StarZander Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Hardcore. Thats all I have to say for you Ifirit, Hardcore.I think I'm going to stick around this a bit, I'm quickly becoming a Silent Hill addict myself. ifirit is our Lord and Saviour in this thread. Without him, it would probably have died after 5 pages or so. Aah, the good old days... Back in the early pages, the theories really blossomed. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 You want something creepy, if its relatively safe to, go for a jog at night listening to Broken Notes or something Silent Hill inspired. There's nothing like it.. On Henry in Silent Hill. As said Henry is really an innocent bystander who just happened to have been in a place for Walter to take advantage of him. Henry's just you average joe Photographer, straight out of college and livin' on his own building the guts up to ask the cute girl next door out. But well...he just happens to have chosen Walter's favorite room. Heh, poor Henry. But everything that happens is a product of Walter's doing, the cult, Samael, or Silent Hill itself have little to work with or really want from Henry..cause he's pretty much alright. Even among main character's who are defined by being "normal feeling", Henry is as normal as they come. Just your every day mid 20's sturdy young guy. Hey, here's something I'd love to get very indepth about. Where from here, can the Silent Hill series go and still stay fresh? Do you guys have any idea's? Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 I'm guessing you have to sign up to download those tracks, huh? Maaaan... Anyway, I finally got those videos Fire Drake posted. Lotta stuff I never saw. I didn't know Prymid Head was SH3! Hey, here's something I'd love to get very indepth about. Where from here, can the Silent Hill series go and still stay fresh? Do you guys have any idea's? Shit dude, I'm full of ideas. One that is consistant in my head is the idea of a teenager (like 12-15 years old), boy or girl. Still with their parents, but their story with Silent Hill wouldn't be the same as Heather's or Harry's... Maybe something like Eddie's... The kid gets so pissed off s/he kills the parents and then retreats into their mind and things just start happening around them. Why would the kid kill his/her parents? Well, either the parent's could've been really nasty or the kid could've been spoiled royally to hell and back. The kid would be the character you control... damn, I could probably go on, but I think I'll leave it at that. Another idea is the story of a Middle aged woman. She would be devoriced from her husband, who has costudy over their two children. Maybe the woman could be a druggie after the devorice, maybe she's a reformed druggie a year or so after the seperation. Perhapse she'd go to Silent Hill for the same reason Harry did, vaction. Things are normal when she gets there, but the next morning when she wakes up, the weather is weird for the time of year and no one is to be seen. While trying to find anybody, things start to get hairy and eventually meets on of her children. Maybe the child is there trying to escape from the husband for one reason or another. As for the other child, that'd be unknown... I think I'll stop there. Something else I thought of making the suggestion that someone make a Silent Hill fan game. Find a programer, artist, writers, voice actors etc. I'd be interested in helping... but then again, usually the ones who bring these things up and actually attract others to help are usually the ones that can do programming and such. Oh well... Oh, and I think it's time to give much thanks to ifirit for all his posts of answers and insights. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Hmm..its true there's no end to storyline possibilities, then let me rephrase and make this a little more challenging. What about gameplay mechanics? New ways for the story to really rip you apart, and for you to play? New ways to emerse yourself in it as well. Like how SH4 took some major chances with some big experiments it could sadly not completely meet thanks to those time limits.. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Hmm..its true there's no end to storyline possibilities, then let me rephrase and make this a little more challenging. What about gameplay mechanics?New ways for the story to really rip you apart, and for you to play? New ways to emerse yourself in it as well. Like how SH4 took some major chances with some big experiments it could sadly not completely meet thanks to those time limits.. oh, in that case then... something that comes to mind quickly is the whole game takes place in first person, not just in parts like SH4. The thing is tho, the character doesn't know what s/he REALLY looks like, even when they look in a mirror all they see is the image that they've given them self. eventually when they find out the true that they're not who they think they are, they go APE SHIT.... I dunno that's kinda bad. once get past that shocker it'd probably have as much replay vaule. You can't really have a Silent Hill game play like Resident Evil 4. RE was all about the crowdedness, SH is mostly about being alone and isolated. I dunno, trying to figure out new game play mechanics is pretty rough for something like SH. SH4 had it right with the directional controls instead of following the survival horror controls (up=forward, down=backwards, right=rotate right, left=rotate left), but the chest the could left out. Hmm, maybe something could be that they have the character you start out with die half way and another character takes over. or maybe do what RE0 did and have two characters all the time, when going along normally, if one dies, it's game over, but the difference would be this: there's points where one of the characters could die, and which and where would effect the ending. Gahh, these rantings are just the workings of bored mind.... Quote
StarZander Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 One problem is, that most parts of the town of Silent Hill has been explored already. One half in SH1 and the other half in SH2. In SH3 you're not in Silent Hill that much, and most of it is just places from SH2. And SH4 visited SH only in the outskirts. This is pretty sad, since I want to visit Silent Hill alot more. Walk those streets again. Not the streets of a neighbouring town. It could be a story focused on how the "curse" (or whatever you might call it) of Silent Hill is spreading, and might engulf the whole country, or the world, eventually. And you have to stop this. But still not use some special forces police or military or whatever. THey should use a regular person, with some deeper connection with SH. Man, I just can't stop rambling in my posts. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Yes, gameplay is very difficult to think of isn't it? Especially with SH. Now here's a topic worthy of at least 5 pages. When I think of Silent Hill gameplay, also remember that its usually very closely tied to the main point of the story. IE: First one was all about not knowing what the heck SH was, it was all confusion, much like Henry's dillemna. The metaphor's of Room 302 for Henry take a central role in the game's gameplay mechanics. If there's future SH's, they have to mix this a lot more. We can't just have random people visit silent hill even if its a good reason too much, or its going to get stale very quickly. Here's one idea...what about a flash back tale...back to a time thats anywhere from the civil war era (where the cult began) to maybe early 20th century..when the Cult is in its prime and its evil is first taking over the town of Silent Hill. You'd play as a person from that era, maybe an innocent townsfolk or someone who's in the cult..but realizes the evil of what he's doing and wants out..but it isn't so easy. Or if Konami wants to be daring and wildly original, a native american main character who's a descendant of the tribe who used to frequent the land before it was taken over and colonized/corrupted by the cult. He's either fallen out with his fellow tribesman and has tried to fit into the white mans world..but ends up needing his ancient boyhood history and teachings in order to survive old Silent Hill. That or just some random drifter, whatever floats your boat. Imagine this, game's gun's are limited to the weapons of that time period. There'd ofcourse, be no radio if this were pre 20the century. Maybe something like a ringing charm..or something like a background noise like in Siren (like creepy tribe chanting you only hear) in its place. Also imagine..this is a time period with NO electricity of any kind. Thus all you lanterns, and thats the foggy Silent Hill. In other, its like..PITCH black, all you have is a Lantern to see, and it can blow can relight it any time..but it could happen at bad times. Man...old Civil War era ghost stories scare the shit out of me, just imagine how this game could be. Also of note...the bodies in the lake are fresh..and the hospital is new and infested with disease and poor, primitice medicine. Scenery would be Colonial ofcourse, this could be the events which cause Silent Hill to be abandoned in the first place, because the people were messing with things they shouldn't of. And you're main guy just happens to walk into it and has a connection to it and the land. As well as the primitive town, there could be a certain degree of wild fields (my god imagine alternate version of this!) you can wander or maybe even ride a horse around (a brave ass warrior horce you'd need for that..) And realize mysterious mountain sides have appeared around the town trapping you in it for some reason. You're goal is to escape, and in order to do this you must confront this warped spiritual evil with the spirit of the land before it was desecrated. But in order to do this, you must traverse not only the town, and its lake front..but possibly quickly hop into different time's in the town's history (Either psychological, spiritual vision of some kind or maybe something vague) But thing is, is its during its most grusome points..the epidemic, the slaughtering of the Natice American people, the first coming of the cult...all done in a very warped manner. You must do something in each point in order to "rechannel" the spiritual energies of your ancestry. All the while however...a spiritual battle between your people's energy and the energy of Samael rages inside your head..causing you to become more and more chaotic the more you go into the game. Sometimes you may even lose control of your character for random periods of time as they're "possessed" and do anything from Run straight into monsters to just go in random directions. Would that not scare the crap out of any of you? Suddenlly realizing nothing you do to the controller is controlling your own character anymore? Thats one of my idea's...I have another but it entails more of Heather's storyline. I think there's still a little room left in the main plot/Alessa/Heather plotline. Its a bit fuzzy though... Quote
StarZander Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Everyone ignores me, but what the heck... Here's a question for you. Is the cult, and the town itself, actually evil? Or is it just twisted? Quote
ifirit Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Yes, gameplay is very difficult to think of isn't it?... When I think of Silent Hill gameplay, also remember that its usually very closely tied to the main point of the story. I think you've answered your own question. If there's future SH's, they have to mix this a lot more. We can't just have random people visit silent hill even if its a good reason too much, or its going to get stale very quickly. Here's one idea...what about a flash back tale...back to a time thats anywhere from the civil war era (where the cult began) to maybe early 20th century..when the Cult is in its prime and its evil is first taking over the town of Silent Hill. You'd play as a person from that era, maybe an innocent townsfolk or someone who's in the cult..but realizes the evil of what he's doing and wants out..but it isn't so easy. Well, if you read my posts about the rumors for Silent Hill 5, you'd have seen that Konami is already entertaining this idea. However, the character is centered around more modern times. Or if Konami wants to be daring and wildly original, a native american main character who's a descendant of the tribe who used to frequent the land before it was taken over and colonized/corrupted by the cult. I've often considered the use of minorities as the central characters (or any characters for that matter) as a starting point for a game. Using what has already been explained in Silent Hill 2 about the history of the area might offer some really great story elements for a game. Having a Native American as the main character might give a better setting for a game taking place during the early colonial settlements. If they were to use that there are several things are derived from that setting alone. First, no town. Silent Hill begins as a settlement after settlers drive off the natives; and it is not refered to as Silent Hill, but "The Place of Silent Spirits" in the native tongue. Also, the area would be almost entirely devoid of people, because the place of Silent Spirits is used as a sacred place and only shamen or priests are allowed to visit that place. The terrain is mostly marsh and forest depending on how close to the lake you get. What becomes difficult then is that the environments become dull and repetative. However, in Metal Gear Solid 3, almost all the environments are outdoors, yet not dull or repetative at all. So, Konami could pull this off. However, if you choose to set the stage a little further in time, to the first settlement on the lake, you would have some additional landmarks to add, but it would still be mostly forest and marsh. Also, the first settlement disappeared before the end of the War of 1812, so no current day landmarks would be present in the game, including Brookhaven Hospital. Also, the first settlement would not be named Silent Hill either since the name of the first settlement is lost in time, as stated by the Lost Memories. This era still has conflicts with settlers inhabiting the natives' "sacred ground." Again, if you choose to go further in time and start off with the settlement in South Vale and Paleville, then the name Silent Hill can be applicable since this settlement survives history. Civil war has broken out, the natives have been pushed away and are not seen or heard. Brookhaven is a shack in the settlers' camp treating people for small pox as more and more immigrants settle in the region. The original settlers are displeased by the influx of strangers and the influx of disease. Some, who were influenced by the Native Americans that once lived there, turned to the rituals that were once held there to drive away the strangers. They were the ones who developed the religion of Silent Hill. The appearance of the religion was overshadowed by the constant war and disease, so it grew rather quietly. Yet, after the war, discussion of anything that contradicted christianity was not allowed, so the merging of native rituals with christian rites was formed. In Silent Hill at this time, you could not tell the difference between Christians and Pagans. So, this little isolated town in the middle of nowhere continued to practice this cross-breeding with what was normal and what was abnormal. This era is marked by the workings of the Toluca Prison, the Brookhaven expansion and the overall development of the south side of the lake. When coal was discovered on the north side of Toluca Lake, another influx of strangers came to Silent Hill. This time they made a settlement across the lake and did not bother the people on the south side much. Yet, the people on the south side refrained from having their religious practices so open. However, I believe that some of the miners became prey for the people in South Vale and would disappear if they were insolent. That is why there is a division between those involved with the religion and those who made up the working classes. Only when tourists started coming to Lake Toluca did all practices in pagan rituals cease. The threat of exposure was more apparent than ever. Only the strong of faith maintained their practices in private, which was a handful of individuals. But, for this handleful of people, who liked living in that small lakeside community, they felt threatened by the quick pace in which everything was changing. From them, they developed the cult of Silent Hill. The cult's purpose: to bring their "god" into the world to wash man of his sins. (Which is just a fancy way of saying "make all the bad peoples go away.") And that, as they say, is the rest of the story. Well, what started out as discussion on story development has now become a synposis on the history of Silent Hill. Well, if Konami chooses to create a game based on the history of the town, they have five different eras for focus the story on. Still, like you said in the rest of your post, Kiyosuki, the elements of gameplay to add to the game because of the limitations on technology and environment would make for a terrifying experience. Expansions on the story of history alone could provide plenty of sequels. I would rather see more stories focused on the aftermath of the things that happened in Silent Hill and not as directly related to the main storyline. Alternate Silent Hill before the appearance of settlers would definately be a interesting to see. Blood would still be used, but what in place of metal and corrosion? Everyone ignores me, but what the heck... Here's a question for you. Is the cult, and the town itself, actually evil? Or is it just twisted? Well, we've discussed this briefly before, but the consensus was that Silent Hill is not evil per say, but draws out the darkness in people's souls. However, what the power that the spirits held in Silent Hill before the changes to the religion and the appearance of the cult were is unknown, but we suspect that it has been distorted into what it is in present day stories. Because of all the things that have happenned in SH, the conflicts over land, the civil war, the disease, the tortures in Toluca Prision, the resentment held by the townspeople toward strangers has taken a toll on the spirits ("gods" if you prefer) native to the lake. What might be percieved as evil might be what the land percieves as normal and that the misty reality is what is abnormal. SZ, think about it like this (because I know you understand The Legend of Zelda): The sacred realm of Hyrule vs. The light world of Hyrule. When Ganon touches the triforce, the evil in his heart transforms the world to the evil, harsh and destructive land of the Dark World. It is also influenced by the fact that Ganon kills all his comrads before touching the triforce. However, before that the sacred realm was thought to be a holy and spiritual place. The presence of a hate though has transformed it. Silent Hill is very similar, only that there is no triforce to save people, there is no magic spell or object that can return the land the way it was before. Once the spirits of this place have been changed, those changes remain and become integrated into its being. I'm guessing you have to sign up to download those tracks, huh? Maaaan... No, Broken Notes is available for FREE and are immediately downloadable. I am not in anyway way aware of a membership required to download tracks and have already done so without signing up for anything. Come on, give me some credit. I didn't know Prymid Head was SH3! I think you are confusing Vatiel with The Red Pyramid Thing. Vatiel and The Red Pyramid Thing are related to each other, but are not the same thing. Previous posts have been made on this topic, but if you still have questions feel free to ask. If I have assumed wrong and you are not confusing Vatiel and The Red Pyramid Thing, then you should realize that the music videos are montages of all four games, with FMV photage used throughout. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 The metal and rust can still very much be used there, just not as much. Just imagine these old fashioned colonial slaughter houses with hanging stuff, and the hospital when first created could have an alternate version thats just...filthy, absolutely filthy, even filthier than the usual alternate world. Why? Because its a much more primitive world, there's so much disease and famine going around and less regulated bloodshed about that well, I think that makes for a bloody terrifying alternate world. I was thinking the best times for something like this to take place was either when the major epidemic spread during the Civil War when the hospital was first built (You know, the shack), because there was a bit of a town existing then. Another is an undisclosed time right smack in the middle of the turning of the 20th century. There was this point when the town was abandoned and recolonized I think because of that coal mine thing you mentioned, maybe another good time would be right when thats happening..and this mysterious town is being built up a little and recolonized. That would certainly be good for surprise factor (For the characters anyways) I think a Native American main character would be just pure genius if the SH team ever decided to do it. I mean, its a racial minority thats seen very little exposure in Video Games, most especially Japanese made games and we're at a time where I've noticed quite a few major Japanese developer's are experimenting with character's who are not only of a ethnic descendancy not used often, but are also accurate and not quite accidentally offensive. ^^; Looking at SH's history as well with the lands strong Native American background, I think its just a perfect opportunity. To me, the scariest sounding aspect to this is the the wilderness area around Silent Hill. Imagine that the town doesn't have to be all scrunched up together, maybe there can be various settlements scattered all around the area and inbetween is mostly unmaintained forest and plain area's, basically pure rural. Imagine how scary it would be to walk in an alternate version of that...but you don't even have electrical lights around to guide you, its ALL dark. I have this image of you having to walk to this lone structure thats separate from the main town, and you have to follow a small nature path into the woods that eventually dissapears and you just have to find your own way. But becomes Alternate, and the tree's are either dead, or they have dark red leaves and have rather grotesque things stuck to the trunks. That..and there's a LOT of tree's, like totally untamed lamed. The only problem with this, is that unless it was at a time right near the end of the 19th century, there'd be a major problem. Most buildings back then weren't nearly as complex as today's, so there'd have to be a lot of outdoor's stuff or secret locations to cover for that. Quote
ifirit Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Basically the timeline falls as such: Pre-1775: Place of Silent Spirits 1775-1812: First settlement which eventually disappears 1812-1900: Second settlement that is the basis for present day Silent Hill. 1900-1950: Coal mining town developed 1950-Pre-SH game events: Tourism develops in Silent Hill. Fit the story wherever you see best. I'm going hunting. EDIT: Aahh. The spoils of the hunt. Time for some more... Silent Hill Movie Update: Seems some people are getting over excited about the upcoming film and have been releasing some FAKE posters to promote it. The FAKE poster Bill Pullman and Johnny Depp are not starring in the Silent Hill movie. Don't be fooled. Filming has yet to begin and casting is not yet likely finalized. With that, let's move on. This is a little old, but is an official Konami statement about the upcoming film. It shows the meeting between Team Silent and the production team from Davis Films. This video report is not likely to be hosted on Konami's site for much longer, so make sure you see it before too long. Konami meets with Davis (Broadband) Konami meets with Davis (56K / DSL) From the short clip of the trailer in the report, you can hear a clip of dialogue from Rose (formerly Harriet) about Sharon. Anyway, I also thought I'd provide a spoiler-free version of the synopsis to the movie plot for those interested without having anything given away. A woman desperate to save her dying child finds herself trapped in an alternate reality as she searches for her daughter in a dangerous world of demons.Rose cannot accept the knowledge that her daughter Sharon is dying of a fatal disease. Over the protests of her husband, she flees with her child, intending to take the girl to a faith healer. On the way, she ends up driving through a portal in reality, which takes her to the eerie and deserted town of Silent Hill. Sharon disappears in Silent Hill, and Rose follows what she thinks is her daughter’s silhouette all over town. It’s soon clear the town is not like any place she’s ever been. It’s inhabited by a variety of creatures and a living darkness that descends and literally transforms everything it touches. The human inhabitants—the ones who are left—are trapped and fighting a losing battle against the Darkness. Joined by a cop named Cybil, who has been sent to bring her and Sharon back, Rose searches for her little girl while learning the history of Silent Hill and that Sharon is just a pawn in a larger game. Quote
McCorvic Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 Well, my friend and I have been working on an original Silent Hill radio drama thing. While the script isn't close to being finished we did manage to whip up a nice little trailer. Silent Hill Trailer We'd really appreciate any comments, feedbacks, ideas, ect ect. Our Silent Hill RP webpage Our RP production page Hopefully we will be able to do SH justice. Quote
Nekofrog Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 I really, REALLY fucking despise the fact that they had to muck around with the characters and make the protagonist a woman. "OOH IT'S A WOMAN PEEPLE WILL BUY MORE TIKKETS BCUZ WIMMAN R VUNLERABLE". Fucking Hollywood. Fucking Konami for letting them do this. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 Harriet? If they named her Harriet..that would of been too fucking funny.. What are we gonna name the sequel's heroine "Jamie?" Quote
Raenok Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 I really, REALLY fucking despise the fact that they had to muck around with the characters and make the protagonist a woman."OOH IT'S A WOMAN PEEPLE WILL BUY MORE TIKKETS BCUZ WIMMAN R VUNLERABLE". Fucking Hollywood. Fucking Konami for letting them do this. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 I'm guessing you have to sign up to download those tracks, huh? Maaaan... No, Broken Notes is available for FREE and are immediately downloadable. I am not in anyway way aware of a membership required to download tracks and have already done so without signing up for anything. Come on, give me some credit. I posted that when I tryed to download them and a small window popped up asking for a login and password... it's not showing up now, guess something was going wrong when I tryed. I didn't know Prymid Head was SH3! I think you are confusing Vatiel with The Red Pyramid Thing. Vatiel and The Red Pyramid Thing are related to each other, but are not the same thing. Previous posts have been made on this topic, but if you still have questions feel free to ask. If I have assumed wrong and you are not confusing Vatiel and The Red Pyramid Thing, then you should realize that the music videos are montages of all four games, with FMV photage used throughout. What I was reffering to was a part of the video "Inner Fears", there was a scene where Heather was on the ground all bloody and was being dragged away. When I first watched it, the person dragging her away looked alot like Prymid Head, at least the waist down did. Now that you said that, I watched it again and saw that in didn't have a Prymid-Head. Another thing, I never saw this in SH3, and I've been through it twice. I'm assuming it's something that happens when you die? Cause that's something I didn't do much unless it was an instant death scene (train, roller coster etc.). Quote
ifirit Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 This video report is not likely to be hosted on Konami's site for much long, so make sure you see it before too long.Anyway, I also thought I'd provide a spoiler-free version of the synopsis to the movie plot for those interest with having anything given away. I apparently seem to be having a bad grammar day. (They seem to keep coming as the days progress.) I'm assuming it's something that happens when you die? Cause that's something I didn't do much unless it was an instant death scene (train, roller coster etc.). Just die by monster in any of the parts of the Alternate Reality. You have a one in six chance of getting the Vatiel "Rebirth Ending." It's not really an ending, but it is sorta since Heather gets reborn afterwards. It's kinda hard to explain. I really, REALLY fucking despise the fact that they had to muck around with the characters and make the protagonist a woman. "OOH IT'S A WOMAN PEEPLE WILL BUY MORE TIKKETS BCUZ WIMMAN R VUNLERABLE". Fucking Hollywood. Fucking Konami for letting them do this. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters. Where the hell did you two come from?! *Lights a holy candle and curls up in the corner* Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. On a serious note, Roger Avary was the one who wrote the script, so any and all complaints about the plot can be directly aimed towards him. Second, having the story centered around a female lead does not go against the grain of a Silent Hill story. So far there have been two females as leads in the games (Heather in SH3 and Cybil in the Silent Hill: Play Novel). Letter C, because the main character will be female, don't assume that she is automatically more vulerable than a male protagonist would be. (Actually, quite the opposite. Few female characters from the games have been played as vulernable. In those few cases that were, they did so to manipulate another character. Plus, a certain male protagonist can be considered much more vulernable than any female character in the game.) Delta, the contexts in which the main character is female and the resulting reasons have yet to be presented, so do not rush to conclusions. I have confidence in Team Konami and in Davis Films. Please show some faith. Also, for anyone hoping for Silent Hill 2 to be made into film form, please watch "Betty Blue." Well, my friend and I have been working on an original Silent Hill radio drama thing. While the script isn't close to being finished we did manage to whip up a nice little trailer. Silent Hill Trailer We'd really appreciate any comments, feedbacks, ideas, ect ect. Our Silent Hill RP webpage Our RP production page Hopefully we will be able to do SH justice. Interesting intro on the trailer. Different than what I've heard before. I can see some references peeking through. (Born from a Wish, anyone?) Unfortunately, the voice acting needs to be tightened. The main character's voice is a little bland (contains few vocal embelishments) and it really sounds staged during the line "Is anybody... here." Sorry, but the voice sounds too much like a high school stage production. The dialogue also needs to given a thorough scrub-down as some lines are both repetative and unnatural-sounding. I seriously would think about rewording the line "This has to be a dream. But, why... why am I so scared?" It's much too cliche' for my tastes. Although, I do want to compliment you on the great job of music and background sound effects. I see some potential to be a really good fan-fiction work. If it helps, use the Kyodan works made for Silent Hill 4 by Akira Yamaoka for inspiration. (Mind the fact that they are not in English, but take the tone of the reading from it.) Just make sure to give the script a close review and revision and to do multiple takes when recording. On a personal note, (maybe its just due to a lack of a script or full context, but) I'd like to see the story taken in a sightly different direction. I've seen too many takes on the "I don't remember how I got here" plot from fan-fictions. I suggest that as you write the script to consider what you want the audience to get out off this drama after the writing is complete. Think about where you are starting from, both as the writer and as if you were an audience member. Think about the steps that you have to take to reach the desired goal (what is to be paid off from listening). Let someone else read (out loud) the script before recording to make sure it sounds right. This helps especially if the reader doesn't know what the work is. It helps in knowing where to clearify, if the work flows well, if it makes sense and if you ultimately reach your point/twist/philosophy/ect. If I sound snobby, it's just to make sure you not only work hard, but work smart. Peace, love and good luck! Quote
McCorvic Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 Well, my friend and I have been working on an original Silent Hill radio drama thing. While the script isn't close to being finished we did manage to whip up a nice little trailer. Silent Hill Trailer We'd really appreciate any comments, feedbacks, ideas, ect ect. Our Silent Hill RP webpage Our RP production page Hopefully we will be able to do SH justice. Interesting intro on the trailer. Different than what I've heard before. I can see some references peeking through. (Born from a Wish, anyone?) Unfortunately, the voice acting needs to be tightened. The main character's voice is a little bland (contains few vocal embelishments) and it really sounds staged during the line "Is anybody... here." Sorry, but the voice sounds too much like a high school stage production. The dialogue also needs to given a thorough scrub-down as some lines are both repetative and unnatural-sounding. I seriously would think about rewording the line "This has to be a dream. But, why... why am I so scared?" It's much too cliche' for my tastes. Although, I do want to compliment you on the great job of music and background sound effects. I see some potential to be a really good fan-fiction work. If it helps, use the Kyodan works made for Silent Hill 4 by Akira Yamaoka for inspiration. (Mind the fact that they are not in English, but take the tone of the reading from it.) Just make sure to give the script a close review and revision and to do multiple takes when recording. On a personal note, (maybe its just due to a lack of a script or full context, but) I'd like to see the story taken in a sightly different direction. I've seen too many takes on the "I don't remember how I got here" plot from fan-fictions. I suggest that as you write the script to consider what you want the audience to get out off this drama after the writing is complete. Think about where you are starting from, both as the writer and as if you were an audience member. Think about the steps that you have to take to reach the desired goal (what is to be paid off from listening). Let someone else read (out loud) the script before recording to make sure it sounds right. This helps especially if the reader doesn't know what the work is. It helps in knowing where to clearify, if the work flows well, if it makes sense and if you ultimately reach your point/twist/philosophy/ect. If I sound snobby, it's just to make sure you not only work hard, but work smart. Peace, love and good luck! Thanks for the feedback. A lot of what you said does ring true after reading your post. It's so hard to get honest feedback these days, ya know? Just to let you know that we will continue to be changing the script, plot, characters, ect. We also hope to find a better voice actor (as you have noted, I'm not the best). Hey, maybe you'd be interested? Heh. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Just got the Dog Ending in SH2... Two things... 1. I must find the song that plays durning the credits. 2. WTF DOES JAMES SAY?! ARGH, I had the subtitles off and I didn't save since I left the hospital. EDIT: Nevermind, a stop at GameFAQs does one good. Quote
Raenok Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 ]I really, REALLY fucking despise the fact that they had to muck around with the characters and make the protagonist a woman. "OOH IT'S A WOMAN PEEPLE WILL BUY MORE TIKKETS BCUZ WIMMAN R VUNLERABLE". Fucking Hollywood. Fucking Konami for letting them do this. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters. Where the hell did you two come from?! *Lights a holy candle and curls up in the corner* Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. You may remember me as Raenok. I have visited this thread numerous times. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 I really, REALLY fucking despise the fact that they had to muck around with the characters and make the protagonist a woman."OOH IT'S A WOMAN PEEPLE WILL BUY MORE TIKKETS BCUZ WIMMAN R VUNLERABLE". Fucking Hollywood. Fucking Konami for letting them do this. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters. That reminds me of Milla J ,from the RE movies :vomit: Quote
Kiyosuki Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 I really, REALLY fucking despise the fact that they had to muck around with the characters and make the protagonist a woman."OOH IT'S A WOMAN PEEPLE WILL BUY MORE TIKKETS BCUZ WIMMAN R VUNLERABLE". Fucking Hollywood. Fucking Konami for letting them do this. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters. That reminds me of Milla J ,from the RE movies :vomit: Aw yeah, Silent Hill XTREME ! Oh and Eric-Jon at Insert has a very interesting viewpoint of the purpose of Silent Hill 4's storyline, and how it was supposed to scare you. Quote
Tranquil Chaos Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 At the beginning of SH4, Henry says he's been trapped in his apartment for something like 2 weeks. Very clearly in the introduction, the story says, "Henry has been locked in his room for 5 days." Oh yeah! Me and my shitty memory... Quote
ifirit Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 1. I must find the song that plays durning the credits. Well, if you're still looking for the Dog Ending Song, you can find it on the Sound of Silence. (Go to the Silent Hill 2 section and look under Rare Tracks.) If you really want, I can even tell you the name of the song that plays during the Dog Ending. It's "Shinukana Hibi No Kaidan" by Dragon Ash. [/showing off] You may remember me as Raenok. I have visited this thread numerous times. Oh yeah. Sorry, I didn't really notice the name change. It just seemed a little too convenient that after making a post about the movie, people would start jumping on board. Sorry for jumping to that conclusion, but I thought it was funny anyway. Oh and Eric-Jon at Insert has a very interesting viewpoint of the purpose of Silent Hill 4's storyline, and how it was supposed to scare you. I really liked the way that he worded the article. It really made me want to finish reading the whole thing. The comparison he made between real life and the game, where it becomes a metaphor for coping with real life and how we try to escape our responsibilies when we become disconnected with the world outside. It's really great how he wrapped the two ideas together. I just wished that he didn't realize this point so soon and stopped writing. I would have liked to have read more. I'm not sure I entirely get the metaphor for peeping, though. Maybe I said it before, but the game does reference Hitchcock. I think it's when you look at the picture of the South Ashfield Apartment Complex in the Living Room sometime late in the game. But, I also got that feeling from the atmosphere. Like the author said, "it's more bizarre than frightening." Which I didn't get the first time I played the game, because I was expecting a more similar atmosphere of isolation and terror. But, that's what's great about the series: you never get want you expect. I also think it's funny that he references Shenmue 2 in the article since partically every voice actor from SH2 was also a voice actor for Shenmue 2. EDIT: Hey kids, it's time for another episode of everyone's favorite game... Silent Hill Movie Update: - Rumor Seems we have another leak involved in the filming of the Silent Hill Movie. On the GameFAQ forums, since The Instrument of GAWD sort of lead me there, it seems one of the actors from the Resident Evil Movies (Zombie) is auditioning for a monster role in the new Silent Hill movie. Though she was willing to give out any and all information, she didn't really have much too say. You can read her posts here, but I'll summerize what she wrote. Earlier this evening my agent called to tell me I have an audition as a monster for the movie based off silent hill. I have never played any of the silent hill games and I am wondering if anyone could give me some info or tips on what the general monster acts like in silent hill. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.....thanks!P.S. Watch for me in the up coming "Land of The Dead".. I play three different zombies! I leave for my audition in about an hour. Casting seems really secretive about the details of this movie, because they haven't faxed any sides for me to memorize. They seem to want really skinny and flexible people to play this part. I'm sorry I don't have any juicy gossip to tell other than I'm from toronto ,so it could possibly be filmed in canada. I should go and warm up. I will let everyone know how my audition went when I get back! Thanks again! All the links were an extreme help! I think I have a good chance because I've been in a few horror movies. You can also find me in the horrible Resident Evil 1 and 2 plus the remake of Dawn of the Dead.(Its seems like Toronto is a hot spot for the horror genre) My audition went really well! The audition consisted of me convincing them I could move very corps-ish/zombie-like, mixed with a slight seductive slither. They didn't have me read anything but instead they had me moan and groan, it was a lot of fun! I should hear from them if I get the part within three days. Thanks again! First of all I found out about my audition at 11:00 pm, which was just a short period before I posted my topic(that's why I was so desperate for tips), secondly I'm a she not a and lastly my agent called me two hours ago to tell me I have the part!!! yay! She also informed me that they will probably use me to play various creatures in the movie(I may not even be playing a woman). Although this is a principal role, I won't be playing the lead monster. Later this week they will fax my agent the contract and I won't be able to talk about the movie until its release. But In my opinion this movie won't be something to brag about anyway..hopefully I'm wrong! I don't know the monsters names.. but they look creepy! the makeup will involve lots of heavy latex. They tested me to see if I was allergic to latex because the parts require me to wear a lot! most of my body will be covered. Oh i would bet that one of the characters I play will be a zombie.. I'm always a Thanks again!!!!! I found out I could end up being a daily which means everything I film could be finished in a 16 hour work day. I like being a daily, you get in, get out and have a nice chunk of change for a single days work. Plus if they need you for anything else they keep you on call. I find most of the horror movies I've been in have used this system for a lot of their actors. Its tends to be cheaper for productions because they don't have to worry about outrageous demands from an actors long term contract or fancy accommodations either. You wouldn't believe the crap some actors pull when negotiating their contracts...its not like I'm a lead, or a movie star. I'm just a 19 year old girl that works as a executive assistant when I don't have a gig. Trust me, this part isn't going to make me famous..its just going to be one thing I add to my resume. I'll really have to push my movement training to the limits! This will be a perfect chance for me to show what I can do with my body! Hi everyone! I signed my contract today..that means I am not allowed to disclose any specific details from this point on about the movie(which is normal). It also said as a daily my part isn't guaranteed to make the final edit.... but I'm not going to let that I would also like to apologize if I offended anyone by saying this part isn't much or that the movie might not be so hot. As an actor you brace yourself for the worst and let success and fame be a surprise or after thought. With the amount of rejection in this business it wouldn't be healthy to dream up false hopes. The regular rate for landing parts while starting out in this business is one in fifty, so staying level headed is a must! I suggest if anyone is interested in acting (and you live near L.A., Vancouver, New York or Toronto) join a background agency. Its a great job to see if you're really interested in the acting business! Just remember this business is not glamorous! The average work day is 15 hours long and the respect for actors doesn't come until you have really made a name for yourself. of my friends has a silent hill game and she is going to bring it to my house so we can play it. I'm not sure which one it is but I'm willing to play any of them! [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator] All the posts following this are just basically her arguing with the other forum members about the validity of her claim. Personally, I believe her, but until she can present some proof, I'll have to file this under "Rumors." - Story: Filming Location However, it also seems that there is some proof in her claims because there is news that coincides with the one above which says that the Silent Hill movie is filming in Canada. Although, the film is using an alias. The alias is "Centralia" and has set its location in Brentford, Ontario, Canada. A local news article was published about this that places the Silent Hill movie by Davis Films as the same as Centralia. (Hopefully, this is only an alias since I think Centralia is a horrible name and detracts from the Silent Hill brand name.) Well, perhaps you'd like to take a tour of Brantford before filming takes place. Brantford is located appoximately 20 miles southwest of Lake Ontario. Its townspeople lovingly refer to it as the "Telephone City." While there, the film crew will be treated to the lavish two-star accommodations provided by the Holiday Inn located on Colbourne St. Or if the crew wants a break, they can take in one of the many events and activities held at the Civic Center. Or maybe get some exercise at the Wayne Gretzkey Aquaic Center the same way Canada's finest athlete did. (Swimming is fun!) Or quite possibly visit the Brentford's world-famous dike. (You know that's always fun, eh?) Hey, they can even see Inspector Anderson of the Brantford police "wait for the meat" in the community section of the Brantford Police page. If they feel lucky, they might try out the Charity Casino. (Sorry kids, Daddy gambled away all his money for charity.) If they get hungry, they can always stop by The Olde School Restaurant which features piano music daily. Located on the corner of Queen and Colbourne St. is a metal cutting factory that services many subway manufacturers (ooooohhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhh). However, if anything should happen to the crew (heaven forbid) and they wish to be cremated, they can get buried in Brantford's very own Columbarium, a freestanding, above-ground structure with recesses in the walls (to house urns) for the perpetual care of cremated remains. (How sweet.) Or maybe you'd like to take up residence there. I hear the Brentford Fire Department is looking for a Control Room Operator. So, congradulations Davis Films, you next project will be filmed in a dump. (I'm so happy. *Wipes tear*) Quote
Raenok Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 You may remember me as Raenok. I have visited this thread numerous times. Oh yeah. Sorry, I didn't really notice the name change. It just seemed a little too convenient that after making a post about the movie, people would start jumping on board. Sorry for jumping to that conclusion, but I thought it was funny anyway. No hard feelings. And as for the movie, Silent Hill was a dump the first time we saw it. Quote
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