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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I've talked with Darke a bit on this, as well as read most of the things posted in this thread.

For now I'm NOT going to implement class limits. While I personally support them, the opposition has a valid point, and given what the server's general focus is, class limits do not line up with this.

There have been plans in the works for a second "serious" server where such a thing might be implemented (as well as alltalk off, etc), but we'll see about that.

Would the 'serious' server be running this supposed "Pro/Competitive Mode" TF2 that's under development?

If we're applying the same settings to just ctf maps, or other types, I can easily write a little python hack or something that can generate these for you. :<

However, I don't know if we can change the intel respawn time via map cfgs :?

why do you need to do any custom configs or hacks just change the cvar for flag caps to 3 and the cvar for the crit boost to 0

there is no cvar for intel respawns and personally i think that doesnt need to be changed anyways

Would the 'serious' server be running this supposed "Pro/Competitive Mode" TF2 that's under development?

all that pro stuff isnt stuff that will be just for tourney matches they are changes that will be made to the game as a whole


As there are no active Admins on my friends list at the moment, I'm posting this here.

I've been told that a hacker with this SteamID/information was speedhacking and taking the names of other players to bypass ban attempts on the OCR server:

# 120 "A Random Tiger" STEAM_0:1:21106092 04:19 155 0 spawning

(Note that this isn't our normal Tiger, but the data I was given.)

I was also told that the user "Fuzzy Peaches" was mistakenly banned when the above hacker changed his name to avoid a voteban against himself.

Please deal with this accordingly. ^_^


Alright so,. . we had someone using a speed hack on a while ago.

Unfortunately we didn't realize he was changing his name to match other players, thus a voteban passed and Fuzzy Peaches got a 30 minute ban that he didn't deserve.

Pretty sure the hacker left after the map changed soon after, but yeah.

That happened XD

If Fuzzy Peaches in on here, I apologize.

Edit: Oh I see Aero posted while I was typing haha

RE ctf crit boost, I agree that it's a steamroll mechanic.

It's only a steamroll mechanic when it comes to ctf matches where the winning team knows wtf they're doing. On the vast majority of pub servers that have alltalk on, it's an equalizer, it lures out the idiots that are aiming for cheap, unearned kills they normally couldn't get, so they can get raped by people that know what they're doing. Much RAGE ensues over alltalk which is just lulz for all.

That's why I proposed a 60-sec crit boost back when the variable was first introduced (you know, cuz I'm one of those guys that reads the patch notes when the damn things are released to find out exactly what the hell's been changed), cuz I knew drama and lulz would both ensue, in great quantities. So far I'm not disappointed. :D

There isn't fun in that. Just like there isn't any fun in being told you are not allowed to have casual fun because of an arbitrary limit.

Maybe it hardly works because you are being disrespectful to your teammates instead of being constructive, have you thought about that? Part of being a team player is being "Mr Negotiations and Policies" to pick up your team and... make them not suck! Communicate with your team. Don't bitch about how other people are not being team players if you are unwilling to do so yourself.

When's the last time I told anyone on my team that they suck? I rarely type out a word on there, mainly cause it's a pain in the ass to even play on the server with pubbies that are Lone Rangering it. But thanks for giving me a run down on how you think I do it.


That steam ID isn't banned by VAC or steambans. I can't speak for the rest of the admins, but I'm not going to ban someone blindly without proof.

Also: voteban. You have it for a reason.

If they really were cheating, VAC will catch up with them sooner or later.

EDIT: ok, after a bit more search, there's clearly some manipulated data. Throwing down a ban.

As there are no active Admins on my friends list at the moment, I'm posting this here.

I've been told that a hacker with this SteamID/information was speedhacking and taking the names of other players to bypass ban attempts on the OCR server:

# 120 "A Random Tiger" STEAM_0:1:21106092 04:19 155 0 spawning

(Note that this isn't our normal Tiger, but the data I was given.)

I was also told that the user "Fuzzy Peaches" was mistakenly banned when the above hacker changed his name to avoid a voteban against himself.

Please deal with this accordingly. ^_^

I do wonder if Kigen's Anti-Cheat would catch this sort of thing.

Maybe we should try it out.

I hereby invite all career pyros, career snipers, career spies and any other players that have a career class, to find CLEFAIRY and show him your handiwork personally.

This seems like a fortuitous time to announce my hiatus. :tomatoface:

I just feel my TF2 phase winding down, that's all. I've played enough Goldbowl/Badwater/2fort to last me several years now, and the other maps are certainly getting up there. I guess I could join a customs community like Axel's, but I like it right here.

However, on the off-chance that anyone is interested in this challenge, I will generally be one of the following:

  • The Scout with the Batter's Helmet, shooting your peeps in the kidneys
  • The Demoman who stickyjumps everywhere
  • The C&D spy who does nothing but stab-sap your engies
  • The Soldier with the pot who taunts after every kill
  • The Engineer with teleports in bizarre, obvious places (It's Clefairy's patented Alarm-o-Porter 3000! Enemies cannot resist alerting you to their presence!)
  • The Pyro who tries to airblast and fails miserably
  • The sole Medic on a reasonably competent team(post-beta patch thing, you'll be able to pick me out by the absence of a blut. Crit needles are comin' back, baby!)

That is all. Keep your eyes peeled; I should make for elusive prey in the forseeable future. :-P


I wouldn't exactly call myself a career Spy any more.

I mean, last time I was on, I played the following classes for at least 5 minutes each:






In the last month, I've killed Clefairy once more than he's killed me (13 vs 12 for a kpd of 1.08 ).

Where are these glowing face avatars coming from?

The ones with the TF2 classes that have blue coming out of their eyes or mouth.

AFAIK Valve started it. If you go to their steam group, a bunch of their employees use them. I guess it's sort of a meme now?

essentially you have no right to force somebody to not have fun under the pretense that you're doing it in a heroic fashion

Wrong. Essentially, Ayn Rand doesn't believe in modern society. The way you've presented that quote in an effort to frame me as a false altruist, really diminishes the true meaning. Your manipulated translation implies that Ayn also believed imprisoning murderers and rapists to be wrong. That's not the case.

On a side note, an objectivist quote seems tainted coming from a cynic.


i never read long posts so naturally i didnt read all that nonsense between clefairy trianne and rambo well i never read clefairys posts they are always way too long but i read the first like 6 words of rambos last post and i sure am glad i didnt bother to read all that

your mom was tainted

last night

youre one of the worst posters ive ever seen

I do wonder if Kigen's Anti-Cheat would catch this sort of thing.

Maybe we should try it out.

My main issue with KAC is that the ban list is closed, and ban resolution system is to PM some guy on some forum. Since there are a number of threads about potential false positives (granted we don't know the full story here) it's hard for me to stand behind KAC.

My take on VAC remains the same: If someone is cheating, it's going to catch up with them sooner or later. We have active admins and features like voteban for this reason. To my knowledge we rarely get cheaters on the OCR server, so I don't feel adding cheat protection is necessary.

Where are these glowing face avatars coming from?

The ones with the TF2 classes that have blue coming out of their eyes or mouth.

There's a thread on facepunch that's spawning these at alarming rates.

Wrong. Essentially, Ayn Rand doesn't believe in modern society.

well yeah exactly

The way you've presented that quote in an effort to frame me as a false altruist

I don't really need to frame you as a false altruist - the strange absence of the voices of the many who apparently support your ideas essentially proves my point

On a side note, an objectivist quote seems tainted coming from a cynic.

since objectivism kind of supports the idea that all of society is retarded I don't really think that it's strange at all

I don't really need to frame you as a false altruist - the strange absence of the voices of the many who apparently support your ideas essentially proves my point

I hear and read enough in the several hours I play every day. But I'm sure you know more about the community from your 1 hour every few weeks.

If I said we should stitch together a new map rotation, would anyone agree?


yeah with no maps that were added with the classless update (with the exception of maybe yukon)

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