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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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It's not hard to read the rules that pop up before a game starts. Most players are happy to let another player know if they have overstepped a rule.

Seriously in the months I have been playing on your server, this is the first time I've ever even heard that you have the rules posted somewhere. If they are on the MOTD, its not good enough - I dont read that and I'm sure I'm not alone.

OCR isn't a clan. It's just a tag. If you are as familiar with this group as you claim, you would know that without having to ask.

While that might seem fine at this point, when someone is new to a server and they see a bunch of people on one team with a common tag, what do you think they will think?

it is pretty funny though that about an hour after those posts they decided to hop on the server and all join the same team

yeah I lol'd

can you read

Why yes, I can.

The best definition in this context appears to be "cheating by arranging the way a game is played to give one side an unfair advantage".

Everyone will have a different definition of what that is. Evidently his is not yours.

I'm pretty sure this will fall on deaf ears, but if you weren't so incredibly belligerent all the time, people might actually listen to you.

Seriously in the months I have been playing on your server, this is the first time I've ever even heard that you have the rules posted somewhere. If they are on the MOTD, its not good enough - I dont read that and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I was more than happy to stay out of this discussion until now, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that if you or anyone else for that matter can't be bothered to take two minutes to read the MOTD before you play on the server for the first time then you pretty much forfeit any right to claim ignorance to the rules. Most servers I have ever played on post the server rules there. If someone wants to skip reading them then fine, but no one can bitch about getting in trouble for violating a rule they didn't know about simply because they're too lazy to read them.

If they are on the MOTD, its not good enough - I dont read that and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I guess you are unfamiliar with the phrase "ignorance of the rule is not an excuse." So, essentially what you are saying is that it is our fault that you cannot be bothered to read the disclaimer before being able to play.

Really now... the first place to find server content in game is not good enough? But I'm sure you will tell me a good place, eh? I'm Waiting.

While that might seem fine at this point, when someone is new to a server and they see a bunch of people on one team with a common tag, what do you think they will think?
You know, most servers don't prevent people from typing to the rest of the players, or chatting with their team on voice. This one even sports ALLTALK. All they have to do is ask, or gripe, the answer is not far away, and reasonable players will not even think twice about their feelings that fairness has been breached.

I find it amusing that you backpedal to this ridiculous argument after discovering that it's not a clan at all. Because, apparantly it was not fine for you until this point.

You may be a great player, but I think you should reconsider your argumentative skills. You claim to be a competitive player, but are not competent enough to take a quick glance at the rules before hitting the play button. Very professional. Why the hell should I care about someone who hasn't taken ten seconds in the months of play on this server to find out what the rules are. And you come here asking me to show you respect?

You better be trollin.


Wow you guys really have turned this into an argument for no real reason. 4 hours ago I felt like we were all in agreement, and now you've become argumentative and started name calling. Nice guy.

I guess you are unfamiliar with the phrase "ignorance of the rule is not an excuse." So, essentially what you are saying is that it is our fault that you cannot be bothered to read the disclaimer before being able to play.

I'm not making any excuses for anything. I didn't see any MOTD rules because I dont read them. I'm not now nor have I ever used that for an excuse for anything. I've heard your rules through other methods, I'm just pointing out that they are not stated so clearly that it is going to be obvious for everyone. On our servers we spam our rules out through in-game messages, as well as MOTD.

You know, most servers don't prevent people from typing to the rest of the players, or chatting with their team on voice. This one even sports ALLTALK. All they have to do is ask, or gripe, the answer is not far away, and reasonable players will not even think twice about their feelings that fairness has been breached.

Well to be perfectly honest, your alltalk is the most useless piece of shit I've ever seen (Well, maybe 2nd most useless piece of shit behind your reserved slots system). As soon as I connect to the server I have to turn off voice or mute half the people on it because of mic spamming. Do I need to hear brushfire doing play by play of a match while wasting a slot in spec? I've typed in chat and been ignored. Many times. So don't give me that bullshit.

I find it amusing that you backpedal to this ridiculous argument after discovering that it's not a clan at all. Because, apparantly it was not fine for you until this point.

Again, I'm not backpedaling or arguing. YOU are the one that has turned this nasty all of a sudden. One of the first times I played on this server I learned about no clan-stacking rule while being told OCR isn't a clan and therefore doesn't count. Just a bunch of guys wearing a tag playing together in a community fashion. Not a clan though. Whatever you guys need to tell yourself to make the rules fit you, it doesn't matter to me.

You may be a great player,

I don't particulary think so, but thanks for the complement.

Why the hell should I care about someone who hasn't taken ten seconds in the months of play on this server to find out what the rules are. And you come here asking me to show you respect?

Well, Jackass, you're talking to one of the few that HAS made an attempt the learn the rules, despite no one enforcing them anyway. I'm the one that moves my team away from sticky spawn camping. I'm the one that doesn't go to spec after being balanced. I'm the one that was posting here in a civilized manner until now trying to make peace. I never said I didnt learn your rules, I just said I didnt see them posted anywhere. Big difference.

Also, I think this discussion was going much smoother when Trianine kept his mouth shut

oh you guys take trianinnes posts seriously too dont read them they are far too long

oh yeah im gonna post this again can dustbowl and goldrush PLEASE be maxrounds 2 seriously we played a 4 round dustbowl map today it was horrible

oh yeah how about clan idiots that like to join and ONLY heal their clan buddies idk about you guys but i cant stand that

I don't whine; I get whined at.

hahahah what youre the one always complaining about teams being stacked or whatever and that+the horrible bass on your mic has just made me mute you forever


- If teams are scrambled, and you switch back, you'll be banned.

A couple of other servers I've started to make like home with have a plugin that goes "<player> is trying to stack the teams! For shame!" or something like that when someone tries to switch back after a scramble. Obviously, it also denies him the teamswitch. Not sure what the plugin exactly is, I'll bug the admins about it sometime.

A couple of other servers I've started to make like home with have a plugin that goes "<player> is trying to stack the teams! For shame!" or something like that when someone tries to switch back after a scramble. Obviously, it also denies him the teamswitch. Not sure what the plugin exactly is, I'll bug the admins about it sometime.

its the gscramble plugin that ocr used but people complained about because it was set up incorrectly imo

A couple of other servers I've started to make like home with have a plugin that goes "<player> is trying to stack the teams! For shame!" or something like that when someone tries to switch back after a scramble. Obviously, it also denies him the teamswitch. Not sure what the plugin exactly is, I'll bug the admins about it sometime.

lol I saw that on one server too, it was pretty comical

Seriously in the months I have been playing on your server, this is the first time I've ever even heard that you have the rules posted somewhere. If they are on the MOTD, its not good enough - I dont read that and I'm sure I'm not alone.


Welcome to the OverClocked ReMix TF2 server,

Home to the TF2 community of http://www.ocremix.org - check out the forums too!

Donations welcome too, check out the "OCR TF2" thread in the community forum for details.

We will be moving on to a new server soon - keep tabs on the TF2 thread or with other regulars for details!

We have a new Steam group now here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/overclockedremix/

Reserved slots are free for regulars! Just message [OCR]Bahamut for one.

Courtesy is of the utmost importance on this server, which give rise to the following rules:


- Trolling

- Hate speech

- Racism

- Cheating/Abusing glitches

- Demo sticky camping opaque spawn doors, including primary spawn exits (i.e. shortcut door from red spawn on pl_badwater)

- Teamstacking

Micspamming is only allowed at admin discretion, and one at a time at most

Please also do so in taste - if it's obnoxious, it's a quick mute or ban.

Have fun!

I'm not making any excuses for anything. I didn't see any MOTD rules because I dont read them. I'm not now nor have I ever used that for an excuse for anything. I've heard your rules through other methods, I'm just pointing out that they are not stated so clearly that it is going to be obvious for everyone. On our servers we spam our rules out through in-game messages, as well as MOTD.

I'm not trying to really get on your case here, but seriously, even if it wasn't your intention to sound like you were making excuses, that's certainly how it sounds when you say something like posting the rules in the MOTD not being enough because you and others never bother to read them. And even server messages that pop-up explaining the rules might go unread given the number of messages that pop-up frequently in a busy game, and some people might just ignore all the messages anyway, so what exactly is enough? It's not the responsibility of the server admins to make sure every player who ever joins the server knows the rules. They're posted in the MOTD for all to see, and anyone who's played TF2 for more than a week is probably going to realize that servers post their rules there. If you want to play and stay out of trouble it's the players responsibility to read and follow them since they are readily available every single time they join the game. And even if they do choose to skip reading them, they'll still generally get the benefit of a warning before any action is taken. So not to say that server messages displaying the rules aren't a good idea, but I fail to see how the MOTD and warnings aren't good enough because some people can't be bothered to read.

(Well, maybe 2nd most useless piece of shit behind your reserved slots system)

I brought up the reserved slot system waaaayy back when the server started. I agree that not hiding the 25th slot is stupid and should be changed.


k so I obviously don't play tf2 often and not on the OCR server, but it seems to me that saying that having the rules on the MOTD isn't enough is like saying that the EULA that you have to read before installing software isn't enough


I'm really not going to argue this point endlessly. It's really not worth any of our time or energy.

I am curious though, how many people here read the EULA before installing anything.. ;)

k so I obviously don't play tf2 often and not on the OCR server, but it seems to me that saying that having the rules on the MOTD isn't enough is like saying that the EULA that you have to read before installing software isn't enough

and how many people had items removed for using the idler program? :lol:

I am curious though, how many people here read the EULA before installing anything.. ;)

I don't, but that doesn't relieve me from responsibility of what's in there, is my point.

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