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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Good games everyone. That was a lot of fun. It's unfortunate that the TF2 update drained the server... but aside from that and a few config difficulties, it was a great turnout!

Next time we'll figure out the config in advance, and set up a map rotation by popular vote.

Anyone interested in a repeat showing for next monday? Same time?

Also, someone may want to take a look at the stats. I mean...it says I got a headshot with the Knife, for crying out loud.

haha. I have a headshot with the kukri. I also lost over 3000 pts overnight while not playing. :smile:


sure how about you let me play next time

also bracing for many more times when valve will use tf2 hats as a means to sell games

or update packs

or whatever


Atmuh "committing":

and yeah rambo i can play whenever provided i am awake which is kinda all over the place nowadays


After we had enough reliable community members to work with:

yeah sorry rambo but i doubt ocr scrims will get off the ground with ~15-20 people but hey i could be wrong

fa scrims didnt start getting popular until we got tons (maybe 100+) people interested


When asked 1 day in advance:

ill probably be asleep but beep me on irc we'll see


When asked 10 minutes in advance:

<Rambo> still on?

<atmuh> i am here

<atmuh> i just got home from work

<Rambo> i mean do you intend to participate in the scrim

<atmuh> i have things 2 do but

<atmuh> i will try to get on

<Rambo> so you wont be playing until later? if you play?

<Rambo> i need to know if i should find a replacement for now

<atmuh> there are 6 people on the server

<atmuh> think you need 6 replacements atm

<atmuh> just get as many people as possible to join and start playing

<Rambo> im messaging yahoo when we're ready. bonzai gets home at 10 after 7

<atmuh> i have 2 shower and not sure if i got something to do after that

<atmuh> prob will get on at like 7:30 at earliest

<Rambo> alright

I didn't need 6 replacements, because everyone who committed, aside from you, met their commitment or let me know otherwise in advance.


gee thanks for not picking me and firered 2 maps in a row especially after we both waited about an hour

sure how about you let me play next time

Even in-game 45 minutes late, you were heinous and impatient. You were the only person in the server who wasn't enjoying themselves. People took turn sitting out, and if you hadn't been ALT+tabbing in and out of the game because we weren't worth your time, you would have gotten a spot. Act like part of the community, and you'll be part of the community. I'm not sorry you didn't get to play.



I told you I was probably gonna get on at 7:30, and what time did i get on? I got on at EXACTLY 7:30. I knew that I'd have to wait for you guys to finish granary before I could play, which was fine with me. So then when we switched to gravelpit I figured that me and locked were gonna get a chance to play, since we spent the entire time spectating. And after waiting for you guys to kill each other for 20 minutes when pregame mayhem decided to last forever, I figured ok hey we're finally gonna get a chance to play now. And you called me a douche for saying that that was nonsense. Not only is that pretty silly since having to wait 20+ minutes to start a match IS nonsense, but I think it's a LOT more jerkish to after inviting me to play (which I obviously joined) but then laughing when I didn't get a chance to play once you guys started. I didn't join the server to make a tower of heavies I joined the server to PLAY. And also why didn't you let locked play? He said he wanted to, which I told you, yet he had to sit the map out again. And no he wasn't afk, because as soon as I went afk for 5 minutes I got console kicked (which should be disabled on a scrim server). So he was there the whole time waiting to play too.

So yeah I'll stick to scrimming with people that include absolutely everyone, including those who aren't confident in their abilities, get things done a lot more smoothly and quickly (we'd have finished 4 maps in the time it took you to do 2), and even have much more skilled players.



i think complaining after waiting 20 minutes would make me impatient

you must not have a life with anything to do if you think im being impatient because after an hour+ i didnt get to play


They had more reliable people in there who were for sure ready to play. I don't see anything wrong with having the people who said "eh...I dunno" and have a shit attitude sit out.


I told you I was probably gonna get on at 7:30, and what time did i get on? I got on at EXACTLY 7:30. I knew that I'd have to wait for you guys to finish granary before I could play, which was fine with me. So then when we switched to gravelpit I figured that me and locked were gonna get a chance to play, since we spent the entire time spectating. And after waiting for you guys to kill each other for 20 minutes when pregame mayhem decided to last forever, I figured ok hey we're finally gonna get a chance to play now. And you called me a douche for saying that that was nonsense. Not only is that pretty silly since having to wait 20+ minutes to start a match IS nonsense, but I think it's a LOT more jerkish to after inviting me to play (which I obviously joined) but then laughing when I didn't get a chance to play once you guys started. I didn't join the server to make a tower of heavies I joined the server to PLAY. And also why didn't you let locked play? He said he wanted to, which I told you, yet he had to sit the map out again. And no he wasn't afk, because as soon as I went afk for 5 minutes I got console kicked (which should be disabled on a scrim server). So he was there the whole time waiting to play too.

I'm sorry we aren't pro enough for you atmuh. I'm sorry we're just a community and aren't experienced at this sort of thing. But once again, you're the only one who had alternate expectations. Maybe once we have 100+ players like the FA server you idolize, you'll respect the community a little more.

Both Locked and RED were invited to play earlier, and they both spectated instead. I never saw locked say a word during the gravlepit round, and I apologize to him if he wanted to play. There was a lot going on and he might have been overlooked. He's welcome back any time, but he shouldn't expect to play if he doesn't show an interest in setting up on the forums.

So yeah I'll stick to scrimming with people that include absolutely everyone, including those who aren't confident in their abilities, get things done a lot more smoothly and quickly (we'd have finished 4 maps in the time it took you to do 2), and even have much more skilled players.


I think the whole of the community will agree; good riddance.

lopert isnt even on the list

he played i didnt


I'd rather play with someone I don't know than someone I know who acts like a spoiled brat, let-alone someone who thinks they're better than us because he's better at a video game than us.

Honestly, after seeing your attitude both in-game and out, I'm extremely surprised you haven't been permabanned.

lopert isnt even on the list

he played i didnt


Lopert offered several times to sit out for a more known community member. If you ever took the time to read what people say, you'd have known that.

Besides which. You made it clear that you wouldn't play if there were engineers, spies, or pyros. We had all 3 playing. Why did you even want to play? You're too good for that stuff.


ok so thanks that you pretty much assumed ok atmuh doesnt wanna play even though hes been sitting here forever

and he didnt offer that until like 5 rounds in


Had a great time tonight. I bumped up my sensitivity for playing Sniper and that didn't help my Scout aim at all. I'll see if I can't get a separate sensitivity for each class. Or maybe I'll just get used to it. Either way, I didn't do that great but that didn't keep it from being fun.

I hope we do more of this in the future.

ok so thanks that you pretty much assumed ok atmuh doesnt wanna play even though hes been sitting here forever

and he didnt offer that until like 5 rounds in

He offered before the round started. He didn't expect to play at all, but then he was picked.

Anyway, I'm done on the issue. You're never gonna scrim with us again, and we'll never invite you to scrim again. Win win.

Oh and Dr. Tran, he's just trolling now. Don't even bother replying. It's not worth your time.

Had a great time tonight. I bumped up my sensitivity for playing Sniper and that didn't help my Scout aim at all. I'll see if I can't get a separate sensitivity for each class. Or maybe I'll just get used to it. Either way, I didn't do that great but that didn't keep it from being fun.

I hope we do more of this in the future.

Glad to hear chives! :smile: thanks for coming out!


no im not trolling im genuinely pissed off which i think this is the first time in this thread that i ACTUALLY am

and im a little confused about what dr tran said because i dont really every say anything ingame when im playing on a pub maybe once a map at the most and today ingame i said pretty much nothing except some talk between spectators and a few HEY I WANT TO PLAY over admin chat but you couldnt see that anyways what are you even talking about


atmuh, I asked about RED joining my team twice when I was captain, and he didn't respond either time.

Also, I found out some things today. I like being medic more than offense (if this continues I'll happily let other people heal) and I feel much better when my scouts keep me abreast on the other team's location.

Also, I found out some things today. I like being medic more than offense (if this continues I'll happily let other people heal) and I feel much better when my scouts keep me abreast on the other team's location.

You were a damn good medic. I really appreciated how vocal you were. I was very impressed.

I'd love to get in on the next scrim, if there's a slot available. I should be able to play, provided it's around the same time.

Seeing how this scrim ran, show up even if we don't have a spot for you. People traded slots all the time because they had to go/wanted a break/eat food(lolme).

The scrimming was great, I'm actually surprised how decent I am as a Scout.

As for next week, I still lack a job, so chyeah, pencil me in.


Our team asked atmuh several times (we probably waited a minute) as we were picking our last player on Gravelpit, because we knew he had wanted to play .He didn't respond, so we had to pick someone else. :?

I bumped up my sensitivity for playing Sniper and that didn't help my Scout aim at all. I'll see if I can't get a separate sensitivity for each class.

Each class has separate config files in the cfg folder. You could set sensitivity that way, or if you just like a higher sensitivity when scoped, use zoom_sensitivity_ratio in your autoexec or sniper.cfg.

Our team asked atmuh several times (we probably waited a minute) as we were picking our last player on Gravelpit, because we knew he had wanted to play .He didn't respond, so we had to pick someone else. :?

yeah i did

theres no deadchat on the server so i had to use the chat to admins only and i know garian fireslash and rambo saw it because as soon as i said i wanna play they said oh well i guess no one wants to play and all laughed and readied up

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