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Comiket 79 Touhou recommendations, ordered from must-haves to not-bads.

Circle (Album) - description. Links are youtubes and are in hd whenever available.

Tutti Sound (東方映画音楽選 - Light) - orcherstral+choral with a few dabs of electronic percussion. Excepting the first track, the entire album is flooring.



Shibayan Records (ココロバイブレーション) - fat, glitchy beats and dirty sounds in extended electronica. Even the high-pitched vox fit. Absolutely disgusting.



Felt (Fairy Queen) - female-vocal and instrumental pop that ranges from jazzy to rocking to balladic... from grooving to arresting. Well-crafted both as individual tracks and as an album.

-Plan Doll;

Wave (Symphonic Rhapsody "Peony") - sweeping orchestral+choral arrangements. The insrumentation swells and falls in support of the choir, giving each track an understated yet manifest power.



k-waves lab and O-Life Japan (ゴツまさ倶楽部) - O-Life is solidly on their game in this one. Celtic-influenced instrumental goodness.


Floating Cloud Acoustic Band (東方アイリッシュ) - Celtic with a touch of Eastern; instrumental. The instrumentation is entirely organic, which is a treat. Not perfect but a solid debut.


; そして今日も紅魔館の扉は開く

Swing Holic (Vol.6) - swing and lounge jazz. Mostly songs (female vox); a couple instrumentals. Tapers off toward the end, but still very good and very fun.

-Take Fire; 瞼と光と恋の歌

RD-Sounds 凋叶棕 (廻 meguri) - half female-vocal, half instumental. Pop-rock, piano and string arranges, dance-pop, lounge jazz, electronica, and more. Amazingly, the album still flows well, and nearly every piece is very good.

-A Secret Adventure;

[note: the instrumentals are what truly make this album worth getting (Remilia's and Mystia's especially), yet none have been uploaded, so the album is better than what's linked here]

dBu music (暁のヴァンピレス 夜鳴鳥) - orchestral, and orchestral combined with synth, guitars, and more. Runs the gamut of moods. Good with some must-have standouts.



第零交響師団 Zero Symphonic Battalion (東方零馨奇譚 - Sophisticated Insanity) - Hiroki Kikuta's album. Highly varied; mostly instrumental. Skip the vocaloid remixes (3,6,7) and send track four to the end of the album to better the flow.

-Never Ending Night;

オリエンス (Ancient Treasures) - orchestral+choral and orchestral instrumental, mingled with rock in three tracks. Rock obviously isn't their forte, but the rest of the album ranges from good to outstanding.


Dark Phoenix (Sound-0 Phase-11) - synth/keyboard/faux-guitar rock. It's an odd formula, but the first half of the album packs some energy. It's about 2/3 of a good album.


; ラストリモート - Type γ

xi-on (Ex Spell -Memory of the Past-) - hard rock with synth, strings, and keyboard. Hit and miss (gtfo unts), but about half the tracks are rocking.

-History of the Moon; Dream Battle

Mediafire is googleable.

the new Tron2 Sound track. Shit is so cash.

A) It's not TRON2, or TR2N, it's TRON: Legacy, and B) We/I know that. I posted half the album on here. Glad someone here shares my tastes in music, that usually doesn't happen......

Oh yeah:

Endless Possibilities - Jaret Reddick

Yes, that's the Sonic Unleashed theme song. In case I got the artist wrong somehow, which with these is somewhat likely....

what if it really was the Tron 2 sound track that he was listening to, smart guy

what then huh

Then he should type the entire title, TRON 2.0, that's what. And the TRON: Legacy OST is way more popular.


Sabotage - Beastie Boys

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