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"Hear the Cries of Our Planet" Square Enix Vocal Fundraiser Album

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Project Album's Name: "Hear the Cries of Our Planet"

Album's Theme: Square-Enix Vocal Album

Hi Everyone!

For the past few months I have been wanting to work on a special fundraiser album. However I've been so busy that it's been impossible to get the whole idea typed up and put out ther for everyone to see. Now, I've finally got some time and I can start up the project with hopefully the added wonderful talent of OverClocked ReMix's artists.

The idea for this album, (as you can see from it's title in the heading of this thread) is to raise funds for the less fortunate in our world who are crying out for our help and caring. The other mission of the Album is to hopefully raise the awareness of gamers in North America and around the world, that there are people out there that really need our help and that there is something we can do about it.

Once the album itself is finished, it will be for sale online to buy as a CD and possibly on iTunes. The album itself will retail for around $15.00 and every penny of the profits from the CD will be going to the charity "Canadian Food for Children". This Charity has been feeding the World's less fortunate since 1990. The founder of "CFFC" is truly a man who 'heard the cries of our planet'. Dr. Simone gave up his worldy wealth as a doctor and spent his time working to take care of the people unnoticed by our busy world. I know for certain that "CFFC" is a worthy charity of this album's profits and that all of the money they recieve from it's sales will be put to good for the better of suffering people in our world.

Now with that said, it's up to you.

I am a vocalist, I can't do this album on my own. I need the help and dedication of the artists here at OCR to make this album a possibility. More importantly I need your help so that together we can help those in the world who are living in poverty.

Now for the lists of different jobs that need to be filled so that we can make this project a reality.

If you would like to offer your services in one of these jobs, please post here with a bit about your experience or send me a message with your experience in that specific feild.

These lists will be updated periodically if more assistance is required. Also if you think that there is something that you'd be able to help the album with and it's not on the list, please feel free to message me about it.

Non-Music Related Jobs:

Website Designer/Website Programmer

Someone who can set up the Online Sales of the Album

Album Artist (Disc Design, CD Case inserts and book.)

iTunes Sales Manager (Someone who can get the songs onto iTunes and ready for sale through the iTunes shop)

Music Related Jobs:


Lyrics Translators (Japanese, Latin, Portugese and any other possible languages. Please send me a message with which language translations you can offer. I am looking for as many language translations as possible for the Album's namesake song.)

Male Vocalists

This next list will be a set of the songs that are in consideration for the album. The ones denoted with a * are songs that are 100% going to be on the album. Each song is up for disscussion until a remixer(s) are assigned to a specific song. If you have an song suggestions please send me a message and we can discuss the idea. Once a remixer(s) are assigned to a song, there will be a list of required musicians/vocalists required for that song.

I am hoping to have around 12 tracks on the album. When making suggestions for songs (if any) then please keep in mind that this is a Square-Enix Vocals Album.

Any song that has "Remixer Required" Beside the title in red is in need of a remixer and if you are interested in that specifc song or more then one song please send me a message or post on this thread with a bit about your experience and ideas for the remix.

Now, onto the list of currently potential songs and some information about them.

"Hear the Cries of Our Planet"* REMIXER REQUIRED

(Song in this Remix: Hear the Cries of the Planet (Final Fantasy VII))

Information About this Remix:

This song is the namesake song of this Album and because of that I wanted to get part of the mission for this album conveyed in this song. That being said, I would like each vocalist in this album to sing a different part of the lyrics and that the lyrics would be sang in as many languages as possible. Remiding people that the cries of our planet are not restricted to our own Countries but many people are crying out in their own words and own languages.

Artists Needed for this Remix:



"Red as Rose, White as Snow"* REMIXER REQUIRED

(Song in this Remix: Aria di Mezzo Carattere (Final Fantasy VI))

Artists Needed for this Remix:


Female Vocalist (MeleeGurl)


(Songs in this Remix: Sanctuary, Simple & Clean, Dearly Beloved, Kairi)

Artists Needed for this Remix:


Female Vocalist (MeleeGurl)

The rest of this list is songs that I would like to see considered on the list, as I said before each song is up for discussion. Each of the songs on this list REQUIRE A REMIXER.

Eyes on Me (Final Fantasy VIII)

Kiss Me Goodbye (Final Fantasy XII)

One Winged Angel & Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VII & VI) (I am hoping to pair these songs in one remix.)

Twister or Calling (The World Ends with You)

Why (Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII)

Somnus* (Final Fantasy XIII Versus)

Prelude (Final Fantasy Series)

Ending Theme (Final Fantasy Series)

1,000 Words and Real Emotion (Final Fantasy X-2)

Suteki da ne (Final Fantasy X)

Songs of Prayer (Final Fantasy X)

Assorted Kingdom Hearts Remix (Kingdom Hearts Series)

Assorted Final Fantasy VII Remix (Final Fantasy VII)

Redemption (Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus)

Vamo Alla Flamenco (Final Fantasy IX)

This is the list of current artists involved in this project:


MeleeGurl (Female Vocalist Soprano Specialty)

the prophet of mephisto (Male Vocalist Baritone Specialty)

Hemophiliac (Male Vocalist Low End Baritone Specialty)

Hale-Bopp (Male Vocalist)

DragonAvenger (Female Vocalist)

sae (Male Vocalist)


Nekofrog (Guitarist and Bassist)

audio fidelity (Guitarist and Bassist)


the prophet of mephisto




Random Hajile

Album Artists:


I look forward to seeing the support that OCR will put into this project and I can't wait to work with all of you on "Hear the Cries of Our Planet".



sounds like a really cool project - not sure i can commit to a mix yet - but i'll throw my services out for bass or guitar

also - about the songs you have decided on singing - i take it you have lyrics already in the works for these - but it doesn't say much about style or genre or anything - you should probably be specific in the kind of remixer your looking for to collaborate with

sounds like a really cool project - not sure i can commit to a mix yet - but i'll throw my services out for bass or guitar

also - about the songs you have decided on singing - i take it you have lyrics already in the works for these - but it doesn't say much about style or genre or anything - you should probably be specific in the kind of remixer your looking for to collaborate with

That's great to hear, thanks so much Audio, any help is really appreciated. Can I add you to the list then as a Bassist/Guitarist?

I do have the lyrics for both Twilight Love and Red as Rose, White as Snow. However the lyrics for Hear the Cries of our Planet are still in the works and open for any suggestions.

As for remix types, I am a vocalist. I have some ideas of what I would like to impliment into the songs but I am very open for style and genre of the remix, that is why I left it open like I did.


i'm a vocalist who can help. i can sing in multiple languages and styles. i'm a baritone, but i've got a wide enough range to multitrack and sing multiple parts. here's a demo of my vocal abilities. i've got a few songs on ocr, and a few that are waiting to be posted.

i'm also a saxophonist and remixer, although i can't guarantee a song specifically because i'm quite busy right now with my masters degree. once christmas break comes around, maybe we'd be able to get something going.

as for translation, i'd suggest CHIPP damage (japanese translator for OCR, he's a good guy) and Red Tailed Fox (Mr. Fox on the forums, he's from brazil so he speaks portuguese).


My interest is piqued, however many questions come to mind:

-Is this actually legal? Can you obtain the rights to sell the songs, even if it is for charity?

-Who is Dr. Simone, and what is his/her involvement with this concept? From your original post, this is presented in a rather vague manner.

-What kind of arrangements are you expecting to hear from this project?

-What style of singing do you plan on doing on your "reserved tracks" (meaning you MeleeGurl).

-Will you be able to stick with this project until it's completion, or are you going to bail out?

for now those questions will do, i may be interested in singing, i don't know about arranging however...i'm a low end baritone.

i'm a vocalist who can help. i can sing in multiple languages and styles. i'm a baritone, but i've got a wide enough range to multitrack and sing multiple parts. here's a demo of my vocal abilities. i've got a few songs on ocr, and a few that are waiting to be posted.

i'm also a saxophonist and remixer, although i can't guarantee a song specifically because i'm quite busy right now with my masters degree. once christmas break comes around, maybe we'd be able to get something going.

as for translation, i'd suggest CHIPP damage (japanese translator for OCR, he's a good guy) and Red Tailed Fox (Mr. Fox on the forums, he's from brazil so he speaks portuguese).

Thank you so very much Prophet! You have a beautiful voice and I really enjoyed listening to your sample. I would be extremly pleased to have you on this project! I was worried about finding male vocalists so this is a really pleasant surprise!

Thank you also for offering your saxophone playing. Also, about the remixing. I doubt that a 12 track CD is going to be finished by Christmas this year so if you do have the time to do a remix during that time I'd be happy to work with you.

Thank you....again. ^_^ For telling me about the translators. I will send them messages asking if they are interested in helping out with the project.


Leviathan, I am not sure if you have heard of Michael Gluck's (Piano Squall) Album GAME. It included several Square-Enix tracks. :) So have no fear, this album will be able to sell.

Hemo, for your first question. The answer is above.

As for Dr. Simone, he is not directly involved with this project. The profit from the Album sales will be going to his Charity but he doesn't need to have any involvment in the project specifically. When I mentioned him, it was to clairify the fact that his charity was worthy of recieving the profit from the album sales.

I answered the question about remixes earlier on in the thread. I am looking for each remixer to add his/her own input into the remixes. I would like to hear ideas from the people who want to take the projects. I trust the remixers here and I know that together everyone will be able to come out with a great Album.

I will be singing according to each songs remix. i.e. "Red as Rose, White and Snow" would be in the Opera style because of the nature of it's root song.

I am very serious about this project. I have a had a lot of time to put consideration into it and I want very much for this to come to be. So I will be commited to this Album from now till the day it's in the hands of happy listeners and even after that. ^_^

Is this the answer you speak of, otherwise i don't see one.

Yes, that is the answer Hemo.

"I am not sure if you have heard of Michael Gluck's (Piano Squall) Album GAME. It included several Square-Enix tracks. :) So have no fear, this album will be able to sell."

IIRC Gluck obtained permission to do that...do you plan on obtaining permission?

Also Gluck had kept a small portion of the profits, sadly enough. Will 100% of the money go to the charity?

What does, Dr. Simone's charity benefit? In other words what do they do?

I mentioned Dr. Simone's Charity's Mission on the first post of this thread.

Yes, I do plan on obtaining permission.

All of the profits will be going to Dr Simone's Chairity. None of the profits from this album will be kept. I did state that on the first post of the thread Hemo.

That's great to hear, thanks so much Audio, any help is really appreciated. Can I add you to the list then as a Bassist/Guitarist?

Yes, please do. This seems like a great project. I am in the same boat as prophet and working on another project (FF4). After the winter break, I'd be very interested in being more instrumental (no pun takin') to the album.

also you need to get a male lead for you with the ff6 opera

(that might be a cool track to get multiple remixers on for like a grand finale)

Cool, it wasn't clear to me.

Good luck obtaining permission, i do hope your project can be beneficial to the charity you represent...especially with the noble nature of the concept.

Thank you very much Hemo. ^_^ I appreciate your well wishing to this album project.

Holy crap. I'd be content to half the singer you are...

I could cook up some album artwork ideas if no one else has already offered.

Actually, no one has offered Relyan. I really appreaciate the offer, thank you! Can I please see some samples of your artistic work? ^_^

Yes, please do. This seems like a great project. I am in the same boat as prophet and working on another project (FF4). After the winter break, I'd be very interested in being more instrumental (no pun takin') to the album.

also you need to get a male lead for you with the ff6 opera

(that might be a cool track to get multiple remixers on for like a grand finale)

Alrighty then, I will be adding the list to the first post tonight and you'll be there! ^_^

Well I can't wait till after Winter Break, I think it'd be great for both you and Prophet to be "instrumental" in the album. ;)

Yes, I was thinking about that this evening actually. Once I heard Prophet's sample, I decided am going to ask him if he would like to take the part.


If I remember correctly, Michael Gluck went through Electronic Arts to help get permission from Square-Enix. Also, the original composers get royalties from his sale of his CD:


You would need to get some sort of really special permission from Square-Enix for this, because GAME! was also to help charity, and he still needed to pay royalties. Good luck, but before aquiring help here on the forums, it would be a good idea to get the permission first.

If I remember correctly, Michael Gluck went through Electronic Arts to help get permission from Square-Enix. Also, the original composers get royalties from his sale of his CD:


You would need to get some sort of really special permission from Square-Enix for this, because GAME! was also to help charity, and he still needed to pay royalties. Good luck, but before aquiring help here on the forums, it would be a good idea to get the permission first.

Well thank you very much for that information Sengin. :)

I will be getting permission for the Album to be sold for charity, so have no worries about that. Everything will work out alright, thanks for your concern though. ^_^

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