IC Posted January 20, 2006 Posted January 20, 2006 I appreciate the effort, but if you reread my post, you'd see that I wasn't actually asking any of those questions. Silly.
prophetik music Posted January 23, 2006 Posted January 23, 2006 so...i've got a dumb questions...that should be simple but i can't seem to find the answer. how do you change the name of a sequencer track that was created without being linked to a synthesizer or mixer? y'know, so it doesn't say 'new track 9' or something?
prophetik music Posted January 24, 2006 Posted January 24, 2006 Double click the title. brilliant. i'm an idiot. thanks.
Styrochrome Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 I seem to be having trouble getting my Sound Factory disc to install when I start up Reason 3.0 for the first time. It recognizes Orkester okay, but Sound Factory isn't recognized by the program in 2 different CDRom drives. I've even tried copying the CD to CDR's to get it to work, and it still doesn't. And it isn't my CDROM. Windows sees the CD just fine...it's Reason that isn't taking the hint... Any help with this? Oh, and I'm sorry if it's been mentioned before...35 pages is a bit to read. And I've got no '24' to watch while doing it.
Styrochrome Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 Wow. I kinda feel stupid. I thought that it needed to DO something to the file.... Well, thank you most muchly, and hopefully I'll get good enough fast enough to start contributing to this fine place. EDIT: Problem not solved. It still makes me insert the CD (and thus not recognize it). It does this for Orkester as well.
sgx Posted February 9, 2006 Posted February 9, 2006 Yeah it makes you insert all the discs just to make sure you have em each time you install even if you have the soundbanks loaded already. I'm sorry I don't know what the problem is. Seems to be a CD-reading problem. Try yet another cd drive if you can? Otherwise I'd contact support. In the meantime see if you can crack it so you can play . You bought it after all. heh.
IC Posted February 13, 2006 Posted February 13, 2006 In my latest wip, I found that if I switch my audio to a setting lower than 24/96, the chorus on one of my instruments increases drastically. http://students.washington.edu/icrofoot/Jolly.rps Just wondering if anyone knows why this is, and if there's some kind of fix or something. Thanks.
Hy Bound Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 D'oh, the mario 64 awesome song! I was gonna do that... . Sick song by the way, I really like the piano licks on it, but hey its not a wip forum so on to the problem... uh, I have no idea why it would do that... um, my guess is if you like the added chorus, just add it in manually, but if you don't then don't switch down to a lower bitrate.
IC Posted February 19, 2006 Posted February 19, 2006 Hey, thanks, man. Yeah, it's not that big a deal. I was just experimenting to see if I could get better quality downsampling before during or after a render, and all of a sudden I heard a ton of chorus on my instrument. A solution is by no means imminent, I was just kinda curious.
Darangen Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Is there a way to get a tremolo effect in Reason other than automating the volume billion times? I'm using 2.5 currently.
sgx Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Depends what machine you are using. The NNXT does tremelo with the mod wheel. On the other synths, you can easily set up an lfo to control the amplitude. Or, you could make a curve in the matrix and hook that cv up to amp on the synth. Or, a neat trick would be to make a new sequencer track, point it to the same instrument (so you'll have one track for the midi notes and one new one) and draw a little automation pattern on the new track, then make it a group and easily copy paste it in the song.
Argitoth Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 wire an LFO output to the input that you want to modulate. The best LFO in reason comes from Maelstrom. In reason 3.0 you can use a combinator to redirect LFOs to any parameter (such as those with no input). Also, most of the devices (if not all) already can control amplitude with their onboard LFOs.
Darangen Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Ok, sounds like it's possible. But I have no idea what an LFO is, and I'm running 2.5, so I don't have the Combinator. I've tried using the Matrix before, but I can never get it to work. I'm probably not hooking it up right or something. Help?
V___ Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 an LFO (Low-frequency oscillator) is somthing thats used to change the sound created by the synth, over a period of time. For example, you can make the filter frequency on a synth go up and down (ie oscillate) without having to automate it all. LFO's are on all synths in Reason. On the subtractor, the LFO controls are on the bottom left, below the noise controls. To learn how to use them, i recomend going through some presets (pads are usually good for that). For an LFO to work, the 'Amount' must be set to at least 1. Hold a note down for an extended period, and listen to the sound change, then modify the settings and try again. For help with the matrix (and other great tutes) check out... www.propellerhead.se and look at the tutorials section (damn i cnt find the link i wanted, if i find it i'l post it)
Argitoth Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Dood, the PDF manual in reason is very awesome. Read it.
Arcana Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 wire an LFO output to the input that you want to modulate. The best LFO in reason comes from Maelstrom. In reason 3.0 you can use a combinator to redirect LFOs to any parameter (such as those with no input). Also, most of the devices (if not all) already can control amplitude with their onboard LFOs. If you flip the rack, you should be able to put a cable from the MOD OUTPUT CV of the Malstrom (Mod A, for example) to the Master Volume of the NN-XT (for example). The knob next to the Master Volume adjusts how much amplitude the volume gets based on the CV-input. If you flip the rack back around, you can select a MOD A waveform that matches what you want to control the volume with.
Darangen Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Dood, the PDF manual in reason is very awesome. Read it. Lies! .... just kidding. Yeah, I actually printed out that whole PDF too, I should really actually use it .
Diseased Project Posted March 1, 2006 Posted March 1, 2006 I have a question about the Phaser effect. Why does it sound different everytime the song is played? For example: I've recorded some voice. I insert it into Nn-19 and add Phaser. Sometimes some pitch applies to the very end of the voice, sometimes to the middle, sometimes not at all, etc. even though NO changes are made. It really bugs me to make several wavs of the final production just to get the phaser to work in a correct spot. Any ideas?
Hy Bound Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 I have a question about the Phaser effect.Why does it sound different everytime the song is played? For example: I've recorded some voice. I insert it into Nn-19 and add Phaser. Sometimes some pitch applies to the very end of the voice, sometimes to the middle, sometimes not at all, etc. even though NO changes are made. It really bugs me to make several wavs of the final production just to get the phaser to work in a correct spot. Any ideas? Well, this is most likely because you dont have the phaser locked to the tempo. When it isnt locked to the tempo, the phaser just kinda starts its up/down "phasing" sound where you started playing the song from; so it changes every time. I dunno, this annoys the shit out of me if I have a heavily feedbacked phased synth working so i lock to tempo as a rule of thumb... (This also goes for the Chorus/Flanger.) Hope this helped.
sgx Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 It's not because it is or isn't locked to tempo. The tempo lock is just setting the speed of the phaser to be at some sort of rhythmic division of the song tempo (did that make sense?) Anyway, as far as I know, there isn't a way to avoid the problem you described (yea its annoying). The phaser is just 'phasing' all the time. It doesn't start and stop when you start and stop the song, nor does it start at a predetermined spot when you begin a render (I think). So yeah, its pretty much a crapshoot what you will get when you render your track .
Diseased Project Posted March 4, 2006 Posted March 4, 2006 Seems to work, thank you. Although the people that made Reason, could have made the phaser a little more wiser.
ILLiterate Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 Quick question, I'm using Reason 2.5 & I finally got a keyboard hooked up into my computer, via a USB cable. Now how do I get it so I can use the keyboard in Reason?
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