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For my college Research Paper, I decided to expound upon cloning, and the controversies it creates.

If any of you know of any credible sources (books, magazine articles, etc.) pertaining to the controversies surrounding cloning, I could really use the reference.


If you don't mind fiction, Jurassic Park and its sequel are excellent books on the subject, although the first one would be a better resource. The Lost World ends up diverging into more existentialist ideas while the original is about the ethics, science, politics, and economics of cloning.

... the original is about the ethics, science, politics, and economics of cloning.

That's odd. My high school English teacher said it was about peasant uprising in Central American crop nations. When I said it was about dinosaurs and why you shouldn't play god with them, he gave me a low mark.


Fiction may not be the best thing to go with. Even with the best research behind them, most of the time the science is basic and out-of-date within a few years. Stick to medical and ethics papers if you can. They deal with far more realistic issues, and you don't have to wonder through any sci-fi poppycock.

Chrichton gives you fact with his fiction, and hes one of my favorite authors because of it. I now know that global warming is a total lie.

man, you believe that garbage? if i believed the 'fact' in my fiction books, why, i'd believe that zombies were taking over yonkers (world war z) and that the illuminatus made up the bible or jesus had a baby with john the baptist or whatever bullcrap davinci code was about.

fiction is fiction because it's fiction, idiot. why haven't you left yet?


although it looks really dumb, there's actually a surprising amount of material that you might be able to find through this site.

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