Rexy Posted August 2, 2008 Posted August 2, 2008 The People's Remix Competition 126 PRCv5-22 Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Last contest's Rayman theme set up a lot of promise for a fun and happy theme, but it merely resulted in four entries. And amidst the batch, the voters made me take the win once more after experimenting in a 7/4 interpretation of some description. My choice for this competition was hard as I feel that that could have been my last win as the PRC host. So for this one, I would like to go back to memory lane. Was anyone around for PRC48, when I collabed with Prophecy, won together and picked a source tune from some kind of upbeat PS2 platformer? Well, history will repeat itself with this coming competition - sticking with that very same game series, but looking near the beginning of its run. Since I first registered at OCRemix, I've been wanting to raise the awareness of the Crash Bandicoot franchise and hope to see that it could get the exposure it needed along with most of its other fellow successful PS1 titles. Even though to date there hasn't been a Crash mix posted on the OCR main page yet, I am still very happy that I managed to do my part in at least granting it some exposure through some of my own arrangements at VGMix 2, Remix ThaSauce and at the Dwelling of Duels on occasion. I went for the second game in the series, primarily because it stands as one of my favorite PS1 games and a major influence on my videogame playing progression in my preteen years. The levels were challenging without either being too frustrating or requiring too many gimmicks, the art style was a breath of fresh air at that moment in time, the bosses are among some of the more creative, and even so I feel this also hosts one of the better soundtracks that the original composers at Mutato Muzika put together. Narrowing down the source tune was a very hard task for me, but in the end I ended up looking towards a combination of popularity in the requests forums and the remixability. The boss theme I ended up picking here is well structured and can have some interesting melodic parts to end up interpreting in more ways than one. Plus, who can't resist chucking all the fruit you collected in the game so far towards a giant hovering mech controlled by a half-man half-cyborg scientist? And in case you didn't know, the boss in question has a notoriously short temper. Rub this PRC the wrong way, and you might become barbecue meat by this time next week. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Gin Boss MIDI | MP3 I swear, that must have been one of my hardest PRC decisions to date. But I hope it all pays off. I'll see if I can stimulate interest with a bonus entry too - if I can manage it, so can you GOOD LUCK! Fine Print: PRC instructions If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, August 9th at 11:59 am Eastern US Time. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of the previous contest can't take part but their vote will be doubled. Doulifee's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifee, and we'll help you out. Quote
Lemonectric Posted August 2, 2008 Posted August 2, 2008 All right, here we go:[/img*][/url*] Quote
mousemuffins Posted August 2, 2008 Posted August 2, 2008 Aw, Crash? I wish I could enter this compo, but I'm going to be in Denver, so I'll enter the next one though, and I'll change my sig. And thanks to everyone for the comments on my Rayman remix - I agreed with all of them. I spent too long playing with FL and not actually arranging. But I know better, for next time. I shall return! Quote
munchi Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Locked N' loaded, Loaded for battle, N' Battle Ready. GAME ON!...or REMIX ON!! Quote
munchi Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 By the way, what does the "N" stand for? No Gin!? Nothinbut Gin?!? Nakashi Gin!?!? Quote
Rexy Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 No one knows, not even anyone in the Crash community. The entire name was meant to be a play on "engine", which given N. Gin's appearance and mechanical specialty, sounds very appropriate. Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 I'm not really feeling any sort of connection to this source. Most likely no entry from me this time around. Quote
munchi Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 I see! N-Gin...Well, scrap and restart for me! I'll have something by late thursday night (ie friday morning) Quote
OneUp Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Hmm... bleuh. Not my piece of smorgasbord. And Rexy, do you have to make your midis 64 channels? Makes it very hard to overview in a tracker... But thx for making them. Quote
Rexy Posted August 7, 2008 Author Posted August 7, 2008 I blame Cakewalk templates for that, lol. I'll look into it in the future - cheers OneUp! Quote
passion Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 I love Crash more than anyone should love a game. I find myself stifling urges to spin crates at turtles, jump on wild hogs, and steal crystals at every opportunity. But I gotta say, I don't care for this tune. Too busy for my tastes. While I love the music to this series, I like the first game's more ambient style the best. The marimbas, lazy bass lines, and geographic-specific instrumentation(think didgeridoos)really sold me on the game. A decade later, I still quite often find myself humming the background to the first few levels. I think something simpler, like the songs from the first game, would have been a better choice. But what do I know, I don't even do remixing. I would have, had I caught wind of this contest a week ago, but I don't yet. Quote
JH Sounds Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 I'm not really feelin' it either. It's just as well, since my participating would've taken time away from my Mario Party remix project. Quote
Hardbeat Acolyte Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 *Goes to submit entry* I didn't really have a great deal of time this week to work on it, so it's a bit short and repetitive... Hopefully you'll still enjoy it Quote
Lemonectric Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 I'm not really feelin' it either. It's just as well, since my participating would've taken time away from my Mario Party remix project. I've been feeling the same way lately, what with my Oracle of Ages remix project. You should try signature advertising for yours, rather than talking about it in all your posts. XD That said, it's good you're tackling an underremixed game, though I'm not familiar with it. Quote
JH Sounds Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 You should try signature advertising for yours, rather than talking about it in all your posts. XD OMG you discovered my strategy!!! Actually the sig thing is a good idea, but I don't have a name for my album or anything... Promoting ORC is a also of higher importance at the moment. EDIT: or not. Quote
Rexy Posted August 9, 2008 Author Posted August 9, 2008 Isn't ORC Doulifée's job anyway? I'm sure that once you think of a name, then you can just keep on promoting what you're doing as your own little personal project. Mind, concerning the source choice, the biggest problem I had when looking around for this week's source tune was seeing something that had enough melodic content as well as the accompanimental coherency behind it. Crash 1's soundtrack did well for its more ambient backdrops, and I agree with that, but my big irk with that was that I could only seem to relate with very few of the tracks when it comes to making a remixing decision, and even at that they aren't necessarily seen as some of the best options in general. But at the very least, PRC promotion is very much unpredictable at the moment. You can have the stupidest source tune ever (PRC52 - Tecmo Super Bowl) and yet have a good number of entries involved. You can have something very approachable at the same time (PRC109, I think - Lemmings SNES title) but yet it would struggle to gain a mass response. Heck, I thought that the Tales of Symphonia PRC would similarly be quiet as the source tune itself seemed a little short and unremarkable; yet, the mass amount of entries was a great surprise. I think it all comes down to how they personally feel over certain tracks. Whichever, I contributed a bonus entry, and if I and Seto can forge something, so can you. At any token, we're at least at the guaranteed stage that someone will at least win this PRC, and that's good enough for me. Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 Alright, with the extension I think I have like... a minute and a half of ideas. Quote
Rexy Posted August 10, 2008 Author Posted August 10, 2008 And at this rate, we will need another one. Be wary now - if no one else submits an entry before this time tomorrow, then Setokaibarocket will win by default. Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted August 10, 2008 Posted August 10, 2008 Sorry, got distracted last night. Will submit something for sure in an hour or two. Quote
Hardbeat Acolyte Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 Hmmm, supposing I won, is it possible to select just an MIDI as the source without an MP3? No matter how hard I look, I can't find an MP3 of a particular old PC game song. The MIDI is ripped from the game though so it's perfectly accurate. That is, if I was even to choose that song; I don't know. Quote
Rexy Posted August 11, 2008 Author Posted August 11, 2008 It's understandable with old PC tracks - MIDI was primarily a standard. >.> That will be just fine, but please keep your plans sealed - at this stage, you're not out of the woods just yet. Someone else submitted an entry, luckily enough, and we have a competition! Now, it's time we got through to the voting stage. You visit the compo page, listen to the entries (and illegible if you want), and choose your preferences through the voting form at the bottom. Contestants don't need to vote as it won't make an effect on the final score. The winner of PRC125 was me, so you'd better have done enough to win me over. You have until Thursday, August 14th at 11:59am EST to make your vote. The winner will get to choose the source material for PRC127! Elegibles Chickenwarlord - Droll Stroll setokaibarocket - Reverse N-Gineering Ineligible Rexy - With Real Citrus Flavor Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 Force of habit. Seto, you might as well choose your source tune now . I love old PC game music. Quote
Rexy Posted August 12, 2008 Author Posted August 12, 2008 Again with that? Yeah, I freakin' blame Kamoh for using weird terms like that. It's fixed anyhow. Quote
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