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Need For Speed Underground! :)!!:tomatoface:

And I agree with the person who said Albert Odyssey, great OST unfortunately, the game was preetty mediocre.

I should buy any Virtua Fighter for the PS2, I used to play a lot in my Saturn just cuz of the remixed music, I always wondered why no one EVER remixed any song from VF games. :puppyeyes:

Need For Speed Underground! :)!!:tomatoface:

And I agree with the person who said Albert Odyssey, great OST unfortunately, the game was preetty mediocre.

I should buy any Virtua Fighter for the PS2, I used to play a lot in my Saturn just cuz of the remixed music, I always wondered why no one EVER remixed any song from VF games. :puppyeyes:

Get VF4: Evo already! VF5 is a bit better but then you need an Xbox 360 / PS3. Great games for sure, music is okay too.. a bit to RAWK THE FUCK OUT for my taste.

Get VF4: Evo already! VF5 is a bit better but then you need an Xbox 360 / PS3. Great games for sure, music is okay too.. a bit to RAWK THE FUCK OUT for my taste.

thanks for the advice, Im gonna get it soon, and I was talking about the music in VF2, great music never remixed, I can think of Jeffrey's, Jacky's and Sarah's stage right now, oh and the guy with the mantis style, very good music indeed.

thanks for the advice, Im gonna get it soon, and I was talking about the music in VF2, great music never remixed, I can think of Jeffrey's, Jacky's and Sarah's stage right now, oh and the guy with the mantis style, very good music indeed.

The music for VF4 wasn't great imo. I haven't played VF2, but I can vouch for The original VF soundtrack...

I'm planning on doing a Akria Theme Remix from that game at some point :P


Every so often I'll find myself popping the Sonic 3D blast game into my CD player so I can hear the Rustic Ruins (think that's the stage name) music again. Actually I just start from the ruins and listen all the way through the ice and fire stages.

Ah memories of high school...

I don't think the game really sucks, but I'm about to keep replaying Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia because I like the music so damn much.

And I dislike the arrangement of An Empty Tome. Gr..

I kind of started playing Lineage 2 again because the Intro theme was spontaneously stuck in my head. Then I quit. So the music isn't everything obviously for me.

I listen to the music from Lineage II all the time because I frickin' love Bill Brown's music. I hate him because after he started writing the music for CSI:NY, he seems to have just stopped writing music for games, period.


I can't believe no one has mentioned Okami yet. :dstrbd:

'cause it's awesome! Or at least it seemed so when I tried it in the store... it's still on my to-play stack.

Yeah I'm gonna add StarFox to the list with the same enthusiasm as glasfen:

maybe Starfox too?

I'm not a shmup guy (sorry AnSo), and even though I do enjoy the game I don't think I'd keep replaying it if it weren't for the sweet soundtrack.

Check your notes.

Also, the soundtrack is very expensive.

but the box is soo beautiful...

also yeah i don't replay okami for the soundtrack, i replay okami for the game AND the soundtrack.;-)

So very true, those soundtracks were fantastic. Someone, somewhere, should remix 'em :tomatoface:

I've wanted to for so long, but for the life of me, i can't figure out the notes on some of those songs and there are absolutely no MIDIs of it.

But yes, that soundtrack made that game.


-Original Starfox

-Good ol' Shadow of the Colossus

-Metal Gear Solid Series (especially MGS4 with its IPod item... I'll go online every thursday to see if Konami has any new downloadable in-game tracks available... hell I want those more than the extra camo's, haha. There have been some phenomenal music released as DLC over the last few months, which surprises me still).

-Einhander ... I can easily play through that game just to enjoy the soundtrack.

-DDR and Bust-A-Groove (Kitty N baby)... do music games even count though?

-Zelda: A Link to the Past (and most of the Zeldas actually)... fantastic. Kind of stopped playing them though once I found the live string quartet tracks that were released. Why does Nintendo insist on relying on midi for that game, when other less deserving Nintendo titles get the live orchestra treatment (*cough* Starfox Assualt *cough*). Oh...

-Starfox Assault... the only good thing about that game was the soundtrack... okay, and the sorely missed on-rails missions.


and honestly (and most recently):

Super Smash Bros Brawl... because I can get a hefty dose of nostalgia from multiple games all in one place, and the game is still "new-ish" so my buddies will play it when we're all amassed together. Good times.

I can justify a playthrough of the original Starfox (or a game of SSBB) just to hear the Corneria music. :)

but the box is soo beautiful...

also yeah i don't replay okami for the soundtrack, i replay okami for the game AND the soundtrack.;-)

I'd be happy to purchase it if it were available stateside.

But I just can't justify paying upwards of $50 for a soundtrack.

I assume you own it...

...How amazing is it?

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