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You guys might or might not know I run a little site: www.protagonistrecords.net

I the interest of updating the site with more content more often, I thought I'd start taking on guest song releases. These would be free song postings from artists not in my current group of regular artists. If you want some extra exposure for your tunes, or you just want to share some cool tracks, consider submitting something and if I like it, I'll post it on the site schedule permitting.

I'll take submissions at sgxATsgxmusic.com. Do NOT send me files, but links to the mp3 on some hosting site. I appreciate if I can listen to it streaming first before I download it. Grab a soundcloud.com, soundclick.com, or whatever account if you don't have one and submit that way.

Include this information in your email:

- Your artist name as you would like it to appear on the site

- The name of the song

- Any website, or myspace account you might like me to link to in the song description text.

- Link to your song

- Text such as this (or verbatim), "I give permission to Protagonist Records to host and distribute "song name" by "artist name" and certify that I am the rights holder for this piece."

I am not going to post everything I get. I'll listen to everything and decide whether or not it is right for the site, and also good enough. I am not necessarily going to give you a critique or clearly thought out reasoning about why I decide not to post something. I may not give you a rejection notice either, as I may be saving your track for a rainy day down the road.

Looking forward to hearing your stuff! If you have questions, email me, post here, or best, post in the comments at http://www.protagonistrecords.net/node/141

Oh, the music has to be electronic music genre in some way. And good. Don't send me bad music. Thx :)

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