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Well I'm pretty happy since this us FINALLY coming to the US. I've had it ever since it came out in Japan a year ago but I'm excited to be able to play it in English.

oh and you fags that say kh is gay get out


I played the GBA version...the first run through was fun, but playing Reverse/Rebirth killed it for me. I think if that hadn't worn on me so much, I'd be excited for this. Definitely looking forward to the new entries in the series, though.


This is great news. I recently tried to replay CoM on my ds, but the dang controls make my hands cramp up like nobodies(nopunintendedreally) business.

I just wish it came with the Final mix II...Imma be kinda mad if they release that for full price later...

I just wish it came with the Final mix II...Imma be kinda mad if they release that for full price later...


Also I want to be able to do this if the final mix ever comes out to the US...

If only for the shits and giggles...


I am quite happy at the news.

However, this had better mean KHII FM+ is on its way as well. CoM is a fairly short game, and it'd be a damn shame if they didn't give us the whole package. KH1 Final Mix would be nice, though I'd be pissed off they waited this long.


Sorry, but it's not going to happen. They only made the final mix because apparently we got more than they did in the first place. Which means they'd have to keep re-releasing the game with new stuff to even the score instead of just being smart and giving everyone the same game. I'm just glad we get to play this one at all. I greatly look forward to it.


I played this game a lot on the GBA, and I can't wait to play the 3D version in English. I actually imported Final Mix+ just so I could play Re: Chain of Memories, but now that it's coming out over here (in English, once again for emphasis) I don't have to settle for Japanese anymore.

I can't wait until this comes out.

Darklink42: I thought it was only our copy of Kingdom Hearts 1 that had more than the Japanese version, thus warranting Japan with Final Mix? If I'm not mistaken, our copy of KHII is the same as Japan's copy, aside from censorship (Hydra's blood, pirate guns, etc.).

Darklink42: I thought it was only our copy of Kingdom Hearts 1 that had more than the Japanese version, thus warranting Japan with Final Mix? If I'm not mistaken, our copy of KHII is the same as Japan's copy, aside from censorship (Hydra's blood, pirate guns, etc.).

im pretty sure thats correct

final mix for kh2 in japan had an extra ending some extra items and a ridiculously difficult boss

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