Radiowar Posted March 11, 2010 Posted March 11, 2010 My biggest problem is that the characters' pasts have been altered in this reality. Locke is still with his wife and is on good terms with his father, Jack has a son, etc. How could setting of a nuke on a remote island in the Pacific affect them like that in L.A.? Even if the explanation is Jacob not "touching" them, I'm having trouble connecting the dots... well, the split in the timelines is 1977, so I think the characters' pasts from the point on are fair game. in the podcast the producers brought up the idea of killing a butterfly in the past having a huge impact on the future. the consequences of sinking the island would be that much greater. Quote
q-pa Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 Last night's episode was pretty good. I don't like Sawyer on a regular basis, but last night he was badass. Also, compassion from fake-Locke was kind of weird. Probably the most significant detail is (supposedly) the change in Sawyer's age when his parents died: 9 instead of 8. Finally, mmm... cake. Quote
Alexis Posted March 18, 2010 Author Posted March 18, 2010 Last night's episode was pretty good. I don't like Sawyer on a regular basis, but last night he was badass. Also, compassion from fake-Locke was kind of weird.Probably the most significant detail is (supposedly) the change in Sawyer's age when his parents died: 9 instead of 8. Finally, mmm... cake. Honestly I didn't like last nights episode (aside from the shirtless Sawyer parts). At this point, there's not many episodes left and I'm getting fed up with pretty much nothing happening or being explained. I'm not too interested in the off-island stuff, and the on island stuff is just kind of boring right now. I hate to say it, but this season is going downhill. They better start explaining things soon, or something big needs to happen soon. I...I'm actually disappointed in Lost. Quote
TheLeviathan Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 Honestly I didn't like last nights episode (aside from the shirtless Sawyer parts). At this point, there's not many episodes left and I'm getting fed up with pretty much nothing happening or being explained. I'm not too interested in the off-island stuff, and the on island stuff is just kind of boring right now. I hate to say it, but this season is going downhill. They better start explaining things soon, or something big needs to happen soon. I...I'm actually disappointed in Lost. This. It's getting kind of sad when I enjoy the off-island stuff more than the on-island stuff. Also, next week better be amazing. It has potential. Quote
BooDidley7 Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 Honestly I didn't like last nights episode (aside from the shirtless Sawyer parts). At this point, there's not many episodes left and I'm getting fed up with pretty much nothing happening or being explained. I'm not too interested in the off-island stuff, and the on island stuff is just kind of boring right now. I hate to say it, but this season is going downhill. They better start explaining things soon, or something big needs to happen soon. I...I'm actually disappointed in Lost. I thought this was one of the few episodes where the off-island stuff was actually compelling for a change. For some reasons I'm finding Season 6's episodes less enthralling than the last couple. I used to go back and re-watch them, but not this year. It just doesn't feel like there's much going on, even though things are being slowly revealed. I think the most notable point of interest in last night's episode is that Kate is apparently the only one who WASN'T CHANGED by Jacob's intervention. Since her flashback episode was early in the season, it wasn't readily apparent from the start. Although, it's possible you could argue the same for Claire as well, but we don't know enough about her. But anyway, Jack, Ben, Sawyer, Locke, Sayid, etc., all had different trajectories in life because of Jacob's intervention, pre-island, but apparently Kate was still on the same path. Also, I know it's 'just a show', but anyone else getting tired of the seemingly too heavy-handed meshing of characters off-island? I mean, Kate/Claire is one thing, but Ben/Alex? Danielle was from France and she came to LA to settle in Ben's school district...? Sayid/Jin/Keamey, Jack/Dogen, Miles/Sawyer/Charlotte are all pretty big leaps to buy into to, unless there's some underlying reason for this... Quote
One-Hit Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 So who do you think is Locke's mother? He said that before he was "in this form" he had a crazy mother too. Quote
Palpable Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 Honestly I didn't like last nights episode (aside from the shirtless Sawyer parts). At this point, there's not many episodes left and I'm getting fed up with pretty much nothing happening or being explained. I'm not too interested in the off-island stuff, and the on island stuff is just kind of boring right now. I hate to say it, but this season is going downhill. They better start explaining things soon, or something big needs to happen soon. I...I'm actually disappointed in Lost. Yeah I think this has been hands-down the worst season. Not only are they barely explaining anything (the norm), but the stories and dialogue are really subpar, and the character motivations have stopped making sense entirely. I'm remembering that moment from Tuesday's episode where Kate and Sawyer see each other again and we get another glimpse that (omg) they still have feelings. But Sawyer looks so tired saying the same damn "hello yourself", and who can blame him? The characters have split and met up so many times, and now in the final stretch I'm getting the sense that there never was a purpose to all that. Also, I know it's 'just a show', but anyone else getting tired of the seemingly too heavy-handed meshing of characters off-island? I mean, Kate/Claire is one thing, but Ben/Alex? Danielle was from France and she came to LA to settle in Ben's school district...? Sayid/Jin/Keamey, Jack/Dogen, Miles/Sawyer/Charlotte are all pretty big leaps to buy into to, unless there's some underlying reason for this... There's this dissonant percussion-y music they play whenever it happens, heavy-handed is exactly the word for it. I think that bit WILL get explained, but who knows if the payoff will be worth it. Quote
BooDidley7 Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 So who do you think is Locke's mother? He said that before he was "in this form" he had a crazy mother too. Real Locke's mother a nutjob too. Wouldn't it be something if Locke somehow was the Smoke Monster now as Locke? I doubt that'd make any sense though... Yeah I think this has been hands-down the worst season. I wouldn't go quite that far yet, but it certainly has its pitfalls. I still think somewhere between Season 2 and 3 are the worst of the show, where they were really spinning their wheels, but if the final 8 or so eps don't kick it into high gear soon, it may very well end as a disappointment. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 There's this dissonant percussion-y music they play whenever it happens, heavy-handed is exactly the word for it. I think that bit WILL get explained, but who knows if the payoff will be worth it. I sort of think for this reason that everybody will still end up on the island anyway... Quote
Global-Trance Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Well I wouldn't be too upset about this season. They HAVE explained some good things... it's just they kinda stopped filling things in. Next episode better make up for it though. It's Richard's backstory! Quote
Palpable Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Well I wouldn't be too upset about this season. They HAVE explained some good things... it's just they kinda stopped filling things in. Next episode better make up for it though. It's Richard's backstory! Well that's cool, Richard is one of my favorite characters. Regardless of how this season is going, I'm in it for the long haul and I do expect to enjoy the ending that they claim to have known about since the beginning. I just feel like they've gotten lazy about the meat of each episode: the flash sideways stories and the dialogue. They're probably too focused on the endgame to spend a lot of time polishing that stuff. Quote
Radiowar Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 yeah definitely looking forward to the Richard episode. also from what i've heard, episode 15 is the big stuff-gets-revealed episode. according to Michael Emerson, "none of the series regulars" are actually in the episode. Quote
q-pa Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 Regardless of how this season is going, I'm in it for the long haul ... They're probably too focused on the endgame to spend a lot of time polishing that stuff. Well I wouldn't be too upset about this season. They HAVE explained some good things... it's just they kinda stopped filling things in Agreed. I've largely given up on the "WHERE ARE MY ANSWERS! RAWR!" in favor of just enjoying the ride. ABC's unrelenting teasing of them isn't helping. A lot can happen in an episode and there are, what, 8 of them left? So I'm not too worried about the clock running out. This fan blog and its community have a decidedly more light-hearted, almost OCAD-like take on the show and it's a lot of fun that way. That being said, I just hope the endgame isn't like Snape's backstory in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," where they throw it at you all at once. But it probably will be. Quote
Alexis Posted March 25, 2010 Author Posted March 25, 2010 ...the hell? Is that like Hurley/Sonic??? ...haha. Snorlax. Right. Quote
Tables Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 hurley fucking owns this show you can't pull 10 pokemon! Also: I liked the Richard episode more than most of this season's episodes, but at the same time I feel like it didn't really go anywhere. Was that episode written/directed by a different person than usual? Besides the obvious, it felt a lot different, different styles of camera work and narration and pacing that I felt like I really noticed. Quote
ZealPath Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 I thought it was nice to see that Richard really did come to the island on the Black Rock, and to have his immortality explained. My brother had mentioned that theory to me years ago now, not sure where he heard it but, especially after the "It's good to see you out of those chains" comment earlier in the season, it was nice to see this come true. As for his immortality, maybe all of the candidates are actually ageless/immortal now having been touched by Jacob, without realizing it (Jack certainly seems confident in any case). The episode itself wasn't quite as jaw dropping as I was hoping, we understand more about Richard but not a ton more about what exactly will happen now. I think my favorite outstanding question is what is Desmond doing? The fact that he disappeared off of the plane after talking to Jack in the opener makes it seem like maybe he is aware of the alternate timeline and was just "checking" to make sure Jack didn't remember him. Could a late Desmond episode be the big revealer, not unlike season 2? Quote
q-pa Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 As for his immortality, maybe all of the candidates are actually ageless/immortal now having been touched by Jacob, without realizing it (Jack certainly seems confident in any case). I think some are reading too much into it. The way I see it, Jacob touched Richard *specifically* to grant him immortality, because he wanted to. (Almost tricked him into it, really, since otherwise he believed he was going to hell.) I'm guessing Jacob didn't wish to grant the candidates immortality, so he didn't when he touched them. Proof: Sawyer and Kate aged since Jacob "touched" them as children. IMO I think what Jack is experiencing is that "the Island won't let you die" thing that was much discussed in Season 4. Could it apply to each of the candidates? Was Michael a candidate too at one time and then "crossed out?" Quote
Toadofsky Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 Honestly, this recent episode was a really good one for me. I honestly cried at the part where Hurley was interpreting what Richard's wife was saying to him. The only time I ever did that with this show was the shock of seeing that Locke was really paralyzed before the crash. I'm such a baby, I know... Quote
Alexis Posted March 28, 2010 Author Posted March 28, 2010 I honestly cried at the part where Hurley was interpreting what Richard's wife was saying to him. The only time I ever did that with this show was the shock of seeing that Locke was really paralyzed before the crash. Come on, admit it. You cried along with the rest of us when Charlie died, Juliet died, and when Desmond made that phone call to Penny. Quote
Global-Trance Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 Come on, admit it. You cried along with the rest of us when Charlie died, Juliet died, and when Desmond made that phone call to Penny. Oh my Gawd that was totally me Quote
Radiowar Posted May 6, 2010 Posted May 6, 2010 this is just a random thought i had while listening to geronimo jack's beard the other day: if the island is the cork that was containing the smoke monster, and in the flashsideways the island was effectively destroyed, couldn't that mean that smokey escaped? if he did, then the flashsideways could be read as a glimpse of the world that they're trying to prevent in the main timeline (obviously it isn't the exact world, but it's basically a world where each character has "the thing they most wanted in the world" for the most part - which is sort of what the smoke monster promises them when he is trying to manipulate them). it doesn't seem like that's what they were going for though, seeing as the only real problems the characters have is they havent found TRUE LOVE or w/e, which isn't exactly the hell on earth that seems to be at stake in the main timeline. that was all a bit rambly and stream of consciousness but...anyway, next week is jacob/smoke monster centric so we'll probably figure out a big chunk of it then. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted May 6, 2010 Posted May 6, 2010 this is just a random thought i had while listening to geronimo jack's beard the other day: if the island is the cork that was containing the smoke monster, and in the flashsideways the island was effectively destroyed, couldn't that mean that smokey escaped? if he did, then the flashsideways could be read as a glimpse of the world that they're trying to prevent in the main timeline (obviously it isn't the exact world, but it's basically a world where each character has "the thing they most wanted in the world" for the most part - which is sort of what the smoke monster promises them when he is trying to manipulate them). it doesn't seem like that's what they were going for though, seeing as the only real problems the characters have is they havent found TRUE LOVE or w/e, which isn't exactly the hell on earth that seems to be at stake in the main timeline.that was all a bit rambly and stream of consciousness but...anyway, next week is jacob/smoke monster centric so we'll probably figure out a big chunk of it then. Ooooh, that's really neat. Quote
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