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I'm sure everyone here is pretty familiar with Power Rangers. It was one of those shows we all watched for far longer than we ever admitted to. Hell, I watched it right up to the end of Power Rangers In Space. After that I sort of stopped following it, but I was always interested in checking out the original Japanese versions, the "Super Sentai" series. A couple of years ago I decided to start downloading subtitled episodes of Mahou Sentai Magiranger, and totally got into it. The music, the effects, the over-the-top action were all great, and even the story, while kiddy, still had some depth. After that I watched Boukenger and Gekiranger, which were pretty awesome. Last year's Sentai, Go-onger, was pretty terrible, so I kind of dropped that, but the latest show in the series completely makes up for that.



Samurai Sentai Shinkenger is TOEI's latest show in the Super Sentai line. It's about a young lord and his four retainers who transform into Shinkengers, colorful samurai-styled warriors to fight the Gedoushuu, evil spirit monsters who are trying to fill up the Sanzu River by causing despair.

I've been watching this show for a little over two months now, and I have to say that it's probably the best Sentai show I've seen yet. The tone is slightly more subdued and mature, and the characters are all pretty memorable. The action and swordfights are a cut above the rest; it's really fantastic.

Bleck and I watch this show weekly, and we've actually started jumping on Skype and watching it in sync so that we can provide commentary on the episode. When we were watching episode 9 yesterday, we decided that it'd be fun if more people watched this show with us.

If you're interested in checking this series out and catching up, you can hit up TV-Nihon's tracker and download the episodes via Bitorrent. They're available in standard definition and HD 720.


If people are interested, I'm totally down with setting up a viewing party on Skype to watch some of the early episodes. Hope you guys check it out.

Let's Bushido!!


Quick Note: this thread isn't for Kamen Rider. If someone wants to make a kamen rider thread, go ahead, but please stay on topic in this thread. Thanks.


Oh god, this is the awesomest thread I've ever seen. XD

Due to coming down with a sudden virus, I haven't gotten around to watching 9 subbed yet, and missed 10 raw when it aired yesterday, but either way, I love this show to pieces. Probably won't be Skyping since I have no microphone, but I'll obviously still be watching.

...unless by Skype you mean IMing? Cause I seriously don't know a thing about how Skype works other than "VOICECHUT", so I assumed you meant VoIP, but maybe you didn't.


I watched this show with DarkeSword earlier tonight and wow, is it awesome. Lots of over-the-top funny stuff and overdramaticized acting.

You all should really watch it, it's fun. I want the weapons they use...in toy form. And maybe even their mechs.

Also, I'm a girl and I don't swing that way, but that Yellow Ranger is adorable. I want to take her home with me. :>


Alright, so we've got Ashamee, Doulifee, Tensei-san, Bleck, and me all watching Shinkenger.

So far we've gotten up to Episode 4, so if you're interested in joining the fun, make sure you get all the episodes that are out and catch-up. Ash and I talked about doing a catch-up marathon this Saturday afternoon to get current with the episodes broadcasting in Japan. After that we're gonna hit it anytime a new ep comes out. :)


Okay so we didn't do a catchup marathon on Saturday, mostly because Ashamee and I had already caught up with episode 9 by Thursday night, and Tensei and Douli caught up sometime before Saturday as well. Plus I was having IRC troubles.

Episode 10 is out though, and it's pretty badass. ShinkenGreen focus episode!! Jii on a motorcycle!! Damn Good, So Good, DaiTenkuu!! This show really just keeps getting better and better.

Remember guys, if you're still interested in watching, it's never too late to grab everything and start up. We have a grand old time watching.


Considering how bloodied and bruised they get in the show, they don't offer much protection.

But as for the visors, it's important to have them tinted because of all the explosions.


Look, the point is the design, not the practicality. Don't try to apply real world logic here. Sentai is meant to be a spectacle.

Ok, even by Japanese standards, those helmets are ridiculous.

with the exception of maybe astronaut helmets, helmets in general don't really protect from anything noteworthy

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