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Then go hunt down the original picture. I'm sure some of the Silent Hill fansites out there must have it by now. Sefiros, what are you bitching about?


Anyways, could we go into discussion whether it's really

her or not? If its not her, it may be a fellow officer that went missing, and Cybil went to SH to find him/her.

A sacrifice to Alessa maybe?


You know... that could have been preceded by a possible Spoiler Warning.

It was in a press release. I figured you people would've seen it by now.

Yeah, I personally don't care about spoilers and all that. I just know that some people are trying to avoid as much information about the movie as possible and, since this a general Silent Hill thread, and not a movie specific one, they may find what they're not looking for.

That said, Cybil is a dispensable character, really. Her death might add more to the story than her living ever could.


So I just finished a graphic design assignment in which we had to create a webpage for ourselves.

The only reason I would post that here is if it had some relevance.

There are some definite improvements I could have made to the entire thing, most notably the home page fonts (they are too simple), but I just ran out of time on the assignment. If I had another week, I ould have gone back in and tuned up everything so it was more cohesive.

Hopefully it shows up on PCs alright; I designed it using Dreamweaver on a Mac.

So...yesterday I HAD to write a sonnet, and...it just ended up being about silent hill...which was slightly embarrassing in my poetry class, but a little less embarrassing here.

Each moment that I feel the skin peel off,
I will savour the taste of iron and salt.
Running blood in my mouth comes out in coughs,
dissolving on my tongue, as sick’ning malt.

In my eyes, I can feel tears filled with salt,
commingling with the flow of blood outside.
These tears, the blood, they’re mine. They are my fault.
My guilt has led me to this place to hide.

It’s from this guilt- the crimes I’ve kept inside-
that this world comes, attacking me with dread.
Denying my own past, I fought and tried
to kill the mem’ries of those wronged and dead.

For now, I am haunted by those I’ve killed,
until fog swallows me in Silent Hill.

Alright, I'm not sure about this, but I think that's no sonet. A sonet has a very strict structure: 4 Verses, 4 verses, 3 verses, 3 verses. Thats 4,4,4,2. Also, it has a equally strict ryhme structure. It's supposed to be:















And this one is: ABAB ABAB ABAB CC

That's the original sonet, created in Europe. I don't know if there are variations to it, but I'm pretty sure there aren't. Also, I think the metric isn't right. It's supposed to be decasyllabic.


Actually, the ABBA pattern that you're thinking of is in the Petrarchan sonnet (Italian sonnet), not the English (Shakespearean) sonnet that Aetherius wrote. His is really a sonnet. Do I have to say sonnet again?


Oh right, sorry then. I thought it was always the same... Well, my portuguese teacher said they were strict, so I thought there was only one type of sonnets... Oh well, carry on then.

Actually it's a spenserian sonnet, not a shakespearian.

Ah! I just noticed that as well. Eterea led me to believe his rhyme pattern was ABAB ABAB ABAB CC - though it actually follows the spenserian. Good show!


Pyramid is part of the town's mythology insofar as he existed in the past as an executioner, but seeing as he was conjured by JAMES's emotions, I would say he has no place in the world of Silent Hill 1, as none of the characters really have any guilt to feel. Harry/Rose are just parents looking for their children, not tortured souls who did something unpleasant. Furthermore, the lack of pyramid head in any other Silent Hill Game than 2 so far indicates to me that while he is part of the town's history, he is only there because James is aware of him, and applies it to his other-world, not because he exists inherently in the 'otherworlds' of silent hill.


The red Pyramid executioner was a real person...or figure at least. Thats why you see the paintings and hear stories about him/her/it in the other games. But the thing is, is that the Red Pyramid was just the cult's executioner garb. The Pyramid Head itself is a fabrication of James'...how it managed to take the form of the Pyramid executioner when James didn't have any prior experience with the cult is a matter of speculation. I personally like to think that somehow he heard stories about it and was horrified at the thought of such an evil sounding person...and thus his worst fears (his guilt) took the form of the most hideous thing he could think of.

That or it was just the work of Samael somehow...but Pyramid Head is a product of James' mind. Although the idea of someone else coming across something similar...like Rose in the upcoming film isn't that too far fetched since the image itself is based off of real people. It'd be like if I imagined a monster that looked like a Klu Klux Klan member....based off of a real person/people but the monster itself is something from my mind that just took the shape of something I find hideous.

I coulde've swore that there are references to Pyramid Head in "The Room".

Also, aren't there 2 Pyramid Heads in SH2. And that Jimmy Stone, wore a Triangle shaped hood, is infact Pyramid head(?).

There are indeed.

The "red devil" that is the 01/21 is supposed to have been a pyramid head, I think. The mention him being in the ceremonial robes and wearing the triangle 'hood'.

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