atmuh Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Because hackers don't deserve the honor: yeah except that was done by voogru or whatever his name is who is a gigantic faggot who thinks he's high and mighty about every piece of code he writes and doesnt hand crap out to anyone so screw him hes an idiot Dropping the Scoot's HP to make up for it could be a problem, though.However, Scoots die in nearly one hit anyway (almost instantly from fire), so maybe it'll work out anyway. thats not gonna be the only change see that doesnt balance the sandman at all, because it still has the same problem in the hands of competence it is simply way too good the tweaks to the stun itself are what will balance it I'd go with Pyros that don't spycheck, as Pyros putting out people is fairly new to the game (it arrived in Sniper/Spy update) and only works with one of the two flamethrowers.Whereas every Pyro should have been spy checking since the game came out. durrr you pyros should be sitting in the back spychecking everyone WRONG pyros are an OFFENSE CLASS for a reason how about you guys just turn around every once in a while
Bleck Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 durrr you pyros should be sitting in the back spychecking everyoneWRONG yeah you have to be in the back to spycheck people because obviously everyone on your team is busy defending it's not like he meant just spychecking other teammates you see whilst on the front lines or anything
atmuh Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 yeah you have to be in the back to spycheck people because obviously everyone on your team is busy defending it's not like he meant just spychecking other teammates you see whilst on the front lines or anything most of the people that whine about pyros not spychecking are brainless engineers that sit holding m1 as they whack their sentries forever or heavies that never look behind them defensive classes
Bleck Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 okay so either I can look behind myself constantly and get buttrushed by the soldier I should have been shooting or I can look forward and get backstabbed because pyros aren't taking half a second to check for spies given the whole 'work together' nature of the game I'd say that asking my teammates to maybe like you know work as a team is probably not really that big of a thing to ask of them unless we are playing professionally or something in which case every pro for themselves I guess??
atmuh Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 okay so either I can look behind myself constantly and get buttrushed by the soldier I should have been shootingor I can look forward and get backstabbed because pyros aren't taking half a second to check for spies given the whole 'work together' nature of the game I'd say that asking my teammates to maybe like you know work as a team is probably not really that big of a thing to ask of them unless we are playing professionally or something in which case every pro for themselves I guess?? so if i get backstabbed its definitely the fault of the pyro on my team for not killing the spy that i wasnt paying attention to also taking the time to look around you, takes...uh, not time at all and sure if by half a second you mean you run by someone and shoot your flame at them to make sure they're legit, but it takes a little bit longer to go out of your way to douse every possible person with flames to ensure they arent spies when i play pyro, ill check people that i pass close to, but im not wasting my time trying to set my team on fire when i could be doing what im supposed to be doing, taking out the entire other team
A Random Tiger Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 I can't believe the assumptions you're making here, atmuh. We barely discussed detail and you're instantly assuming that by being annoyed by pyros who don't spycheck we want them to be spychecking 100% of the time, everyone and everywhere, and not attacking people.
Bleck Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 when i play pyro, ill check people that i pass close to, but im not wasting my time trying to set my team on fire when i could be doing what im supposed to be doing, taking out the entire other team yeah see what we're talking about is people who don't check the people they get close to way to assume forever
atmuh Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 maybe im just enjoying the fact that i havent heard a complaint about people not spychecking on my server in forever when we die we blame it on ourselves!! or crits
Brushfire Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 See this is the shit I am talking about. Why are we fighting about whose server is better. PEOPLE WHO PLAY ON OCR PLAY TO HAVE FUN. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK. SERIOUSLY. So how about this update coming up.
Bleck Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 So how about this update coming up. I sure hope it's engi but it'll probably be soldier
atmuh Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 See this is the shit I am talking about. Why are we fighting about whose server is better.PEOPLE WHO PLAY ON OCR PLAY TO HAVE FUN. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK. SERIOUSLY. So how about this update coming up. im not particularly fighting, and you guys being super mad about pyros not spychecking goes against the whole we dont care thing btw I sure hope it's engi but it'll probably be soldier how on earth can you want it to be engineer there are already way too many people playing support classes because of past updates and not enough people playing the classes that actually MATTER (soldier and demo are the least played)
A Random Tiger Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 I think it would be neat if soldiers got Landmines. I dunno how they would do it, but I feel like it would suit the character
atmuh Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 oh yeah i shouldve added that i absolutely dont want any more updates soldier, demo, and engineer are all perfectly FINE
Lumpy Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Why do they get discriminated against? All the other classes have updates. Also remember that they don't try to make them better, they just try to add a new style of playing them. So it wouldn't really matter if they are fine or not.
Garian Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 PEOPLE WHO PLAY ON OCR PLAY TO HAVE FUN. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK. SERIOUSLY. losing because of team incompetence or an unwillingness to work together is totally fun. 9_9 regarding soldier/demoman update packs: even if their default weapons are "perfectly fine," balanced alternative weapons would be able to provide the kind of variety that some of the other classes now have, such as the huntsman allowing snipers to become a bit more defensive front-line style class, or the Bonk! energy drink allowing the scout to distract sentries/players and allow his team to follow through with a real attack. of course, neither of these examples are flawless, but that's at least the idea... and don't give me the 'but demo/soldier have exceptional mobility' crap because there really aren't too many ways to do explosion jumps. also if soldier was fine more people would play him hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Sensai Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Woah woah woah...updates. Heavy can move FASTER?! Wow. Good bye balance. And the 'minigun cone has been tightened....' does that mean that I'll shoot more accurately now? My God. And good news about the sandvich; it needed something to make it useful. Glad they didn't buff the Pyro at all, although I would like to see something make the backburner more viable. YAY! THE FAN ISN'T AS ANNOYING! The engineer has a wrench that makes putting up buildings faster but doesn't allow upgrading them? That's bizarre...I mean, why would you do that? Also, I'm glad to hear that Rock (Spy) is no longer as afraid of Paper (Pyro). I mean, that whole balance thing was silly, jeah? Although it is interesting to see them get rid of the revolver...I dunno. I'm personally a bad shot with that gun, so I'd likely make the switch, although it does make killing Razorback Snipers much more aggravating. Also, I think that the next update is either Demo or's been a long time since I looked at what class was least played, but I know that most everytime I've looked Engineer was the MOST it won't likely be him. ...hurrah!
Bleck Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 how on earth can you want it to be engineer I don't really play soldier or demoman??
Clefairy Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 The engineer has a wrench that makes putting up buildings faster but doesn't allow upgrading them? That's bizarre...I mean, why would you do that? Offensive engineering. Level one sentry plus shotgun brings the pain. -- From a gameplay perspective, this is completely unviable. And yet I'm drawn to it... Gets me thinking. What would a map designed to be played upside down be like? Hm. I just might explore that...
Lumpy Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Woah woah woah...updates.Heavy can move FASTER?! Wow. Good bye balance. And the 'minigun cone has been tightened....' does that mean that I'll shoot more accurately now? My God. And good news about the sandvich; it needed something to make it useful. Glad they didn't buff the Pyro at all, although I would like to see something make the backburner more viable. YAY! THE FAN ISN'T AS ANNOYING! The engineer has a wrench that makes putting up buildings faster but doesn't allow upgrading them? That's bizarre...I mean, why would you do that? Also, I'm glad to hear that Rock (Spy) is no longer as afraid of Paper (Pyro). I mean, that whole balance thing was silly, jeah? Although it is interesting to see them get rid of the revolver...I dunno. I'm personally a bad shot with that gun, so I'd likely make the switch, although it does make killing Razorback Snipers much more aggravating. Also, I think that the next update is either Demo or's been a long time since I looked at what class was least played, but I know that most everytime I've looked Engineer was the MOST it won't likely be him. ...hurrah! Wait, what? I haven't heard any of this.
Brycepops Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Wait, what? I haven't heard any of this. atmuh posted the link a page back.
atmuh Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Woah woah woah...updates.Heavy can move FASTER?! Wow. Good bye balance. And the 'minigun cone has been tightened....' does that mean that I'll shoot more accurately now? My God. And good news about the sandvich; it needed something to make it useful. Glad they didn't buff the Pyro at all, although I would like to see something make the backburner more viable. YAY! THE FAN ISN'T AS ANNOYING! The engineer has a wrench that makes putting up buildings faster but doesn't allow upgrading them? That's bizarre...I mean, why would you do that? Also, I'm glad to hear that Rock (Spy) is no longer as afraid of Paper (Pyro). I mean, that whole balance thing was silly, jeah? Although it is interesting to see them get rid of the revolver...I dunno. I'm personally a bad shot with that gun, so I'd likely make the switch, although it does make killing Razorback Snipers much more aggravating. Also, I think that the next update is either Demo or's been a long time since I looked at what class was least played, but I know that most everytime I've looked Engineer was the MOST it won't likely be him. ...hurrah! there are so many rofl things in this post ok uh how does the heavy speeding up break the balance its mainly to make it a viable choice in competitive play because of the initial rush to get to mid, where heavy is severely impaired due to his speed i mean sure you could run up to someone but as soon as you pull out the shotgun youre back to slowmo so you can get maybe one quick shot in im pretty sure the engineer bit was that you can upgrade stuff faster but cant repair broken stuff how does a fireproof suit make it any harder for a pyro to kill a spy if he has no revolver did you think about that at all oh and we played upside down 2fort on my server a few times dont bother
Bleck Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 yeah heavy either has to be faster or needs to have smaller cone without either of those he's useless tier
Bleck Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 okay so yeah if we could remove the customs from the rotation that would be super
atmuh Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 okay so yeah if we could remove the customs from the rotation that would be super to go along with this, im not sure if its still this way, but i remember your nominate list being ridiculous dont be afraid to delete customs off the server (even the ones you dont put on the nominate list)
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