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Ack... that was cruel. Why isn't the whole thing there? I'd like to hear it in context, please :puppyeyes:.

I'm gonna add that the J's will probably still attack you on the sample quality (the mixing is great, I'm talking about what samples you use, themselves). Of course, that's coming from me - my last remix used pure sounds that came with Reason 3.0...

I can't help much for that - I'm more guilty of it than you are. Does anyone else believe that the samples are a bit cliche and low quality and have some suggestions on other samples to use for this song?


That extra "high keyboard notes" break, maybe with different style, you could use some different sequences (not always left-then-right, etc). And don't forget about your bass and arrangement, and take all the time to perfect everything... the judges have no mercy, you can see how much they decline.



Good song man. Based on the suggestions of others, and the changes you've made as a result, here are a couple of my thoughts.

Your kick drum starting at 1:12 where everything drops out at the crash sounds like it's distorting right there, of course when everythings in full swing you can't really hear it, but I'd watch your levels and avoid clipping that drum.

The staccato piano notes that come in around the 2:30 mark just seem too dry and artificial to me. For some reason, when you play the legato chords before that, it doesn't really stick out to me as much as it does during the single notes so it doesn't seem as much of an issue.

The tip that's always flying around for making it more human-like is playing with those velocities. Maybe, only during that section, you could also add a TOUCH of reverb...don't need so much as the tails are drowning out the next note, but just a little sumpin sumpin on it.

Last thing, are your synth strings. The swell that's on those strings really stick out. During some parts of the song they fit in with the beat, while others it seems like it might be better to have a different string sample that.

The first time the strings come in at :25 maybe try it with strings that don't swell as much. Then at the :48 second mark when you have that little piano trill and that synth lead going, bring back the swelling synths because, as I said earlier, there's some parts where it really swings with the beat.

But again at 2:05 when you play the strings what sounds like it might be "quick" quarter notes (considering the speed of the song) and with a sample that has such a long swell it just kind of sounds off, so there might be another spot when they come in at 1:58 to use non-swelling, bring em back at 2:10......etc..etc...that sort of thing.

Naturally......tis just my opinion, take some, take none, it's all good ;)

Either way, you got a nice song on your hands.


I was on Vacation for the weekend and now back to face some more criticsm.

@Gario: still trying out some decent samples, im not satisified with the quality the song has right now. Detecting issues with my Bassheadphone is pretty hard and it helps much to name any of the bad parts.

@ocremixfan: For sure i want to minimize the possibility to get a rejection ;) But fine tuning is always done at the end.

@Nubioso: For the drum.. i dont have much experience with clipping and the only solution i know is using a higher interpolation at the converting-process (The mp3's right now use Linear interpolation).

For the piano.. im currently using 2 different samples. A Grand Piano for the Bridge and an E-Piano for the Rest. The Grand Piano seems fine for now but im trying some different E-Piano samples. The suggestion for velocity and reverb is great <3

Strings... Im using 2 string soundfonts (T_T i would rather use a plugin) a Legato and one Arco String. The Legato String was pretty easy to use, but the Arco String is somehow hard to handle.. lets see if i could squeeze down the attack time of it some more.

@glasfen: Thank you :) But the basic L/R panning is just temporary right now.. lets see if i could get it stronger.

And again.. Thanks to everybody for the suggestions! With this Remix alone i've learned alot <3

  • 3 weeks later...

Currently im at a point where nothing moves forward. I've tried alot of things but after Rehearsal i had to discard my ideas. The outstanding problem is still the Bassline... i need to research some more to get it to the status i want it to be *waah its frustrating* XD

But i will go on till its finished and even if the Price for doing this Remix in perfection is to watch alot of Youtube Tutorials or read everything possible about basslines out in the WWW.


Well, if you hit an absolute brick wall on this song, try remixing another one. Sometimes working on other music will help generate ideas for this mix (especially since it encourages you to look at music from another vantagepoint).

I wish you luck - musical blockages are never any fun.


Sage advice, as usual, from Gario.

If your problem is compositional, try removing the one part that's bothering you from the track entirely. The disassembled mix might give you a fresh perspective on the importance and the role of the missing element.

If the problem is technical, I think you're handling it right by learning everything you can.

Hoping for success!

  • 2 weeks later...

Still going on with Ver.0.7: http://remixshare.com/?file=rogmg7r62s


- Changed the Equalizer Settings a bit

- more powerful Clap (but in my Opinion, a bit too dominant)

- Heavier Kick

- Changed The Drumline from 1:10

- Offbeat Synth from 1:34

- Changed Ending chord from the String

- added Phaser-Effect to the stuttering-synth

Still To Do:

- The bassline (... i'm still at it, but i didnt add the Progress to Ver.0.7)

- Still searching Samples, Soundfonts, Plugins to change one of the Strings and to mess with the Bassline

- Modulation for the Lead-Synths

To get my Head free of this Remix for some time i used to do some Vocal Projects (Links in my Signature)... nothing Special, but it really helped to get new ideas ;)


It's good to see someone take the time to really deconstruct their mix and rebuild it better than before.

I dig the phazer effect. Good kick and clap, in my opinion. Has someone mentioned the snare yet? It sounds like it could use some pep (maybe a different VST/soundfont/etc). I think the reason it stands out is that the other instruments sound more realistic. The offbeat synth is great.

This is shaping up really well, AD. Looking forward to your next update.


You're improving nicely. I'm very excited about this mix, hope it makes to the front page in some time! :nicework:

Sorry, but I won't be able to give you much advice anymore, because I don't know how! :tomatoface:

  • 4 weeks later...

No new Version right now.. i'm currently working on another Project besides the Remix. I somehow had an inspiration and wasnt able to withstand makin something out of it.

Never Give up

Thats the working title right now and in the end it will be a Vocal Song just like You're not alone. I know its in the very early stage, but it gives me new energy for everything. :)

pS: Man i'd never imagined that Basslines could be so complicated... im still at it for the remix XD


That's not nice, man! You post here, and I came all excited hoping for a new version... I'm disappointed!

Just kidding! But anyway, a nice creation. I couldn't avoid thinking it had something to do to FF9. In fact, take a look on the 'You're not alone' song from it... it somewhat follows the same lines... why don't you remix it once you get the time? ;-)

(I love it and no remix of this song is up to the original IMHO :mrgreen: )


While this remix certainly isn't my favorite genre(I'm more Metal) I can't dislike a Lufia mix and I wanna help you make this really good.

So here's what I think:

I like the intro, it gives the listener a small bite of something that's yet to come.

The synths which comes in at 0:48 and 2:22 should be louder and clearer as they are melodies and melodies are usually best to have up front where it's easy to hear them.

The piano sounds interesting. I'd like to have some more of that, though you should probably focus on what you already have and make that as good as possible

I appreciate that you kept any change of the source melody to a minimum, though the judges might not like it.

And that's all I have to say, the poor bass line and the low quality samples have already been noted so... Just do your best and you'll never fail.


Hey, this mix progressed quite nicely from the first WIP (I can see why SnappleMan said "Holy shit......."). I took an interest since I started a Lufia 1 & 2 project recently, so the music catches my interest.

So I see that you went with a more straightforward arrangement here in that you didn't really rearrange the original source material. I think one thing the mix could use is some changes in pace - some breakdown & buildup would enhance the mix greatly I feel.

Something about the synth could be improved too I feel, although I'm not experienced enough to be able to identify what it may be - perhaps a more traditional synth you see in trance would fit better?

I think arrangement could use some work though still - the mix drives at one pace, being four on the floor and doesn't slow down or speed up. There's not much to make the latter half of the mix more compelling than the former half, which is a characteristic of this style of music.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just some simple changes on Version 0.75

Man, this remix gets my Hardware to its Limit T_T

I've changed the electric Lead to a Saw Synth (Man, it has some really nice Modulation Levels... i'm still trying out) now and messed a bit with the EQ and Compression.

I still need some appreciation for some samples like the Background String etc. It would be nice if someone could recommend any sample.

Anyway, the bassline is still being polished. Right now its functional, but in the final state i will try to make it more dynamic and melodic.


Mwahaha, an update! I have to say, you must really love this song to be giving it as much attention as you have (it's always great to see people actually enjoying their own music :nicework:)

That opening actually caught me off guard a bit (if it was in the last version I didn't see that update when you put it up - my bad). I like it, though - it's a great way to open it up.

I noticed that there are virtually no low ends at all. The bass of the mix needs to come out a lot more - it's making the music sound very thin, without it (I'm not talking about the instrument, although giving it more bass might help; I mean the EQ spectrum, overall).

Personally, I like the saw, but I'm not sure if it should be used throughout as often as it is - it's a little too screechy to hold the part too often. Try alternating it with another instrument with a smoother instrument from time to time; it'll keep the saw fresh and alleviate the screechy sound from time to time.

The arrangement is a bit conservative, but I'm not sure if it's a problem - you do change things up enough in it, in my opinion... I think the musical direction of the song it quite nice :). If you have personal doubts about it, though, I'd suggest moving in a more liberal fashion with the source.

Nice tunage, though - the volume is nice and the soundscape is full of activity. Keep at it!


Not bad. A little frenetic though, and it needs some volume adjustment on certain synths and drums imo. The mix flows pretty well, but I think the sounds you're using need work--there are holes in the mix when it comes to sounding "full". Your highs are really high, your lows are low, but there's not much in between.

The synths also need improving so they sound more full and unique. I'm a huge fan of this song, actually. It was nice to hear your take.

Your highs are really high, your lows are low, but there's not much in between.

Hmm... what do you mean by that? His highs are too high, sure, but his mids aren't 'non-existent'... They are, in fact, relatively normal (when he brings down the highs the mids will come out more) - it's his lows that are completely lacking in this :?.

If you mean something else, please clarify - I was confused by this, and I'm sure the remixer may be, as well... (otherwise, I agree with your criticism entirely :<).

Your highs are really high, your lows are low, but there's not much in between.

Indeed.. that confuses me a little more. In fact the whole EQing of the Song confuses me a bit because even if i boost or lower some instruments only slightly in its frequency some other instruments suffer in their presence.

Btw... Short Update: Version 0.76

  • 6 months later...

I've decided that the Remix has finished at a previous point.

here is the Result:

I have to thank everyone at this Forum for their productive Help and suggestions. The Reason why i've stopped working on this Remix is because with every change in the project the shape of this Track gets a change in the presence. The Presence at the point in the Youtube Link is the best i'm able to imagine. I've learnd alot of new Stuff in remixing and thats far more then i wanted. Thanks everybody!

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