Metamorphosis is one of the greatest things I've ever heard! suzumebachi, is there any way you can get in touch with the other artists and clear it with em to play it for me? That would be great.

In other news, if you want to talk to us during the show Friday at 8-10 EST on WLFR, we are PiratesInKilts on AIM. Or you can call us at 609-OK-BIZ-17. You can also go into the gamernook.com chat room, we are usually in there during the show. It's like a myspace for gamers. You can sign up for that site here: http://www.gamernook.com/invite/by/tvsnoah/

Please chat with us during the show, fans really make the show. As a warning we go on after DJ Jesus's Fiesta Fridays, so if you log on and hear Spanish music, you are on the right station. Again any questions just ask, and please let any of your friends know about this so we can play them to.


Its cool that you want to get our permission, but we've already given permission by agreeing to the ocremix agreement when we submit.

As long as you credit it, go for it.

If you insist though, I'm fine for black wing on my part. Steffan Andrews did a large amount of the track, with the others contributing lil' bits here and there, so you really want his permission above all.


Oh, thank you Fishy. Did not know that. In that case I will play anything even if all artist have not said yes. That is unless we are told not to play something, which I will respect.

I am still going to ask people to post stuff they wanted to be played because I'd rather play stuff for the people who asked, and will most likely be listening then play some random stuff. So keep posting them links!


I know double posting is lame, but it will be easier for us if this is near the top when we do the show. Remember tune in at 8pm EST!


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