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Veteran Gamer Poll #11

What is your philosophy when playing a game (adventure game, fps, or rpg)? Do you hone your skills, hoard items, and/or level up so that every fight is an easy one? Or do you sprint headlong into the fray?

Certain games make extensive use of stealth, diminishing opportunities for reckless heroism (Beyond Good and Evil, the Metal Gear series, Splinter Cell, Second Sight, etc.). Let's leave those out of the equation. Think of games that give you a choice. For example, my battle cry for Zelda 1 was "Fight to the death!" and was particularly inspiring when entering a locked room of Darknut knights. Granted, I could have taken my time and snuck up on each of them, but rampaging through the dungeon was that much more fun. Heck, you could even say that dashing through a Mario or Sonic game is pretty dangerous (and requires some sweet skills to do with precision).

So, back to the topic, what is your general strategy?

a. Chaaaaarrrge!

b. It took some time, but now I can crush every foe with epic ease.

c. A healthy mix.

Vote and be heard! PM me for anything else (except legal advice).


I would say C. It usually depends on the situation. Sometimes it's fun to head into the fray, other times you need to be much more cautious to stay alive. There are some games where I find myself resorting to hit and run tactics.



It definitely is more fun to me to do both, because some games evoke different responses in order to get the most enjoyment. In an RPG it is often more fun to overwhelm a boss because your character is so high. In a hack and slash, it's more exciting to rush a group of enemies and depend on your skills to keep you alive (especially fun if you're a stud and no one can touch you 'cause your so damn good.)

I don't think there can be one answer for all games.


It depends on the game, but mostly A. All of Bethesda's games (Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3, etc.) I rarely have a plan that doesn't involve brutally murdering everyone. I can't play games like MGS because I get too impatient and just end up going Rambo and getting shot. Halo kind of forces me to be a little less reckless, but I still spend too much time dodging bullets and taking damage while I'm slaughtering everyone. Even in Super Smash Bros I'm pretty damn aggressive, I don't spend too much time evading.

In general, A. Especially when it comes to sidescrollers.

Thank you! I totally concur.

I was thinking I should have left option C out as a general/overall philosophy, but you could be middle-of-the-road. Personally, I tend to run into the heat of battle in most games, which is why I don't do so great in fighting or FPS titles.

It totally depends on the game.


I like to run through rpgs, I'm always sure to maintain a good stock of potions and status heals and what not. But there's a real sense of accomplishment when you manage to trudge through difficult boss battles because you are under leveled. Also it's faster, and the less random battles I have to sit through the better.

It does depend on the game though. I recently ran through Chrono Trigger, and it wasn't too difficult just soaring through it. But then again when I play something like Dragon Warrior 7, I'm forced to sit back and grind.

I guess I would have to vote A, with healing items. :<

But there's a real sense of accomplishment when you manage to trudge through difficult boss battles because you are under leveled. Also it's faster, and the less random battles I have to sit through the better.

All excellent reasons for option A, in my opinion. I squeaked my way through Earthbound and Secret of Mana but stopped at the end because I would have had to countless battles to beat the game. So maybe it backfired...

And I agree that Chrono Trigger is pretty easy at high speed, especially if you manage properly. A game which forces you to take it slow: Final Fantasy I... or II... or III...

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