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Two sides, one is Light, one is Dark...


Sorry, couldn't help myself :lol: . I find that scene from Season 1 unintentionally funny due to the blank look Walt gives Locke after he does this. At least it is appropriate considering what we seem to getting for next week's episode.

Come on, admit it. You cried along with the rest of us when Charlie died, Juliet died, and when Desmond made that phone call to Penny.

Actually, I had a falling out with the show, I got frustrated with it, and skipped the last half of Season 3, and completely ignored the Season 4, I got back into it around Season 5's beginning or middle I believe.

As stupid as it sounds, I don't feel I missed TOO terribly much, I read through about what I missed (LOTS, I KNOW), other than that, I'm glad I got back into it, just so I could finish it.


I once again got all misty eyed when Jin and Sun died. I couldn't believe it. They went through soooo much, only to die. And now their kid's an orphan.

Don't you just hate and love it when shows do that? Throw you for a loop, and take away what you were expecting?


What.. I am on season 1

I'm like 99.9% sure you're being sarcastic, but if not, it's your own damn fault for coming into a thread about the final season of LOST when you're on the first.

And just in case you aren't kidding...Boone dies too. Oh and so does Shannon. And Michael. And Libby. Oh and Ana Lucia.

I'm like 99.9% sure you're being sarcastic, but if not, it's your own damn fault for coming into a thread about the final season of LOST when you're on the first.

And just in case you aren't kidding...Boone dies too. Oh and so does Shannon. And Michael. And Libby. Oh and Ana Lucia.

Shaddap. I came back because it auto-subscribes.... I have the first 5 seasons for instant streaming on netflix... but I haven't watched them yet! :-(

Actually, I had a falling out with the show, I got frustrated with it, and skipped the last half of Season 3, and completely ignored the Season 4, I got back into it around Season 5's beginning or middle I believe.

As stupid as it sounds, I don't feel I missed TOO terribly much, I read through about what I missed (LOTS, I KNOW), other than that, I'm glad I got back into it, just so I could finish it.


I once again got all misty eyed when Jin and Sun died. I couldn't believe it. They went through soooo much, only to die. And now their kid's an orphan.

Don't you just hate and love it when shows do that? Throw you for a loop, and take away what you were expecting?

I started to cry when hurley started crying. that was really, really, REALLY sad.


Sorry Brandon - again though, not a good idea to read through a thread called "lost THE FINAL SEASON" when you're not done with the first and expect it to be totally spoiler free. At this point saying things about past seasons isn't really considered a spoiler anymore to people who have been watching the show since the beginning.

There may be spoilers ahead pertaining to the most recent episode ahead:

Is anybody else starting to get kind of bored with these flash-sideways things? This last episode especially was really dull and just felt like filler. The entire purpose of the flash sideways for the episode was to explain how Locke ended up in a wheelchair this time around...something they could have easily described in much less time than they did. I was patient for awhile at the beginning of the season, when they still had time left, figuring that this would all make sense soon, but now we're three episodes away from the end of the series, and they're wasting time with things that don't seem incredibly important to me.

Also, that part right before Sayid went and blew himself up, he tells Jack two things. One, that Desmond is stuck in the well, and two, that "it's going to be you Jack" or something to that effect. I don't know about you guys but when I heard that I immediately thought that Sayid was telling Jack he's going to be the candidate that takes Jacob's place.

On a completely unrelated note, I work in a pet store and was making sample dog tags for our engraving machine, and got inspired by lost...


I was mostly excited that I was able to incorporate the "numbers" as the phone number. :-)


I once again got all misty eyed when Jin and Sun died. I couldn't believe it. They went through soooo much, only to die. And now their kid's an orphan.

Don't you just hate and love it when shows do that? Throw you for a loop, and take away what you were expecting?

Nope, I just hated the whole thing. It reeked of the writers having no idea what to do with them so let's just kill them for shock value. I'm sorry, but Jin staying with Sun when they have a daughter he's never seen was bull. I could see him not thinking of her and wanting to be with Sun since he was away from her for so long and never even saw his daughter, but her not even telling him to go live and get back to her was crap and lazy writing. God forbid they do the thing that makes sense because they'd have to devote some time to how Jin deals with his wife's death.

Maybe if they didn't waste so much time getting going this season they could have given the characters the screen time they deserve.

  • 2 weeks later...

so uh lost huh

i got the same feeling watching across the sea as i did watching ab aeterno. it's just sort of disappointing when we find out these mystical godlike characters are really just random douchebags who are as confused as anybody else.

my main problem with the episode is that pretty much everything about it was clumsy and retarded. allison janney's character basically had to spell out what was going on ("i've made it so the two of you can never hurt each other"), and the season 1 clips in the cave should have been accompanied by captions saying HEY IDIOTS DO YOU GET IT, DO YOU GET WHAT WE ARE DOING HERE.

I started to cry when hurley started crying. that was really, really, REALLY sad.

It's very rare when a tv show can do that to me, but after sticking with LOST from start to finish, I've found myself getting misty-eyed on more than one occasion per episode these days...

Powerful would be one very good word to describe this show.


So what'd everybody think?

Ultimately, I have pretty mixed feelings about the Lost finale. Not quite sure what to make of it, and there's still a slew of questions that I'm not sure were answered.

I realize it was said a while ago that "not all questions would be answered", but IMO that was more of a cop-out than anything. It just gave them an excuse to dismiss a ton of the nonsense that happened throughout the series. I can't say I hated the ending, but I will say it seemed a bit forced. I guess all things considered, they did a reasonable job wrapping the things they actually did wrap up, but I've also got some pretty steady disappointment floating across my mind right now.

I'll probably watch it again and hit up Lostpedia to try to make further sense of it, but at any rate, there it is. Guess it's time to find a new series to get drawn into and hope that it's just as engaging, but manages to answer viewer questions a bit more easily.

I didn't watch it but I'm gonna say if Matthew Fox didn't reveal himself to be an actual fox then I'm gonna stop watching season 1 right now

That's a fairly odd thing to say...

Anyway, I think part of good writing is the ability to wrap up the loose ends you create. It's one thing to leave a few things "open ended", but the thing is, that was the end. There's not going to be a follow-up episode or movie or expansion of any kind. So rather than leaving me with a feeling of "Oh, I'll just use my imagination for this/that issue" I'm instead left with a "Why did they bother to even show us that in the first place since it just turns out to not matter at ALL after waiting patiently for six friggin years? Blah.

What, did they not explain the polar bears? Giant monster that sucked Parkman out of the cockpit in the pilot episode? That's a dealbreaker, ladies

you have no idea what you're in for.

anyway I loved the finale. I felt like a lot of the questions I wanted answers to either were answered, or were close to answered enough that I had a reasonable amount of evidence supporting what it could be. I also will say I like, really cried (not the teary misty shit i talked about at the top of this page that I described as crying) at the very end. Especially the involvement with vincent.

I'm trying to write that as spoiler-free as I can.

I will say the flash-sideways realization was like, not what I was expecting at all. Not even close.

If they answered all of the questions, I would've been disappointed with this ending. I don't want to know why all that shit is there and how it works. well, I do... but if they explained it, I don't think I would've like their explanation. Or at least, somebody wouldn't have. The metaphorical content seems to all have been explained, so I'm cool.

I have theories for some things that weren't...


yeah, to be fair, I suppose I'm not really upset at the ending, I thought it was fairly moving for what it was. I think the thing I'm a little bitter about are all the plot holes that exist from prior in the series, and I'm sick to death of people saying "oh, but all that wasn't important anyway", because if it wasn't important, then why was it in there in the first place???

And again, I guess it goes back to the fact that it shouldn't have been in there, but ABC wanted to milk the series, so they had the writers drag it out and bloat it with probably 2 seasons worth of episodes (collectively) that DIDN'T MATTER at ALL. That's why I'm annoyed I think.


What they really need to do is bring back those mini webisodes and provide some closure on some of the smaller mysteries that would be nice to know about, but would seem out of place in a regular episode. I always thought that medium was underutilized.

Beautiful finale, though. I wasn't expecting something like that at all but they handled it beautifully. From a character development standpoint, everything wrapped up full-circle.

yeah, to be fair, I suppose I'm not really upset at the ending, I thought it was fairly moving for what it was. I think the thing I'm a little bitter about are all the plot holes that exist from prior in the series, and I'm sick to death of people saying "oh, but all that wasn't important anyway", because if it wasn't important, then why was it in there in the first place???

And again, I guess it goes back to the fact that it shouldn't have been in there, but ABC wanted to milk the series, so they had the writers drag it out and bloat it with probably 2 seasons worth of episodes (collectively) that DIDN'T MATTER at ALL. That's why I'm annoyed I think.

Man, I bet you'd throw a fit if someone made you watch Donnie Darko

Also I appreciate the lack of spoilers here. But I gotta say. 6 seasons of like 10 hours each is a bit of a daunting, discouraging, beast. :-o I hope I get to it but that's a lot of devotion to put into somethin'


Since you mention it, I have indeed been trying to be careful to express my general feelings without spoilers, but on that subject, if soneone has not watched more than a few episodes of the show, would anyone really have the right to be upset if they're reading a thread called "Lost: the final season" and they happen to read one? I mean, that'd be like opening a book titled "the last 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi" when one hasn't seen any of the other SW films. :lol:


i personally thought it was perfect (:

i really love the way they tied everything together - i'm gonna have to watch the series all the way through again. i gotta say though, the one thing i've felt throughout the series was that the writers had to make certain decisions to appease the network and the fans, but if they had been allowed to just tell the story they set out to tell...over at the av club they mentioned how it would be great if they did a novelization of the series, minus the bullshit. i think it's a pretty cool idea.


I have to say that all the things that bothered Big Giant Circles bothered me as well. The finale was great from a character standpoint. But by only giving us a fitting conclusion to that stuff it feels like the show was only half finished. Of course I never expected answers to everything, but this whole season has really been about answering almost nothing and telling us to like it. Just about every major question they ever brought up about the island was left unanswered, and almost every answer they did give didn't really answer anything and left the same old questions lingering.

I can't think of any finale that's ever left me simultaneously satisfied and annoyed/disappointed.

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