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Another question, here.

I want to write an orchestra piece using the Orkester soundbank, but composing with Reason's editing tool is kind of a pain. Is there any way I can write what I want on Finale or some sort of staff paper (or anything easier) and then export it to Reason?

This is very easy, I sometimes transfer stuff form cubase to reason.

here is how.

Once you compose something form Final or Cubase or whatever, be sure to export in midi format.

You need midi. you cant transfer a song form one software into another without midi exporting.

When you have that midi file exported form Final or Cubase...

Start up Reason -

Click on file, Import MIDI file -

choose the file you exported from Final or Cubase -

And thats it! Just attach instruments to the appropriate midi instrument.

Awesome. Thanks a bunch.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

No luck in the FruityLoops forum, so I'll try my hand here, since my question kind of pertains to Reason...

I've got a FL file I've made that I want to be able to transfer to Reason, but I really don't want to have to write it all out again. I'm fairly certain it's possible to do this, but I don't know how. Any suggestions?


hmm. It doesn't seem to work. It should tho. I export midi from FL, import to reason and nothing shows on the tracks. o_O

edit: nevermind. You gotta go first to Fruity loops tools->misc->prepare channels for export. THEN export as midi. After that import into reason and you should get all the tracks :)


Sounds like you want to just affect the reverb? So that the reverb trail will be the only thing effected, and the main cello sound will sound normal? You know how to use the mixer and reverb as an aux effect, right? Just stick whatever effects you want in the chain after the reverb and before it returns to the mixer. I effect reverb a lot. Its fun. If that's not what you meant, then I don't understand.

on a side note, can anyone explain the difference between effect and affect? This is some english crap that I need to know :).

on a side note, can anyone explain the difference between effect and affect? This is some english crap that I need to know :).

effect is a noun, affect is a verb. simple as that.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have a technical Reason question!

I often use the mouse in the sequencer to lay out triads. However, when I do this, all of the velocities are the same, and that's really dull and boring, so I want to change them.

But in the velocity lane, it shows the three notes in the one lane, and when you use the Pencil to draw in the velocity, it changes ALL THREE notes. I can't change the velocity of one note at a time unless I drag one note away, change it, and drag it back. This is a total pain and I hate it.

Is there any better way to adjust the individual velocities?


Off-topic P.S. Is anyone here beta-testing Reason 3?

I have a technical Reason question!

I often use the mouse in the sequencer to lay out triads. However, when I do this, all of the velocities are the same, and that's really dull and boring, so I want to change them.

But in the velocity lane, it shows the three notes in the one lane, and when you use the Pencil to draw in the velocity, it changes ALL THREE notes. I can't change the velocity of one note at a time unless I drag one note away, change it, and drag it back. This is a total pain and I hate it.

Is there any better way to adjust the individual velocities?


Off-topic P.S. Is anyone here beta-testing Reason 3?

Yea, slightly annoying. The other way you could do it is to have the change events window open all the time. Whenever you need to up the velocity, just select the note, then click the change events button to do so. That window can stay open all the time if you like.

I downloaded the 3.0 demo, but its only 20 minutes and can't save, so I don't think I'm gonna install it since you gotta uninstall 2.5 first. Need to work on some jams.


I have the reason 3.0 beta. I didn't mind installing it as I dont' use reason hardly anymore. Technically I'm not really supposed to talk about it, but it isn't too different from 2.5.


I've been looking for industrial percussion sets for a while, and DarkeSword referred me to an sf2 on his website which was an industrial drumkit. I know Reason doesn't support MIDI, but is there any way I can convert this (and other soundfonts) to a Reason-friendly format?

Also, just wondering: does anybody know of any free software that is compatible with ReWire? Most of the programs I see using it are commercial software.


UncleBob, I've never heard of a free sequencer that supports ReWire.. like Arcana said, NN-XT will load soundfonts. There should be a decent amount of free/downloadable industrial beat samples on da net, specially in VST format. Lotsa free drumkits. Since Reason doesn't support VST, something you could do is open a program that does and export VST beats/samples from there, load them into ReDrum.

Now I've got two questions:

Is there a way to wire two modules to accept the notes from one sequencer track and/or the main MIDI input?

Also, am I crazy or is the ReDrum machine the only module that accepts simple .wav's?

Thanks :D


I have a problem with the volume output by reason. It's lower than say an audio output from a song played on winamp. I have my master volume on 100 and velocity for the instruments are ranged from 70~100. Is there a way to make it louder?


First make sure your audio settings are right in the preferences.

Keep in mind the master output isn't the only main volume control. You still have the volume output on the instrument module itself as well as its input on the mixer. If you have all three of those maxed out and it still is quiet, then you may have a volume level on your sound card too low. If those are maxed out, then maybe you're monitoring your audio too low and it just sounds quiet when it isn't.

If you want to cheat, stick a Scream4 between the mixer and your master outputs, set it to "Tape", adjust compression and drive the output up.

RedDrum, NN-XT, and NN-19 will accept wave files, aiff files, and sf2 soundfont files.

So what'm I doing wrong? When I browse for samples, NN-19 is looking for ".smp, .rcy, .rx2 and .rex" and NN-XT is looking for ".sxt, .smp, .sf2, .rcy, .rex and .rx2".

First make sure your audio settings are right in the preferences.

Keep in mind the master output isn't the only main volume control. You still have the volume output on the instrument module itself as well as its input on the mixer. If you have all three of those maxed out and it still is quiet, then you may have a volume level on your sound card too low. If those are maxed out, then maybe you're monitoring your audio too low and it just sounds quiet when it isn't.

If you want to cheat, stick a Scream4 between the mixer and your master outputs, set it to "Tape", adjust compression and drive the output up.

yea I have the sampler's master volume on 100 as well. Hmm well what I'm thinking is, export the song as wave, and when I convert it to mp3 boost the volume? I'll try the scream4 trick. Btw I'm using a SB Live! oh wells I'll figure out something eventually I guess :P If anyone knows anything more to this please tell me!


Oh another question from me.

I've been working with the orkester soundbank for a while. I love it! But I wonder if there's anyway to "multiply" the amount of violins playing a melody so it sounds like a group of violins (duh). Other than making 18 NN-XTs loading them all with VNS Long F and copy+paste the notes in sequencer.


Well, you can always use one NN-XT module and output it to several inputs on the mixer and spread them out. Open an NN-XT. Put a spider audio splitter/merger under it. Flip the rack over and patch the NN-XT into the input for the splitter (should be the right side of the back of the spider module). Then take the four outputs and patch them to four inputs on the mixer. Pan then out seperatly from each other and lower the input volumes a little since it'll overdrive the audio. That should give a fuller sound.

You can try other experiments with that idea as well. Stick a Scream 4 between the NN-XT and the spider module, set it to tape, lower the damage to the next line under half, turn the speed most of the way up, push up the compression a little, and then adjust the EQ as needed (remember to turn it on). This will vastly liven up the sound of the instrument.

Hopefully you'll be able to achieve what you'd like.

EDIT: Also, to avoid taking up space on your main mixer(s), make a seperate mixer for the split NN-XT signals. You could then for example take three NN-XT's, split each of them into four outputs (on up to however many a mixer will handle), put seperate effects on for that mixer, and then take the master output off that mixer and stick it onto a single input on one of your master mixers.

Just an idea, but it would probably help keep things organized more.

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