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In which case they get a lawsuit up the butt.

Ooooooowww.. rectal paper cuts.


My imaginary friend is so too real! You're non-existent!

Do they still sell the Orange Box in stores? It's been a year, but somewhere might still have it. That way, I get TF2, Portal and Half Life 2.

I MUST watch this movie made in 1982 on Blu-Ray high Def even though high def didn't exist when it was filmed!!

Movies in 1982 were filmed on film, which has a resolution the rough equivalent of ten million pixels. This is about five times the resolution of a high definition DVD. The difference is imperceptible, but my point is that an HD DVD made from film will indeed be high-definition. It isn't restricted to films made in the last ten years or so.



^ Get it on Amazon via OCR for $31.99 PLUS free shipping.

PLEASE get yourself the Orange Box, The Damned, and play Team Fortress 2 with all of us. Also, enjoy Half-Life 2 (I just finished it this week) and the Episode 1 + 2 sequels. Last but certainly not least, play Portal and have your mind raped (but in a good, happy way).

EDIT: As for STEAM, the reason I love it is that I've now played Team Fortress Classic and Day of Defeat on four different computers, and I lost the original CDs for those (one broke :sad:) about 5 years ago. I bought them maybe 10 years ago.


Yup, go with the orange box, I didn't and I regret it as I went out and ended up having to collect each part of it individually. And I at first wanted the box just so I had something physical in case steam messed with me, but now I see that I really don't need it.


OK, it started out all fine but then it was all like HOLY SHIT AMMO AMMO AMMO and then those big guys that explode came and then it was all FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK and then there was a pipebomb and I threw it and it was all SHIT IT FALL BACK DOWN THE STAIRS ON US RUN FUCK FUCK FUCK and then I was all tired for a while and then the black guy started touching me and I realized he was healing me and then HOLY SHIT NINJA ZOMBIE NINJA ZOMBIE and then someone shot something and everything went green and then FUCK FUCK FUCK THERE'S MORE OF THEM and then I finished the demo.

I'm afraid to sleep now.

Thanks for the link, SirChadly, but they want to charge $75 for it to ship to Canada. Fuck that.


I'm really surprised that nobody has made a Left 4 Dead thread on this forum. It really is fun as hell if you play with your friends or with a community. I've probably already spent around 15 hours just on a freakin Left 4 Dead demo since a couple days ago. The AI controller, known as the Director, seems like it almost has its own personality.

For ex,(in expert mode, my only mode!) starting off in the safe room and seeing no zombies outside. Great times, this will be a breeze! Well, turns out that AI just wanted to fuck with you and once you got through that area, a boomer barfs on the guy at the back of your group, then as we all try to defend that guy from a huge zombie attack somebody gets lasso'd by a smoker. Well, ok I try to save that person getting lasso'd, BUT I GET FUCKING PINNED DOWN BY A HUNTER (super agile zombie that can tackle/pin you down). Well, fuck. We all died and the last man standing just gets the shit kicked out of him by 60 zombies. He tries to throw a molotov but sets all of us on fire too. Meanwhile, we're all on our mics saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as we all asphyxiate or get the shit beaten out of us.

This game needs to be discussed more on OCR! It really is so much fun.

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