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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I've been trying the Steam Beta UI that FireSlash (I think) mentioned earlier. It's pretty slick.

It also ditches the IE rendering engine.

The only problem I've seen is that the Library (formerly Games) area is slow to load if you have a lot of games... and I have over 100 games bought through Steam.

I've been trying the Steam Beta UI that FireSlash (I think) mentioned earlier. It's pretty slick.

It also ditches the IE rendering engine.

The only problem I've seen is that the Library (formerly Games) area is slow to load if you have a lot of games... and I have over 100 games bought through Steam.

i have 154 games and yeah i hate how it organizes games now

i also dont like how in the friends list theres a ton more empty space on the left side so you need to stretch the friends list to see full names (same with steam chat)

i also dont like how it changed chat boxes from being called "name" to "chat with name"

that may seem minor but it makes a difference to me when im managing 3-4 steam chat boxes at once

i also had to restart steam after buying a game to actually install it

another minor thing but its kinda silly how when you click on a game in a store the trailer automatically starts playing but its also automatically muted, the old way was a lot nicer

so yeah i guess it looks nice but i definitely prefer the old steam

The only problem I've seen is that the Library (formerly Games) area is slow to load if you have a lot of games... and I have over 100 games bought through Steam.

I like having access to the info and everything for games right there when you click on them. It's nice to have info on TF2 updates right in front of me every time they happen for example.

But even with 38 games on my Steam account it's slow as fuck when you first load it. They really better work on that because 38 really isn't that many games.

so what IS the current rotation
















I just restarted all the servers.

Apparently, there was an issue with the master servers returning

A2C_PRINT from [master server address] :

No challenge for your address.

A2C_PRINT from [second master server address] :

No challenge for your address.

on every heartbeat.

So, hopefully this will fix the issue with the item drop rate being non-existent, despite loadouts working.

(Since the master servers never actually disconnected, the game servers weren't smart enough to reconnect.)

Edit: It's been a few hours, but the same problem has reappeared. Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix it.


I'm not exactly sure why I'm the only one that ever says this, but virtually every single time I see frogg on the server and Brushfire joins he always always ALWAYS joins frogg's team and medics him. I don't really get how in any way that's not teamstacking. I know plenty of times in the past there were occasions where even 2 ZUZ or nQa people would join the same team instead of autoassigning and people would complain about it and nowadays the ZUZ guys generally all autoassign which is much nicer, so how is this any different? It's especially silly since the people playing on the OCR generally are always the same bunch, so you're playing with virtually the same people every single night. There's really no reason that you HAVE to play with a specific person every map. You could just as easily autoassign every map and if you do happen to end up on a team with a specific player that you enjoy pocketing then fine go ahead and pocket him then. I do that all the time. I could understand Rambo and Bonzai, since they were a couple, although that did annoy me but at the same time the reasoning was understandable, and Rambo would always wait until most of the people had joined a team so that he could select the team with the "weaker" players to lead to a more balanced match, which usually was the outcome. But in this case, I don't THINK at least that frogg and Brushfire are a couple, but hey if I'm wrong congratulations! I think especially the admin should be setting the example in this case, and as I said before I'm fairly certain that if I got one of my friends that I play on other servers with to hop on the OCR server and pocket me for an entire night people would complain and I'd end up ultimately banned.

By the way I'm not complaining about frogg at all, as he always just autoassigns and Brushfire always joins his team later on.


By the way I'm not complaining about frogg at all, as he always just autoassigns and Brushfire always joins his team later on.

First off, yes you are complaining if you went at that length to talk about this.

Secondly, the TF2 gods either love me and frogg, or hate you. As I did a little experiment with auto-assign and got 4 autos in a row that put me on Frogg's team.

Yeah, total stackage there d00d.

Edit: Also Pocketing is one thing, but I heal uniformly across the board.

First off, yes you are complaining if you went at that length to talk about this.

Secondly, the TF2 gods either love me and frogg, or hate you. As I did a little experiment with auto-assign and got 4 autos in a row that put me on Frogg's team.

Yeah, total stackage there d00d.

I said I was complaining but that I wasn't complaining about frogg. That really wasn't that difficult to discern. And it really doesn't matter if now you decided to mess around with autoassign and that it put you on frogg's team a few times. What does matter is that you explicitly joined his team numerous times in the past week+ (I could give exact dates and times and logs don't lie, as well as demos), and that you still deny that there is anything wrong with it.

I said I was complaining but that I wasn't complaining about frogg. That really wasn't that difficult to discern. And it really doesn't matter if now you decided to mess around with autoassign and that it put you on frogg's team a few times. What does matter is that you explicitly joined his team numerous times in the past week+ (I could give exact dates and times and logs don't lie, as well as demos), and that you still deny that there is anything wrong with it.

When did I ever say that there wasn't anything wrong with it? So stacking is what I am on trial for, but you seem to conveniently forget all those times that teams were indeed stacked, and I scramble teams, even though I am so desperately trying to win, that I always join Frogg's team.


I seem to be failing at team stacking pretty hard when I want to keep the teams even.

So yeah, I will ask one last time, stop trying to pick a fight with me.

Just stop it, leave me and my business out of your daily routine.

When did I ever say that there wasn't anything wrong with it?

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> I totally teamstack

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> Whatcha gonna do about it?

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> Nothing.

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> That's what I thought

So stacking is what I am on trial for, but you seem to conveniently forget all those times that teams were indeed stacked, and I scramble teams, even though I am so desperately trying to win, that I always join Frogg's team.

I've never seen you scramble the teams, especially when you join frogg's team, which happens quite a bit. There was one time that I remember that someone !votescrambled and the vote passed and you were placed on a separate team and it stayed that way, but that was the only time I ever saw that happen.

I seem to be failing at team stacking pretty hard when I want to keep the teams even.

Oh come on. First you say:

20:31 | <<Brushfire>> Yeah, cause when I join a team that has one less than the other, and it so happens to have frogg, it stacking

and now you're somehow saying that you're making an effort to keep the teams even? With the distribution of skill on the OCR server with the current playerbase teams are usually pretty balanced with everyone just autoassigning. And really, I remember one game one week ago (I remember the exact date and time and map and the logs are all there) in which you joined a dustbowl game and RED was rolling BLU (RED had tons of dominations on the board and BLU had none) and both teams had 11 players and you elected to join RED (which incidentally frogg was on) instead of autoassigning which would have placed you on BLU so please don't preach to me about joining specific teams in an attempt to keep the teams even.

So yeah, I will ask one last time, stop trying to pick a fight with me.

I'm not picking a fight with you. I'm asking you to abide by the rules that you're so eager to enforce.

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> I totally teamstack

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> Whatcha gonna do about it?

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> Nothing.

20:24 | <<Brushfire>> That's what I thought

(See right here is what I am talking about. Sarcasm that you spin for your own amusement. Don't bother posting the rest of the convo either while your at it.)

I've never seen you scramble the teams, especially when you join frogg's team, which happens quite a bit. There was one time that I remember that someone !votescrambled and the vote passed and you were placed on a separate team and it stayed that way, but that was the only time I ever saw that happen.

(You play hardly half the time I and Frogg are on. Not my problem you are only half researching everything)

Oh come on. First you say:

20:31 | <<Brushfire>> Yeah, cause when I join a team that has one less than the other, and it so happens to have frogg, it stacking

and now you're somehow saying that you're making an effort to keep the teams even? With the distribution of skill on the OCR server with the current playerbase teams are usually pretty balanced with everyone just autoassigning. And really, I remember one game one week ago (I remember the exact date and time and map and the logs are all there) in which you joined a dustbowl game and RED was rolling BLU (RED had tons of dominations on the board and BLU had none) and both teams had 11 players and you elected to join RED (which incidentally frogg was on) instead of autoassigning which would have placed you on BLU so please don't preach to me about joining specific teams in an attempt to keep the teams even.

(When I joined Red, I was unaware of the team setup, dominations, or any other thing related to that game AS I OPENED A FUCKING SODA AND CLICKED RED)

I'm not picking a fight with you. I'm asking you to abide by the rules that you're so eager to enforce.

(So ask, I am a civil man myself. You lack tact.)

Now if you want to discuss this further, I would like you to next time your on, talk to me directly, with a microphone. I want to hear you say with your own voice, your side of the story. And we will debate this like two grown men, in front of everybody else in the server.

I am serious about this. We are going to discuss both mine and your actions directly.

If you are as civil as you say you are, then by all means, indulge me.


Why would we even need to debate this further? I don't get it you're just going around in circles instead of admitting your mistake. And my mic doesn't work anymore but nice try to get me to talk (or even enable voice when you're on the server).

And what of my actions is there to discuss I mean really?

And even if there was something to discuss, why would we do it on the server? I'm not sure about everyone else but when I load up TF2 and join a server, wherever it may be, I only want to PLAY TF2. If I try to talk to or type to people I just get distracted and play poorly and then get upset at my performance, so I ignore most of the ingame communication and don't participate (on any server) unless it really has something to do with the game itself. I leave discussions for DISCUSSION BOARDS like threads and out of game communication on IRC and other things like that.

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