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Zelda: Wind Waker 'Cresting the Wave' (Ocean Suite Mix - Minor Update 7/22)

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Oh. Em. Gee. You added in the giants from Majora's Mask. That made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end, it was so amazing.

This piece is the definition of perfection, it really is.


I thought 2:11 was just harmonization because of its tempo. No wonder I couldn't recognize it. Plus the title screen sorta blended it together.

At 5:29 even if you gave me the answer, I still couldn't recognize Aryll's theme, zelda's lullaby, and epilogue :? I only heard ocean theme and title screen (zelda II). Maybe it should be decluttered as you mentioned.

Guess my guessing game turned out to be a feedback afterall lol.


Very cohesive, with all the parts complimenting each other. I don't know how you crammed all of this Zelda goodness into six minutes, but it works beautifully. Nice work!

  • 3 weeks later...

The jump from version 1.6 to version 2.0 presents one short bit that irks me -- the beginning. I prefer version 1.6's opening, which has only one melody playing; by contrast, version 2.0's opening feels like a bit of a musical overload to me. In this sense, version 1.6 eases the listener in, while 2.0 drops the listener into the piece like a hot potato.

After that nit, however, it's beautiful and amazing. :razz: I keep and listen to all three released versions (1.0, 1.6, 2.0).

  • 2 months later...

Y'know, I'll admit that's it's probably because I've been falling asleep to version 1.6 ever since I had the marvelous fortune to e-stumble across it, but... I prefer to 1.6 to most of the changes made. Particularly the whole stretch from 3:00 to about 3:33. After knowing and loving 1.6 for so long, that bit was like finding a raisin in a perfectly good cookie. :cry:

Here's the thing, though... and I know I'm being a evil, fickle, bastard jerk-face... but I love the opening to version 2.0. I like the opening to version 1.6 more for this song, but I after having just listened to version 2.0, I find myself wanting to hear the whole closing 'setting sail' tune again... Just not at the beginning. Sorry! I'd offer viable suggestions if I could, but my area of expertise lies in people-noise. :banghead:

First Edit: Jesus H. tap-dancin' Christ on a pogo-stick! Put them together! Like the first 15 seconds from 1.6, then the 2.0 opening!!

...Shutting up.

Second Edit: So I kinda mulled it over a bit; I like the second half of the Outset Island theme addition, and I really love the Journey beginning. Maybe work Journey into the end...? Something I forgot to mention earlier as well, I DO love the addition of Zelda's Lullaby to the end, that felt like a completely natural ending to the song. Speaking of the ending, one tiny little thing that's irritated me from the beginning-- the piano chord at the end doesn't resolve. And it's just.... gah. >,<

  • 1 month later...

Hey Xauriel, thanks for the comments. Sorry so late in replying, I didn't even know you had posted until tonight when I updated the song. I actually think I addressed most of your concerns with this version, so that's lucky. Anyway, have a listen.



Nice touches on the update, progressive. I like the complex flavor of this version, with tidbits of dissonance an already solid mix. How long 'til you sub it?


Brilliant, yet my ears so desperately yearn for that 'Departure' sequence which was present at the intro for v2.0. It set up the atmosphere perfectly for what was to come.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey, I've had v.2.0 for quite some time, I would like to hear 3.0 but I'm unable to download it from the sources given. Would you be able to re-upload it somewhere?

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