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OC ReMix Special on NEW Groove Bias Drum Library! (Now With Freebies)

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You all are reading too far into HoboKa's comment. He was simply saying that Pixie must be incredibly happy at her circumstances right now. Seeing that awesome music video endorsing the product that her loving fiancee is selling, she is now certain that Groove Bias will make Zircon a millionaire and they'll be able to live happily ever after, making songs with phat beatz and shimmering vocals for the world to enjoy.

It's so obvious guys.

You all are reading too far into HoboKa's comment. He was simply saying that Pixie must be incredibly happy at her circumstances right now. Seeing that awesome music video endorsing the product that her loving fiancee is selling, she is now certain that Groove Bias will make Zircon a millionaire and they'll be able to live happily ever after, making songs with phat beatz and shimmering vocals for the world to enjoy.

It's so obvious guys.

Yeah, nice try there, cheater. But maybe Andy will forgive you when he does become a millionaire off the basis of this awesome video.


Haha, yeah, it would be nice to be rich from GB. However, somehow, I haven't gotten even a single new order after this video came out despite hundreds of views and heavy promotion on many forums.

C'mon guys! You know you want phat drumz.


I promise I'll buy Groove Bias once I finally get Logic Pro 8. It may take a while, but stuff will happen, no worries. I've been looking for some phat drumz recently, as a matter-of-fact.

And for some reason it seems like OCR is a bad place to advertise, which seems totally ridciulous.


Haha, well, I've also posted on KVR, VI-Control, Gearslutz, Taxi, Image-Line, Newgrounds, and Futureproducers... for starters. But I realize that it's also not technically out yet and some people don't like doing preorders. Once we get some reviews and press releases out on the release date, maybe we'll hit it big. ;)

Haha, yeah, it would be nice to be rich from GB. However, somehow, I haven't gotten even a single new order after this video came out despite hundreds of views and heavy promotion on many forums.

Well, as we all know, this Friday is National Impulse Buy day (a.k.a. payday) so I'd wait until after then to start worrying.
You all are reading too far into HoboKa's comment. He was simply saying that Pixie must be incredibly happy at her circumstances right now. Seeing that awesome music video endorsing the product that her loving fiancee is selling, she is now certain that Groove Bias will make Zircon a millionaire and they'll be able to live happily ever after, making songs with phat beatz and shimmering vocals for the world to enjoy.

It's so obvious guys.

Yes...that's what I meant :tomatoface:

Anyhoo...gonna get that damned sample set soon!! Fucking money taking forever to process in my bank T-T


Hey, Harmony, just curious, but can you play that epically on a real drum set? I can, but I don't think I ever could play like that on a piano. All the little finger controls would drive me nuts.

Maybe if I wasn't paying $1,300 a month in daycare i'd be able to upgrade. ;_;
No need to shed tears, my man. I'm sure the happiness of being a wonderful father more than makes up for the ridiculously awesome equipment that you could be buying. I mean, just think of it. That's like a new Les Paul every month! Or, once you get tired of the new guitars, you could be tricking out your studio like nobody's business! WOW! But nah, no tears mate...no tears
Hey, Harmony, just curious, but can you play that epically on a real drum set? I can, but I don't think I ever could play like that on a piano. All the little finger controls would drive me nuts.
No, I'm probably better than someone who's never played before, but I basically suck on a real kit. But since you claim epic drumming skills, I say we have a drum off. Keyboard vs. Real Kit to decide the fate of drumming for all eternity! :)

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