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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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i think dustbowl is the opposite

stage 3 allows a team that was kinda horrible defending stages 1 and 2 to throw it together and make a defensive comeback

that really doesnt happen on any other map which is why i enjoy dustbowl so much

Yeah I definitely agree with this.

Stage 3 usually has interesting matches.

also everything you brought up was about defense

if youre playing it with a bigger focus on defense than pushing you are going to lose

every time

lol? A major factor about the 5-cp maps is that you are required to take defense and offense into account at the same time. When through great defense you neutralize an offensive push on your control point you gain the upper hand. You are then able to push without much or any interference because they are all dead.
oh hey sure then lets sacrifice our 6th guy for a strong fighting force so he can sit back and reflect stuff as a pyro hahaha


(I expect what is said in that article to be used against me in your response)

Pyros have uses. If you're running a full time Pyro that's a bit silly. I won't lie; having two scouts is always helpful. They can backcap during the other teams offensive push. But if a kritz soldier comes rolling into the last point and you have a Pyro who manages to reflect a few of those crit rockets, not even necessarily hitting any enemies with them, he might have just saved the game. Soon as they have the upper hand he can switch back to Scout and help cap the next point.

This shouldn't even be a big deal. If we do get scrims put together I'll be running Scout, not Pyro. But the option will always be there just in case we need it.


In theory, if you pop a Kritz before they get full Uber, you can wipe out their Medic pretty much instantly. +25% charge speed will do that. I know it's possible to get a full Kritzkrieg before you get to mid on Badlands, at least.

Also, massive steamrolls are massive. Didn't help that I was totally off my game, either. >_<

In theory, if you pop a Kritz before they get full Uber, you can wipe out their Medic pretty much instantly. +25% charge speed will do that. I know it's possible to get a full Kritzkrieg before you get to mid on Badlands, at least.

Also, massive steamrolls are massive. Didn't help that I was totally off my game, either. >_<

On a completely unrelated note (no, seriously):

I know you guys are going to be really disappointed by this, but I bumped the votes required for a team scramble from 65% (17 votes (yes 17 rather than 16. No idea why.)) to 50% (12? votes).

In competitive play?

Yes. In the couple games I played and in videos/demos I've seen. Also, what ParanoidDrone said. Kritz depends more on map and situation but when used properly can be devastating. You'd always rather have an uber but if you can wipe out the enemy medic before they have an uber you're golden.


sure if you can get in there and knock out the medic gj but when theyre pushing in with an uber and all you got is a kritz to counter have fun

I know you guys are going to be really disappointed by this, but I bumped the votes required for a team scramble from 65% (17 votes (yes 17 rather than 16. No idea why.)) to 50% (12? votes).


sure if you can get in there and knock out the medic gj but when theyre pushing in with an uber and all you got is a kritz to counter have fun


Well done. You've illustrated that a kritz has both pros and cons. You're incredibly right! It's not overpowered! It doesn't change the fact that it's still used frequently.

In regards to playing pyro. If you're organised in your attack, a pyro has plenty of utility. And defense IS half the game. You still have to defend the points you've already captured.

and NEITHER of these discussions even matter. Chives is a damn good pyro. He's probably a better pyro than most regulars are at scout, or soldier for that matter. These are friendly matches. You've not going to be restricted to playing a specific class. There will be a class limit, but not a class requirement. Noone in this server is pro. Yourself included. So stop acting like you know everything. Similarly, if you're going to tell everyone what to do, I don't think anyone will want you participating anyway.

Well done. You've illustrated that a kritz has both pros and cons. You're incredibly right! It's not overpowered! It doesn't change the fact that it's still used frequently.

In regards to playing pyro. If you're organised in your attack, a pyro has plenty of utility. And defense IS half the game. You still have to defend the points you've already captured.

and NEITHER of these discussions even matter. Chives is a damn good pyro. He's probably a better pyro than most regulars are at scout, or soldier for that matter. These are friendly matches. You've not going to be restricted to playing a specific class. There will be a class limit, but not a class requirement. Noone in this server is pro. Yourself included. So stop acting like you know everything. Similarly, if you're going to tell everyone what to do, I don't think anyone will want you participating anyway.

i wouldnt sit around telling people what to do

i already told you i scrim a lot and i was saying that because the type of people i cant stand having on my team are the type that will change class on a whim without either consulting or notifying their team about it

and if any of you people are interested in scrimming on a much more consistent basis (we do it every day) you should join us sometime

i dont usually link here but http://fightingamphibians.com/tf2/res/1689.html

and NEITHER of these discussions even matter. Chives is a damn good pyro. He's probably a better pyro than most regulars are at scout, or soldier for that matter.

Aww, thanks. I like you too Rambo.

I understand that the Pyro has only situational use in comp but that's okay because I won't always be playing him. These scrims will probably be casual enough that I can try Pyro in a 6v6 scrim setting for the first time without single-handedly making my team lose. If I want to have any chance at pulling a Pyro at higher levels I need that experience. And I wouldn't just randomly switch to Pyro without asking my team first.

Anyway, I'm done on this topic. I hope we get some good games set up.


I can't tell what it's trying to show. That the thirdperson crosshair doesn't point at where you're actually aiming? That the Soldier's hitboxes go bonkers for a few frames when he jumps? That the hitboxes freeze when he taunts? That projectile hitboxes are different from hitscan ones? That he can't believe it's not butter?

That the Soldier's hitboxes go bonkers for a few frames when he jumps?

It's difficult to get headshots when people jump, for hitbox related issues. Same with taunting, but most people know this.

It's difficult to get headshots when people jump, for hitbox related issues. Same with taunting, but most people know this.

Oh yes. Many a backstab I've missed when trying to kill a Sandvich Heavy. Nowadays I just headshot them instead of taking the risk.

It's difficult to get headshots when people jump, for hitbox related issues. Same with taunting, but most people know this.

i knew it was difficult but i didnt know that the entire hitbox changes as the soldier starts to fall (its the same with engineer)

i knew it was difficult but i didnt know that the entire hitbox changes as the soldier starts to fall (its the same with engineer)

I meant most people know about the taunting. I wasn't trying to be snide. I didn't know how the hitboxes worked while the soldier jumped either. I just knew that the headshot's wouldn't be consistent.

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