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Double Dragon 'Opening Theme'


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Did not knew you are an actual guitarist until I got this song, since I only heard a Ryu medley from you with those kick-ass guitar synths. Anyhow, if you listen to the very last second of this piece, you will hear a cut sound there. Try removing it if possible; thing easy to do.

Short. Would be better if wider, but it is still sweet. Love the beats, love the groove...yeah.

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WTF!!! Only one response!!??? You nubs @ OCR, get posting - gawd!!


[ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source

[ ] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing)

[ ] Too much direct sampling from original game audio

[ ] Borrows heavily from non-source material (eg. a theme from a movie)


[ ] Too loud

[ ] Too quiet

[ ] Low-quality samples

[ ] Unrealistic sequencing

[ ] Generic/cliche sound choices

[ ] Drums have no energy

[ ] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics)

[X] Mixing is muddy (not too muddy methinks, but there's some strange feedback from the guitar - might just be the style of guitar playing, or the amp - dunno)

PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts)

[ ] Timing not tight enough

[ ] Wrong notes, general sloppiness

[ ] Poorly recorded

[ ] Bad intonation


[ ] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow")

[X] Not enough changes in sounds (I love my variance in over-all sound, I guess for a rock song that's what you want; but maybe a break down would be nice)

[ ] Pace too plodding

[ ] Too repetitive

[ ] Too short

[ ] Abrupt ending


I think that the drumming is a bit too repetitive and need to interact with the actual song more - use different fills as well. But otherwise it's pretty darn good. I'm not a huge fan of the snare either, but it's not horrendous.

Very energetic and progression is decent, good work over all :)

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Nice pad intro. :D

Backing guitar is a little noisy, and both guitars are kind'a high, leaving a lot of space in between them and the bass. The track sounds a bit empty.

I agree with HoboKa about the lack of change in overall sound. A fuller richer sound might help with that. Your synths are pushed into the bg, and I know you can do good stuff with synths, so let one of them take the lead part somewhere. Even if you don't, see if you can fatten the tracks, they're all kind'a thin atm. Synths are a bit too simple, add reverb or something to broaden them.

The snare sounds a bit 80's. I don't mind, I think it's great, but see if you can make the soundscape a bit more 80's-consistent or consider using another snare. The drum writing is repetitive, but in an 80's-style track, that wouldn't be much of a problem.

Source is there, and it's a cool source. Good luck with this man, gonna be interesting to hear how this develops.

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What a fun source. The approach you have is very uplifting, so this really has potential.

The backing guitar at the start needs more crunch to it. In the next part it's in the same frequency range with the lead, messing it up. You should definitely tweak the sounds to make the guitars and the sequenced backings to fit together better. You definitely can play, but this needs more work. The later section does sound clearer, where you don't have the distorted rhythm guitar playing in the background. But the lead(s) are still way noisy and full of high frequencies, and sound separate from the rest of the track. When there are two guitars playing, it's difficult to tell them from each other, and they sound entangled.


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I haven't changed the arrangement, but I have done some mixing changes, I have EQ'd the guitars to help distinguish the guitar lead and rhythm parts. I have also done some minor tweaking of the guitars - righted wrong notes, added delay on the guitar at the break-down.

Oh, and i'll update the synths in my next update.


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Guitar sounds a little too treble-heavy right now, and it's drowning out everything else. Drop it a notch or two, boost the master compression instead (and it better be a multiband compression, or you're in for all kinds of problems).

I could imagine some more interpretation in this. It's mostly the same melodies over and over. Hm... why didn't that bother me last post?

Drums could use some more width, especially the kick, imo. Maybe dropping the guiatrs a bit will balance them out more.

Bass could use some slight overdrive.

That's what I can think of. 'Til next update!

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