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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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To back up the assertions Sensai made, here are some charts from Valve's statistics for all TF2 games in the past week:

Also, engineer is, somehow or another, the most played class in the game (beating out even Pyro, which does not make any sense to me at all). They've updated the lesser played classes...why would they jump to the top of the list?

Engineer is the class that is played the most.


The idea of an 'anti-spy' wrench made me laugh. Speaking as a spy, and I'm sure that most others will agree with me....that wrench already crits about 75% of the time and is at least 30 feet long. I mean, I'm not saying there won't be a new wrench that's like what you're saying, I'm just not seeing anyone using it over the already really powerful wrench.

The wrench is the weapon that crits the most.


Edit: The second graph says it's a percent, but it looks like they forgot to multiply by 100... either that or there are some really lousy snipers and spies out there to bring the Sniper rifle and Knife crit numbers down.


problem lies in the fact that even though the engie is the most played class, its because it is a turtling class by most. Any other class could be in that stat department if they didn't rely more on direct confrontation. Engies throw up their buildings, and stick by that mostly, except for the rare case of the an offensive one. But the update could be spy, could be scout, could be sniper, could be demoman, who knows until the word goes out.

Edit: The second graph says it's a percent, but it looks like they forgot to multiply by 100... either that or there are some really lousy snipers and spies out there to bring the Sniper rifle and Knife crit numbers down.

*Raises hand* I'm not helping with the Sniper thing. XD


I'm hoping for spy m'self, and that's one class that will be awesome to have 2 full teams spy rushing when the update comes! There'll be spy check mania for a few weeks too.


Edit: The second graph says it's a percent, but it looks like they forgot to multiply by 100... either that or there are some really lousy snipers and spies out there to bring the Sniper rifle and Knife crit numbers down.

I can say as a sniper for the most part, that I don't recall getting crits too often. Actually, now that I think about it, the only time I usually see a "Critical Hit" mark is when I miss the persons' head. So in essence, crits can suck for a sniper (especially when dealing with a heavy, since a critical hit to them still needs a powerful second shot to take them out, yet by that time a medic has usually brought them back to full health...).



Sorry for the lack of updates, as my hotel did not have any internet access. But I am back!! I went to Akihabara and tried the Half Life 2.0 Survivor game and I must say, playing as a Male Heavy is the pitts. Your mini gun does no damage unless you are right up on them. His assault rifle is so much better.

And Atmuh if you are reading this, please be advised that I got the awesome thing for you like you requested. It is a Megaman Energy drink shaped like an E-Tank.

And Atmuh if you are reading this, please be advised that I got the awesome thing for you like you requested. It is a Megaman Energy drink shaped like an E-Tank.

Ha ha ha ha. Ahem. You should probably try remod, AIM, STEAM, or something else.

Welcome back! I think you'll find the server to still have too few people on when you want to play. :?


Oh that's right, I knew that.

ON-TOPIC: I have a new theory. I think the [ZUZ] guys are keeping the number of people in the server low because people get frustrated and leave.

I also hate that when spectating a sniper, the aiming reticule is WAY off. It makes it much harder to check for hacking when every shot (from n00b or expert) looks like a lucky shot. I bet it looks like I'm hacking when I snipe, except I kind of suck at it.


We had some great rounds on steel today, where I discovered that I'm not half bad as a demoman, also I invented the bubble gun on cp_well, my new favourite weapon for sure.


I do get frustrated at the ZUZ guys sometimes. But mainly cause they just seem to work too well together from the experience. But Id rather them be on there than the usual bout of clan people that show up and be a collective dick.

I do get frustrated at the ZUZ guys sometimes. But mainly cause they just seem to work too well together from the experience. But Id rather them be on there than the usual bout of clan people that show up and be a collective dick.

Surprisingly, another clan had four people around tonight, and on at least one map, the regulars owned them (Badlands).

Either that or my "always lose at badlands" curse has ended.


I was holding you back PL. You will soon reach your full potential and the circle will be complete.

I don't want to say I hate [ZUZ] but I will say that Wes made me sad when he left the ranks of the prestigious [OCR] ranks. [ZUZ] keeps stealing all our good players. Them and bloody [bACON].

I don't want to say I hate [ZUZ] but I will say that Wes made me sad when he left the ranks of the prestigious [OCR] ranks. [ZUZ] keeps stealing all our good players. Them and bloody [bACON].

If it makes you feel better I'd never leave the OCR ranks. Then again, I don't play often enough lately and never get asked anyway. I need to remember stick some OCR tags in front of my name though.


In other news, have they announced what the next pack will be?

Not officially, no. There's a chance it'll be Engineer, because the last blog post was titled "Git along there, little doggies" - but that could just be a red herring, seeing as the one before that was titled "Gentlemen", which is pure Spy. Or, they could just throw everyone for a loop and do something else entirely.

Usually the Packs come for classes that are underplayed and need a little TLC, so they give a) achievements so you cant walk 2 feet without bumping into said class, and B) new weapons to offer some more versatility and awesome. So I guess I'd start thinking in those terms...

I was holding you back PL. You will soon reach your full potential and the circle will be complete.

I don't want to say I hate [ZUZ] but I will say that Wes made me sad when he left the ranks of the prestigious [OCR] ranks. [ZUZ] keeps stealing all our good players. Them and bloody [bACON].

I must have played a lot on Saturday... I got 5 HLStatsX awards: Backstab Kills (38 backstab kills), Spy Power (44 objects killed as spy), Best Sentryguns (56 kills with sentrygun), Knife Maniac (41 knifings), and Revenger (5 revenges).

As a wild guess, Revenger was when I started out playing Scout and switched to Pyro.


I've been having fun with the new pyro glitch I discovered yesterday, so far I've discovered that it has: unlimited ammo, can shoot through walls, can fire underwater, and shoot bubbles. Sadly, it doesn't do any damage in any of these instances, but it's fun anyways... BUBBLE ATTACK!



I've been having fun with the new pyro glitch I discovered yesterday, so far I've discovered that it has: unlimited ammo, can shoot through walls, can fire underwater, and shoot bubbles. Sadly, it doesn't do any damage in any of these instances, but it's fun anyways... BUBBLE ATTACK!

Haha, I think I was on your team when you found out it could do bubbles... I remember you commenting on that after it let you do fire underwater.


Haha, nice, or you could sling shot the sapper at things... and its only a matter of time until we're in a match together and I can show you anyways.


Hmm, I don't think they'd make a long distance sapper... that'd make it too easy to keep slinging them at machines.

I think they'd be more likely to make a sapper that works faster but removes your disguise when you use it.


...and I think it's even more likely that the Scout update will come first.

Scouts need some serious lovin'.


Problem is how can you improve the scout's arsenal?

Also the slingshot sapper is an awesome idea now that I think about it. It would make engineers need to rethink their positions of sentries.

Also Engie's should get an upgrade that replaces a Dispenser with an anti-spy radar. It won't show exact positions, would just beep faster as a spy approached.

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