BardicKnowledge Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 Both Super R-Type and R-Type III (harder) for SNES are amazing if you haven't played them. Coop: I can't finish G3 arcade (the only gradius game I can't 1cc), but it's still a lot more fun to play than the SNES game because of all the extra stuff. Quote
Strike911 Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 Seems like the best place for this: Suda 51 just announced a horizontally side scrolling shooter called Sine Mora. Exciting. Also, a personal note completely offtopic from everything else (since I'm in THE shmup thread) ... mad love for Einhander. <3 <3 As far as the SNES, UN Squadron wasn't half bad back in the day. Sure, R-Type was better, but hey, still good fun. Quote
The Coop Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 Both Super R-Type and R-Type III (harder) for SNES are amazing if you haven't played them. Indeed. But a warning to you Luke... -=STAY AWAY FROM THE GBA VERSION OF R-TYPE III=- Holy shit is it messed up. The got the graphics right for the most part, and nothing else. Music? Horrendous. Sound effects? Meh. Hit detection? Completely and utterly fubar. Screen space for maneuvering? Noticeably smaller. There's a spot that, as far as I can tell, you can't get past normally because there's less space on the screen (GBA's lower reso than the SNES) and the buggered hit detection. It's botched... badly. As such, stick to SNES version. Coop: I can't finish G3 arcade (the only gradius game I can't 1cc), but it's still a lot more fun to play than the SNES game because of all the extra stuff. True. I've 1CCed it twice on my PS2 compilation. Not easy, but doable. Quote
K.B. Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 A bit off-topic, but speaking of GBA shmups, Iridion II has excellent tunes. Has one of, if not the, most rockin' title music ever. Seriously; Mega Man, eat your heart out. It's interactive, so, unfortunately, no one can be told what the title is. I'll be ecstatic if I can track down a copy for the going gamestop rate of two bucks; I'd pay that for the opening alone (the hilarious intro being a bonus). The gameplay seems decent/good too, if a bit easy. Isometric top-back to bottom-front scroller, in the vein of Axelay. Music seems good throughout. 80s vibe. Hat-tip to theX for the scoop on this one. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 My first encounter with a shmup was on a ...boat actually. It was ThunderCross II, which is Konami's homage to it's own Gradius serie. It was never ported to console, but the first one was featured later on a PS2 collection. But as one may expect, in japan only. Had lot of fun over the years with games such as the Life Force/Gradius serie, Area 88, the R-Types, Last Resort, ThunderForce, Raystorm, The Raiden Project, Radiant Silvergun, Einhander, Ikaruga...and others that might have eluded me too. Thanks to you guys and this thread, I have been enjoying (and re-enjoying) some fine shmup moments as of recently. That Raiden III was a bitch to get a hold of but well worth the trouble. And I'm also digging quite a bit two Einhander clones that I don't think anyone mentioned: Last Savior and Söldner X. The latter got ported to the PS3 and even got a sequel, which has to be the most visually stunning shmup I've ever seen. Plus the music was composed by a guy from the C64 and Kwed remix scene. And speaking of handheld, anyone tried Nanostray for the DS? I've had the opportunity to try NanoStray 2 recently, and thought it was pretty cool. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 So hey probably old news for those that follow the KOF series but... Staring Athena, Iori, Kula, Terry, Kyo and last but not least Reim-I mean Mai in Exclusive to XBOX Live... heard rumors it will also come to the PSN for the PSP; not sure. Quote
SoloGamer Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 heard rumors it will also come to the PSN for the PSP; not sure. Not sure about this, but it had a retail release sequel in Japan named Neo Geo Heroes Ultimate Shooting, which also contains a port of Sky Stage. This one didn't limit itself to only KoF characters and added Marco Rossi (Metal Slug), Akari Ichijo (Last Blade), Iroha (Samurai Shodown VI), and SYDIII (Armored Scrum Object). EDIT 2: Speaking of upcoming XBLA titles, a new Bangai-O was just announced for this fall called Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury. It's set for a 800 MS point ($10) price point. Quote
SoloGamer Posted September 17, 2010 Posted September 17, 2010 Radiant Silvergun coming to XBLA! Also, KoF Skystage and Space Invaders Infinity Gene are out for ten bux each. Space Invaders actually looks pretty fun. Quote
anosou Posted September 17, 2010 Author Posted September 17, 2010 Radiant Silvergun for XBLA is news of the forever. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted September 17, 2010 Posted September 17, 2010 Agreed, that's super hot. Can't wait for it to release! Quote
K.B. Posted January 4, 2011 Posted January 4, 2011 'bout time for a bump. Cave mame update, personal nonsense, and Genetos plug. Bordering on old news, but Ketsui - that's right, the same Ketsui that has every Cave-fanboy score-player wetting themselves - and DoDonpachi DOJ (and DOJ black label) are now playable in shmupmame. Espgaluda will follow shortly. Or maybe it already has... I actually enjoyed this as an early Christmas present (sorry for not thinking to share earlier), so maybe it works now as well. Don't know about direct-linking it here, but if you want to check this out then google "shmupmame proboards"; I've verified that their links work and that Ketsui and DOJ are playable. And maybe I've just been needing a good sidescroller in my life, but Progear is hot. Also, hilaridiocy keeps every rivalry fresh. (but they fly planes?!?) Managed to beat EoSD hard and extra (replays are on gensokyo) and essentially finished my playthrough of shmup history (that is, minus the few doujins and some greats that I still don't own/can't emulate, like Radiant Silvergun [port to PC live arcade please?]) since last post. Teeth are cut, now all that's left is to become good. Any day now. I can feel it. Cough. Finally, cross-posting for great justice. GenetosA little freeware shmup. In essence, you battle your way through the various eras of the shmup world, starting at Space Invaders and going up to... well, you'll see if you get to the end. It's pretty quick (about 15-20 minutes), but it's very creative and fun. This game is a treat. If you play shmups at all, give it at least one playthrough. And that main menu music... yes. I must be too much of a pansy because it seems I can't get the sword no matter what I do. One time I got graze though... holy crap that was a setup for disaster. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 18, 2011 Posted September 18, 2011 I knew there had to be a thread about shmups somewhere on this forum. You don't have a site dedicated to video-games and populated with vgm-geeks without having a bunch shmup fans! I'll admit that my favorite series in shooters is the Darius series. It may not be as "hardcore" as Gradius or the like (and in all honestly I don't really like the Gradius games), but its zany style, pizazz, and fun enemies really make it enjoyable. Let's face it, it's all about the fish. Of course, the only games truly worth playing in the series are Darius Gaiden and G-Darius. Darius 2 is close, but it's way too unfair (at least the arcade/Saturn version)... I've heard that the PCE version (Super Darius 2) is the best, but lot of good that does us. But man, the music in all of those games is so good. My favorite OSTs for shooters are in the Darius games- someone should really do an arrange album for them around here! And as an aside, one of my proudest moments in the series was actually managing to 2-credit-clear Darius 1, a game that is pretty damn hard and unforgiving, let me tell you (especially since its entirely bullshit Instant-GameOver if you lose a credit to the final boss). It would have been a 1CC, but Fatty Glutton, that piece of shit piranha robot, always manages to eat up a fucking continue unless I keep myself purposefully underpowered. Hell I even saved the screencap of my accomplishment. --- I've been wanting to get into the R-Type games for a long time. I thought about getting R-Type Final, but the game looks a little boring to me (some of those last levels look kind of lame). I found a copy of R-Types on ebay for less than $20, and a copy of R-Type Delta for $30. Would those be worthwhile purchases to get me into the series? Supposedly, the best in the series is R-Type III, but I can get that any time on VC (I've played a little bit on emulation and it's all right- I'm just not very good at R-Type games though!). I'd get R-Type Dimensions, but my brother has his 360 with him and he hates shooters. Super R-Type would be better if it weren't for all the damn slow-down. That alone kind of makes it not worth playing in my opinion. It's really because of buying a Sega Saturn (and The Coop's helpful recommendations) and Darius Gaiden that I've gotten in to shmups (though I still hate Touhou and bullet-hell/danmaku shooters- they're so boring for me), and I almost kind of wish I was in to these games sooner. Lots of fun they are. I'm not particularly good at any of them (aside from maybe Galactic Attack since I've played and beat that one so many times), and I don't care about 1CCs too much (though sometimes I do try to get a good hi-score), but I love challenging games and crazy boss-fights, which is why this has snuggled up right next to my other favorite genre, the platformer. Quote
The Coop Posted September 18, 2011 Posted September 18, 2011 I 1CCed the arcade version of Darius once. Had a small crowd and everything, and did it on my birthday to boot I've been wanting to get into the R-Type games for a long time. I thought about getting R-Type Final, but the game looks a little boring to me (some of those last levels look kind of lame). R-Type Final is flawed, but fun. There are a metric fuckton of ships to unlock, and multiple endings. It plays fine, but it's not as intense as the games that came before it. It's cheap these days, and still enjoyable, so it's worth picking up IMHO. I found a copy of R-Types on ebay for less than $20, and a copy of R-Type Delta for $30. Would those be worthwhile purchases to get me into the series? Yes. R-Types has nearly arcade perfect ports of the first two games, and R-Type Delta is fantastic. If you let those slip away, I suggest having your head examined. Quote
The Coop Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 I'll just drop this little oddity here... Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 Thunder Force IV. what about it? Also Coop I had a good laugh at the Bullet Hell Ponies Interesting use of what seems to be using the Danmakufu program. But for a cell phone..? Wished it was a little more creative on the bullet hell part. Quote
liquid wind Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 any good shmups on steam? quickly scanning the topic most recommendations seem to be older games, foreign(need to erm, "acquire" through other channels), or XBLA(don't have a 360) Quote
EC2151 Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 Jamestown is a good, cheap shmup- 5 really fun levels, lots of difficulty options, and in general, really fun to play. I think it was like $5, though it might be $8 right now. Totally recommend it. I really want the new Darius game to finally hit arcades here in the States. I mean, not that there's an arcade nearby me... But all the same, this DariusBurst Another Chronicle: EX looks like it's a lot of fun. Mainly, I just want it released in the arcades so we can be one step closer to that sweet, sweet console port (I don't really want the bare-bones PSP port- too expensive, and not enough content). And I did order R-Types, and will probably be ordering R-Type Delta soon. Looking forward to it : ) Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 For steam there is , is fantastic with co-op, then there's also the set.I still fall back on a certain set of games and it's Even the latest game that came out, while actually made easier to let new players try it out, . Quote
Brandon Strader Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 I played one, I think it was called Death Smiles. Really short, intended to be played through multiple times. I think I played through twice. Then I sent it back cause it was from Gamefly. Pretty fun overall. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 a shmup is not doing its job if it only makes you want to play once. EDIT: And is it really possible to have a shooter these days that doesn't store some loli anime girl? Where are all the awesome space-ships? I'm just kind of sick of every modern shooter having to be about some loli witch or something fighting other loli witches. If you're going to do something like that at least do what and its did, and make the heroines these bad-ass anime babes! Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 is it really possible to have a shooter these days that doesn't store some loli anime girl?Where are all the awesome space-ships? If you're going to do something like that at least do what and its did, and make the heroines these bad-ass anime babes! There's always the gradius series which is available on the PSP from 1 to 4. The fifth game was a PS2 game but it should be easy to find. Also there are plenty of space shooters but the thing is they are often now of the doujin variety rather than corporately made. Then again regardless if a spaceship or a girl is used, I'd always have fun. Besides Gradius V I tend to find most space shooters not as challenging. Hence my propensity to games like Touhou Project where I can find the challenge I search and yearn for. There are the cave games but they are slow to come out and often squandered to sticking on the 360 only these days; or worse the ipads. Another issue is getting them over here to play rather than relying on localization efforts. At least with Touhou I can just import a game disk and download an english patch, can't say the same for CAVE games. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 I have Gradius III and IV on the PS2, and I'm honestly not a fan (I've also played Gradius 1). Maybe it's because I'm a bitch and find Gradius 3 way too hard, but all the Gradius games, it's like you can never sit back and enjoy the game, because it never stops trying to kill you in all sorts of mean-spirited ways. It's always trying to pull a fast one with enemies coming from behind you or that fucking damn bubble level (to use an example in 3). In say, Darius Gaiden, or in other shooters, you get a moment to take in the atmosphere, but not so in the Gradius games. Maybe some people like that but it's too much for me. I'd much prefer a Darius or RayForce or some other Taito shooter at least to Gradius. Though since i like treasure and G.Rev, I would like to get my hands on Gradius V. But I can never find a copy cheap enough. Speaking of CAVE and localization, I really wish more G.Rev games came out stateside. They're made up of all the people that made Taito matter back in the 90s, and like, they only have two games released here, one on XBLA and the other on the 360 called Senko no Ronde. Has anyone played Strania: The Stella Machina? It looks really awesome- like an old Taito game made for today's world. Ha ha, Taito/G.Rev is where my inner shooter fanboy comes out. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 I have Gradius III and IV on the PS2, and I'm honestly not a fan (I've also played Gradius 1).Maybe it's because I'm a bitch and find Gradius 3 way too hard, but all the Gradius games, it's like you can never sit back and enjoy the game, because it never stops trying to kill you in all sorts of mean-spirited ways. It's always trying to pull a fast one with enemies coming from behind you or that fucking damn bubble level (to use an example in 3). In say, Darius Gaiden, or in other shooters, you get a moment to take in the atmosphere, but not so in the Gradius games. Maybe some people like that but it's too much for me. I'd much prefer a Darius or RayForce or some other Taito shooter at least to Gradius. Though since i like treasure and G.Rev, I would like to get my hands on Gradius V. But I can never find a copy cheap enough. Speaking of CAVE and localization, I really wish more G.Rev games came out stateside. They're made up of all the people that made Taito matter back in the 90s, and like, they only have two games released here, one on XBLA and the other on the 360 called Senko no Ronde. Has anyone played Strania: The Stella Machina? It looks really awesome- like an old Taito game made for today's world. Ha ha, Taito/G.Rev is where my inner shooter fanboy comes out. As I said they squander some nice shmups on the 360 when they ought to spread them out to other systems; hell even the Wii could have done something like use the wii-motion as the actual movement option with the traditional controls being optional as well. As for Gradius, there's always if you want something a little lighter. There is also for the PS2 that is not as mean as Gradius but also offers it's own rather harsh difficulty. I'd say it'd be a good one for ya as well as its earlier titles. I remember it always allowed me some time to relax before a stage and before a boss fight.Heading for more obscure titles, there's which uses spaceships so check it out. Dodonpachi & ESPGaluda's are good ones. Quote
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